63. I Am Your Satan From Hell!

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Hey ya all! Did you hear that the Wattys are about to come by soon?! I am really excited!!! Are you?! I hope this info helps those who didnt know already. And wishing all the best to whoever might enter their work this year! I definitely am gonna do that for sure!

Okay moving onto cliffers of the week... {told you it might become a thing}! I here by pronounce matokielf  sanorita_22 and pratishtha1811 as the cliffers of the week! Your votes and comments were amazing. And as for the latter two of you, I am glad that you both love Michael and Zoran but unfortunately my sisters ShebaHanna and azeeba are like the guardian dragons in possession of them. So if you want them, you'll have to go pass these girls! *author hides under blanket*

Other than that I would like to dedicate this chapter to AkankshaGupta704 tarasha1 gungunshreya volcanic79 susan130 Allythecute1  arvindrashmi urvashi542 sofipinch_24 SeemaVishwakarma1 ! Thank you so much..

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even if you guys skipped my long ramble just take time for this. I need you guys to help me decide the cast for this story! I've got the main four figured out but need help for the rest! Mainly for our beloved Zoran And Blake!

So head over to the 'Casting Time' chapter which would be the last one and comment the person you would like to play those roles or you could even do it here! So thank you in advance cliffers!! 😘😘 Now here comes the story!

James POV:

I clutched my cell phone in my hand as I sat on the front door step. This was what I had been doing for the past month. Or more like ever since I received Catherine's photo and the idiot of my best friend promised to help me but was nowhere to be found. Where the hell had Karthik gone?

It has been about a month since he had disappeared and even Brian had gone to his hometown with his mom. Since nobody was with me, I didn't know what to do and the thought of Catherine with someone else made me go mad!

I know that I had no right to claim her as mine now but I can't help the feeling. And the picture of her with those two foreign boys was eating me alive. She never dared to speak with me before we were engaged unless it was absolutely necessary.

She didn't speak to Karthik and I as much Samantha did. After all we were her brother's closest friends and we lived in the same neighbourhood since childhood. But never did she lift her eyes from the ground.

And that's what I loved about her. She never knew the amount of heads that she made to turn in her direction. Neither was she a fan of it like most girls. These things took me back to the first time she spoke to me, not directly but still she did in a way.

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