Chapter Six

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The next few days past by quickly for Quinn. Her life was changing for the better. she may have been grounded until Thursday, but she didn't care. Sure she had another argument with fraser, but that was just him thinking he owned the place. he took the tv remote away from her when she was sat in the lounge watching something. he turned the channel over after he tried to make Quinn jump for the remote, but she wouldn't do that. it's a pride thing. Anyway apart from that Quinn had one argument or shall we say disagreement with David, but that's done and forgotten.

At the moment Quinn is upstairs in her room and it's finally friday! The worst week of her life is finally over and her and Lottie are getting ready in her room. she is ungrounded and she already informed her father of her plans tonight to avoid a repeat of the other day. Fraser was at a party with Lottie's sister and they went together. David is minding his own business on his laptop. probably writing. noah was somewhere and their father was going to be home soon.

Lottie was sat at Quinn's desk.. well dressing table because that was what she used it for. she was putting some lip gloss on whilst Quinn was getting dressed into her swim wear. She had put on a plain white bikini top and plain black bottoms. she was just putting on a plain light pink beach dress and her flip flops. Lottie however was wearing a light pink pink bikini and a white each dress that was a bit different than Quinn's.

Lottie looked across at the clock on the bedside table. she could just make out the time. "it's seven thirty already, we had best get going." Quinn nodded. "leave in fifteen?" Lottie continued.
"Yes, come on let's get downstairs. I'm thirty."

The two of them left her room and continued towards the kitchen. when they arrived Quinn took two coke cans out of the fridge and the both sat down at the island. lottie looked at Quinn. "So?" She said smiling excitedly, expecting Quinn to say something. "so what?" Quinn asked confused in what her friend was intending. "so... you and Ethan?" Quinn shrugged.
"What do you mean?" Lottie gave her a look and soon responded "Quinn. we know each other quite well now.....i mean between you and Ethan! I know he likes you and I can tell you like him. in not blind!" Quinn smiled.

Little did the two of them know was when Lottie said her last words noah walked in. hearing 'I know he likes you and I can tell you like him'. Noah smirked. "someone likes you?.... You like him?" Noah teased. Quinn turned around knowing that if he knew who it was he may tell them. Her eyes widened. she was almost frightened. "whatever you heard it doesn't concern you!" She snapped and Noah walked over to join the girls. He continued to smile....well evilly. he put his arm around her. "No need to go all defensive. aw my baby sister is growing up." He smirked. Quinn looked embarrassed.

She doesn't know him well enough to know what he will do or say in this situation. they were definitely getting closer to having full conversations that weren't yelling at each other. Even him just putting his arm around her and calling her his sister and even teasing her. it was like it should of been. She didn't think much of there small talk it wasn't a big deal anymore. of course Fraser and Quinn still weren't getting along, but they were better than before. David and Quinn were getting along a bit better. he definitely wasn't pushing her in corridors which is actually quite out of character for him. they talked, but nothing got heated for now.

"Noah! I've always grown up you idiot. ever since I arrived actually." she was irritated. Noah still had his arm around her, but it didn't bother her that much....good sign perhaps? "Who likes you then? Who do you like back?" He continued to persist. she gave him a 'if looks could kill you, you'd be dead by now' look. he smirked at her. "even if I did tell you, you wouldn't know him!" She said happily knowing that now she had a chance to get out of it. "Exactly so what would it matter? You can tell me his name and then I can't go running to embarrass you because I don't even know the guy." shit I just put my self right in it, Quinn thought to herself. "his name is Ethan. he's good looking too." Lottie told her dear sweet irritating brother. now Quinn took the death look and worked it on Lottie. "What he doesn't know the guy! We're in year eight and Noah's in year ten? Who does he even know in year eight?" Lottie said as if noah wasn't even there. "Thanks Lottie! But Fraser might or David and you knew who the three of them were before you even knew me." Lottie bit her lip but then formed a smile. "yes because there's only one noah rivers, Fraser rivers and you get it! I haven't said his last name and there's more than one Ethan!"

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