2. The Creeps!

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The drive from the airport to Sam's house was pretty long

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The drive from the airport to Sam's house was pretty long. Particularly due to the heavy traffic. Finally we reached her home around 1 am or so. The neighbourhood was really quiet. We unloaded the luggages from the taxi, making sure not to disturb the silence of the night.

As soon as we entered the house, Sam threw the bags around, freeing herself. I followed her upstairs where I guess was her room. The room was pretty much neat without any dust which was suspicious. It was too clean to be a house without a residence.

"Good Night!", said Sam and jumped right onto the bed.

Within a few minutes, she was fast asleep but I wasn't anywhere near sleepy. The sun wasn't going to rise for a while now. And I had no idea on what to do. I could let my mind wander and pass the time, but I didn't want to. Not anymore. Exploring the room seemed like a better idea.

The room was very spacious and vacant, with the walls painted in black. Obviously! It's her favourite colour what else could I expect? It made the room look much darker, even with the night lamps switched on.

There was a dresser right next to the bed and a big portrait on the wall opposite to it. It was a picture of Sam with her parents. They all seemed really happy, especially Samantha. Probably because of her parents. She always seemed blissful when they were around, contrary to me.

Smiling, I walked towards the glass door that led to the balcony.
It didn't need a key to open it, just a lock. Lucky me!

Unlocking it, I went out. There wasn't any light in the nearby houses. I must be the only one awake at this hour, I guess. It felt so lonely, but not that I was new to it anyway.

The chill breeze hit me on my face, making me cold. My teeth began chattering and goosebumps surfaced on my skin. I went back inside and changed into warmer clothes.

There was a sound. Much like a muffled music, somewhere distant. It seemed to be coming from outside. Slowly I stepped into the balcony again, making sure I didn't wake up Sam.

There was a black car parked right in front of the house, with music blazing from it. The last time I checked, it wasn't there. I turned into my COP mode. It's a term I use whenever I became suspicious and alert about my surrounding.

Who knows it might just be the neighbour's car or someone looking for an address. But I can't risk it. Not now!

I tried to see if anybody was there. But the tree in front of it was blocking me. Maybe I could go downstairs and check directly.

Tiptoeing, I exited the room. As I was about to step down the stairs, there was a noise again. Not the music this time. It was the rattling of the door knob.
Shit! My suspicions were true. I need to act fast.

I crept into the room and tried to wake up Samantha in a whisper. I wasn't going to let whoever it was breaking in, know where I was by making noises. But she just wouldn't wake up. Shaking her body only made her change her side and sleep much deeper. But her face had a still expression. She looked more like a dead person than a sleeping one.

I was on my own now and there wasn't time to lose. Searching around, I found a vase by the dresser.

I took it and walked towards the railing of the stairs, hiding myself against the wall. Thank god there wasn't any lights on or else I would have been caught for sure. There was a loud thud and then heard a whisper.

"Shhh! She mustn't know that I'm here. Watch your step."

A shiver went down my spine when I recognised that it was a male voice, but it was too husky to guess whose it was. The other person with him must have tripped on the bag Samantha threw. Now that they were two, what am I going to do with a single vase? Stupid me!

They were heading upstairs. With every single step I heard, my heart began racing faster. It was ready to pop out any second.

Breathe, Catherine breathe. You can do this!

I told myself but really wasn't sure if I could. In a few seconds, I could feel a presence right in front of me. Ok this was my moment! I was either going to attack or get attacked. I prefer the first. Closing my eyes, I swinged the vase right at the person.

"Ouch! What the hell?!!" shouted he, falling on the ground.

The other person, who I guessed was a guy, pushed me against the wall. He clamped my throat blocking the air supply. It was sure to be crushed if he pushed any further. I struggled trying to get off from his hands, but he was much stronger than me.

"Man get up and turn on the lights!" shouted he, in a panicking tone rather than an angry one.

The lights were on, blinding my eyes. I struggled to get a clear view of the one trying to kill me. He was looking right into my eyes. The intensity in his eyes was increasing. It wasn't I-want-to-kill-you-right-now intensity.
It rather seemed like he was searching something; within me.

His expression softened as he realized I was choking and let go of my throat. I fell to the ground gasping for air.

"What the hell is happening here?" I heard Samantha shout. Way to go! I guess even if the whole building was to go down, that's how late she must have gotten up.

All three of us turned towards her at the same time.


Shouted she, in a surprised tone.



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