chapter twelve

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when Friday came, quinn was now better and just had a caugh. her brother fraser had organised the party with the help of noah and david and Quinn had barely anything to do with it. Quinn didn't invite any of her friends. fraser didn't even ask her if she wanted to have even just lottie round. he kept her in the dark most of the time. of course like lottie had told her about her brothers was that they had plenty of friends. they were popular and according to others very handsome.

10:00pm and the house was filled with people. Quinn pushed her way through the people to make her way to the kitchen. the kitchen wasn't as full as the rest of the house. but it had around ten people in it. Quinn walked over to the side and grabbed a drink. someone came over and stood besides her. "don't you dare touch the alcohol. dad would kill me." she looked around to see david standing there. she smirked. "what if i want a shot? or a beer?" she teased. david didn't look impressed. "Quinn your too young. promise me, okay?" he questioned her. Quinn sighed and nodded. "don't worry dav, i wont. i promise." david gave a small nod and smiled, then walked away. he went and joined some friends.

Quinn walked out of the kitchen after she had a drink and left the empty cup on the side. she walked across from the kitchen and walked down the downstairs packed hallway. "can i have a word with you?" some deep voice asked her and before she could answer she was pushed into her empty fathers office. "what the hell do you think your doing." she says a she stumbled back and quickly stopped her self from falling by steadying her balance by using the desk for support. she looked up to see someone familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on who it was.

One step. Another step and one last step. the boy was just a meter away. the room was dark and the curtains were closed. all lights were out. the only light there was, was, was the faint light coming through the curtains, but it was dark outside. One lamp in the room was turned on, but the light was faint and flickering.

"What do you want?" She asked in a low whisper, too scared to speak. "I want you." he said taking a step closer to her. her eyes widened in fear. he was so close now. "well I don't want you." she said looking behind her, but she couldn't step away. the desk was stopping her. "well I want you." he said and leaned in to kiss her. she saw the face. she knew who it was. it was Lucas. She gasped, but before she could react his lips were pressed against hers and his arms were wrapped around her waist. she just stood there in shock. she could smell the alcohol.finally she snapped out of it and pushed him away. "getaway from me!" She screamed at him and ran towards the door. her hand was shaking and she was struggling to open it, but eventually she turned the Handel and ran out into the packed hallway.

Quickly she pushed through the people trying to stop her tears from falling. she finally got to the front door and left the house. as soon as she got down the drive she stood there crying in the street. she looked to her left and saw the lights were on in Lottie's house and went towards it, wiping her tears.

When she got there she knocked on the front door. "quinn?" A confused Lottie said. quinn hugged her and Lottie rubbed her back still confused. "what's wrong ?" Lottie asked her. quinn came apart and said "can I stay here tonight?" Quinn asked and Lottie nodded. Lottie stepped aside and let Quinn through the front door and then shut it.

The two of them went through to lotties lounge and sat down. "what's wrong quinn?" Lottie asked.
"It's him." Quinn let out. Lottie looked at her confused. "one of your brothers?" Quinn shook her head. "he forced me to kiss him and wouldn't let me go..." Quinn's voice trailed off as she spoke.
"Who was it? They didn't you know did they?" Lottie questioned.
"No I didn't let it get that far. I pushed him off me before....before he could do anything else." Quinn paused. " it was lucas....lucas fisher." Quinn let out. Lottie gasped.
"Oh my god Quinn! Isn't that Frasers bestfriend?" Quinn slowly nodded, she was still shaking. "oh quinn..." Lottie wrapped her arms around Quinn and pulled her into a hug.

Lotties mum walked into the room. "Lottie?" She said to her daughter wondering who the girl she was with was. "oh mum this is Quinn. You know mr rivers daughter that moved in next door?" Her mother easier her eye brows.
"Ah Quinn it's lovely to meet you. I'm emma." she said, but then continued. "Quinn honey. what wrong?" She questioned her. Lottie knew Quinn would hesitate to answer so she did it for her. "You know when Mr rivers goes away the boys always throw those massive parties. well it's Quinn's first one and it's just a bit overwhelming. mum can Quinn stay here tonight?"
"Yes of course honey. just make your self at home Quinn. your welcome any time." Quinn gave her a small smile and said "thankyou Mrs-"
"No, no. call me emma."
"Thankyou emma."
"Your welcome quinn. I will leave you two to your self."

When about an hour passed by the two of them had finished talking in the lounge by the fire and headed upstairs. Quinn borrowed some of lotties pjs and they watched a film on her tv, but then fell asleep.

Earlier the next morning Quinn had breakfast at lotties, but then got dressed and she headed back to her house. she walked up the front steps and went through the front door. when she got in their she looked at the clock on the wall. it was 12:30. Quinn's eyes widened.

"Quinn? Is that you?" Quinn ignored the voice that called for her. she just looked into through the open double doors of the office and the terrible memories of last night came back to her. she shivered and she slowly walked towards it and stood in the door way. she was now trembling. Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder and it made her jump. slowly she turned around with fear in her eyes, coming face to face with david.

"Quinn? What's wrong? Where were you. I went into your room and you weren't there and you disappeared last night. you didn't drink or anything did you?" Quinn had tears in her eyes. "what is it?" He continued.
"I stayed at lotties, but I can't talk about what happened before that again."
"Quinn? Tell me." she sighed.
"He forced me. he pushed me in there. then he forced me to kiss him. wrapping his arms around my waist, so I couldn't get away..."
"He didn't did he?" She shook her head.
"I pushed him away before he could." david sighed.
"Thank god. who that he'll was that bastard!?" David growled. "i-tt w-was l-lucas. lucas tried to get m-me alone. I think h-he was going t-to try a-a-and r-r-ra-pe me...." her voice stuttered. David had anger in his eyes. he gritted his teeth. he wrapped his arms around her and said "I'm sorry. I love you and I will make him pay." he said the last bit wasn't very soft compared to the first.

Fraser and noah came down the stairs. noah was holding his head. clear sign of a hangover, but Fraser looked just as bad. "who died?" Fraser joked. Quinn and David came apart and Quinn looked down to the ground. "Quinn what's wrong?" Noah asked. david took a few steps over to them and whispered something. instantly their faces turned to anger. "LUCAS that dick!" Fraser shouted. well I wonder if that friendship is gonna last.

Noah walked over to Quinn and wrapped her in a hug. "don't worry Quinn, no one will ever touch you like that again. we will make sure of it."quinn cried into his shirt .

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