118. Some Doors Are Best Left Unopened!

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See I am a good person! I am updating this first thing the morning, and Sorry pratishtha1811 I didnt go to Mars. Unfortunately, they didn't have any free tickets! Lol! But rather I was stuck with exams, and I have a lot more to come! So please tolerate my inconsistency as usual! Thank you all!
And as always this chapter is highly unedited! Read at your own risk!

This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to my best friend @AshmitaBalamurugan. Thank you so much for giving this story a try.! 😄😄

I would like to dedicate this week's chapter to @janeambaisi @Missnutcracker mehakbhargava

Daniel's POV:

"Shit!" Michael cursed as he pulled the phone off his ear for the fourth time, and gazed at the screen.

I sighed, and pressed my hand over his shoulder. "Come on, let's go." 

He nodded, and followed behind me as I guided him through the crowded hallway, out of the house, and into the brightly lit entrance. A couple making out in the corner, and a few girls giggling in another were the only people outside. Where could have Catherine possibly gone?

I sighed in worry as the thought of her running away somewhere in the dark only to be caught by Nathan made way into my mind. My body tensed up at the probability of it happening. No! I wouldn't let that happen.

Just as I was about to step into the driveway, a voice stopped us. "Hey, wait up!"

I turned around to find Blake, and Zoran run towards us, and I had to hold my hand up to stop him from falling over. "I knew you would save me!" Blake grinned before he pushed himself off me. "But I didn't need it anyway."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, we don't have time for this. We need to go find Cath."

"Yes! Come on let's go!" Blake marched past us, but I pulled him back by his collar.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To find Cath, and maybe take her on a date to the ice cream parlour after that if she had decided that she was done with Michael for embarrassing her like that. And for good this time!" He winked at Michael. "If you know what I mean. After all, I would make a better pair than you."

"Shut up!" Michael glared at him before he walked past us without another word.

Blake chuckled. "You think he actually thinks that? That I look better than him? I mean, isn't that the truth?"

That earned him a hit at the back of his head by Zoran.

"Ow!" Blake groaned. "What the hell was that for?"

"For being an idiot." Zoran barked. "Now let's just go."

He moved forward, but I blocked his way. "Stay."

"What? Why?" He frowned.

"I need you both to stay here, and look for Cath, and call me if she turns up."

"But that's boring!" Blake groaned.

"That's what you get for being an idiot. Now go ahead and search the perimeter. Michael and I will go search outside."

"Yes sir!" Blake saluted, and I marched off to the parking lot hoping that Michael hadn't left without me.


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