Chapter eighteen

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They had a late dinner that night because they got home quite late. quinn was now in her room and Fraser was with her. they were both getting ready for bed, but they couldn't use the bathroom because it was
In use. "are you done yet? Can I turn around?" Fraser asked because he was already dressed. "no."
"It doesn't matter, I am your brother."
"No ew. you pervert!" She snapped.
"Oi, don't say that it's rude and frankly offensive. you know we probably had baths together when we were little."
"That is not a memory I want to even think about!" She said.
"I'm turning around I want to go on my phone. I don't care your my sister it doesn't matter." he turned around, but luckily for quinn she had
Just finished. "your so lucky I was done." she warned.
"Whatever." he said and lied down on his bed and went on his phone. quinn rolled her eyes and picked up a book on the bedside table. "book worm." he muttered.
"Technology addict." she muttered back.

Suddenly the door burst open and Zach and noah came in. "are look at you two! Trying to relax and why the hell are you reading a book?" Said Zach.
"I like to read." Quinn simply said.
"You and David definitely are brother and sister." Zach replied and noah laughed.
"Well do you guy what to watch a film in the lounge with everyone else?" Noah asked. quinn and Fraser looked at each other. "okay yes."fraser answered for the two them. Fraser stood up and so did quinn. They headed for the door when Fraser flicked her hear and ran off down the stairs. "ouch! I'm going to get you back!" She shouted after him and ran down the stairs. noah and Zach looked at each other and laughed.

When noah and Zach entered the lounge they found Fraser and Quinn sat next to each other flicking each others ears. "ouch!" Quinn screeched. then Quinn flicked him back. "Ow." he said and he flicked her back again. "ouch!" She screeched again that the door burst open and George came in. "is everything alright? What's wrong ?" He said.
"Fraser keeps flicking my ear!" She said.
"You flicked mine aswell." Fraser defended. George shook his head. "Fraser don't hurt your sister. quinn don't annoy your brother and please don't screech. Fraser remeber your tall and bigger than her. just the pair of you stop it." he said saying one thing then the other. quinn and Fraser sighed. "fine...."
"Good now we will be in the garden if you need us and don't put anything too old on, especially for Quinn."
"Dad I'm thirteen." she said.
"I mean it. nothing older than a fifteen."
Then George left the room.
"But your thirteen?" Amber said confused she was aloud to watch it. "well your almost fifteen so your not old enough yet." noah said with a smirk.
"Oh shut up." she said.

Chris went over to the tv and put a film in. he put on the conjuring. "oh you've got to be kidding me!" Quinn mumbled. She saw Fraser look down on her and David and Noah's eyes on her. Fraser sniggered. "what's up?" Zach asked confused as him and noah went and sat on the sofa that david and Amber were a on. Clara came and next to quinn and Chris sat by Fraser as the film began. "oh nothing lets just watch the film." noah said trying not to laugh.
"You guys are weird!" Amber said.
"Believe me I know." quinn stated and because she did she got a nudge from fraser. "hey!" She said. "I'm only speaking the truth." she said with a smile and nudged him back. "ow!" Fraser said. Clara shook her head. "will you two just behave." they both nodded and Clara sighed.

As they got about to the first frightening part everyone was relaxed watching it. so far quinn was fine. they all had at least five popcorn bowls full to the very top. quinn had one of the bowls and passed it to clara. that was when something made quinn jump and she screamed. that made Clara jump, but luckily she didn't spill the popcorn every where. quinn leaned her head on Frasers shoulder and she brought the pillow she had on her lap closer to her. "what was that?" Clara asks.
"Yeah she does that." david said.
"God your worse than Amber!" Chris stated.
"Hey I'm not that bad!" Amber defended herself.
"She doesn't like horror movies." Noah told them.
"Hello, I'm right here. I can speak for myself." she said.
"Oh we thought you were preparing yourself for that thing that's standing behind you." Said fraser. quinn quickly turned around terrified. "that's not funny! Stop it." she pleaded.
"Whatever you say sis." Then Fraser put a hand on her and shook her. "boo!" He shouted making her jump out of the seat. "guys leave her alone." Clara said.
"It's funny though." Fraser stated.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." she said and walked out of the room. When she left Clara smacked Fraser hard on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?" He said.
"For being cruel. now shut up and watch the film." she replied.

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