104. Because We're Going To Play Detective!

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This chapter is highly unedited towards the end. So forgive me for my tardiness.

This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to amazing2awesome  Welcome back!

I would like to dedicate this week's chapter toBinthSaleem KimBartolo5

Cath's POV:

"Catherine?" My  head jerked up at the sound of his voice. He looked different with a scruffy stubble lining his jaw and dark circles surrounding his eyes. "What are you doing here? What am I even asking?" He shook his head. "You're probably here for Brian. I'll go get him." He turned back to the long hallway he had come from.

"James." I stood up from the black chair in the hotel reception. "I didn't come here for him."

"Then who are you here for?" He frowned and put his hands inside his pocket. His gaze then hardened. "Did your boyfriend drop you here to show you off? If that's the case, I am in no mood for it. You can leave." He spat as if the words were poison on his tongue. A pang of guilt filled my heart.

"No, he doesn't know that I am here."

"Then what are you doing here?" He frowned.

I let out a heavy breath. Well here goes nothing. "I came here for you."

Silence. Silence that was louder than the sound of the buzzing people walking in and out of the hotel reception. "F-For." He cleared his throat, and tugged the shirt collar away from his throat. "For me?"

I nodded, and fiddled with the purse on my hand. "Yeah. I thought I should apologise."

"What for?"

"You know what for."

He nodded, and scanned my face for a few moments. I looked away from his gaze that made me feel guilty, like I was doing something wrong.

"Why? Last time I saw you, you didn't feel that I deserved it."

I sighed. I knew this would happen, but I had to do what I had to do. "Look, I am sorry for what happened the other day, but I am not apologising for what I said because everything I said that day was true. But the way I said it wasn't right, and I feel so bad for it. I was angry, and let out all my steam on you which wasn't right. I thought I should apologise for that and..."


"Brian is worried about you."

He rolled his eyes in an exaggerated manner. "Just when I thought we were genuinely getting somewhere!"

"James, I am not apologising for my brother. I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for hurting you. It was because I truly felt guilt for what happened. I would not have apologised if I didn't otherwise."

A bittersweet smile made up on his lips. "My Cathy would have."

My heart beat began racing again. This was becoming way too nostalgic and painful. "I-I a-am n-not y-your Cathy."

"I know." He wiped a tear off his eye. "I am glad. You seem happy now."

His voice felt so painful that it almost made me breakdown, after all I used to love him once and like Brian said, he was a good man who made a lot of mistakes. "Yeah." I sniffed. "I am."

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