109. Blake's Ready To Bake!

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I would like to dedicate this week's chapter to user88306216
Daniel's POV:

Just when I tried thinking of something I could say to get Sam away from here, Blake pulled the door open, and grinned at her. "Samantha Carina." He hugged her tight before I pulled him back. "Didn't expect bébé romantico to be back so soon. Missed me?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her with a flirtatious smile. I would have slapped his face if it weren't for the bigger problem hiding in our kitchen.

She chuckled, and shook her head. "Actually, I missed my home."

"You wound me Princesa!" He pouted, placing a hand over his heart, and for some reason, it made Sam laugh. I grimaced at the sight. How could girls find a sight so ugly to be so cute.

"No my prince, I was barely stating a fact." She winked, and took a step forward, but I blocked her way.

"Excuse us for a minute!" I closed the door, and pulled Blake aside. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to distract her of course!" He rolled his eyes. "Unlike you, I don't stand like a fish out of water."

"And how do you do that? By flirting with her?" I glared at him through narrowed eyes, hoping he would get the message that it was not okay, but Blake being Blake grinned at me.

"Of course! That, plus my beauty and charms added with a dash of Spanish, and Voila! Blake's ready to bake!"

I grimaced in disgust, and turned towards the door with the hopes of finding something to say that might make her walk away, but my eyes widened at the side of the door open. Shit! I turned around to find Sam stepping into the kitchen, the picture bringing an image of her, roasting my heart, and serving it in a plate of my own blood, and a dagger stabbed to it.

"Sam!" My heart beat rang in my ears as the view of Sam entering the kitchen registered in my mind in slow motion. I closed my eyes, waiting for impact. It wasn't the wisest choice considering Sam, since I wouldn't be able to deflect any object thrown at me with my eyes closed, but all I could hear was the shrill sound of her voice, calling my name.

I sighed, and walked into the kitchen, stopping a step behind her by the counter. "Look, I can explain."

She turned towards me with eyes that promised hell. "Yeah, explain to me how I leave you for one night alone in my house, and you create a whole mess out of it." She pointed to the milk spilt on the slippery marble floor.

I let out a breath in relief at the absence of Veronica, but it wouldn't last for long if I don't get Sam, or Veronica out of the house. Considering the situation, I would be much happier if both of them were out of here. My eyes slowly travelled along the walls, and cupboards of the kitchen, trying to figure the body camouflaged with the interior of the house.

"Oww!" My left cheek stung at the impact of a hand colliding with it.

"I am talking to you mister." Sam glared before she took a step towards me with eyes that scrutinised my face. Involuntarily I took a step back. Never in my life had I imagined to be scared of a girl so much. "Are you still drunk?"

I rolled my eyes, and walked past her with the pretence of cleaning the floor, when in reality I just wanted to check up for any body lying under the table. "You left me with an imbecile. What else did you expect?"

"Hey, I am not an imbecile!" He pouted, but then frowned. "Wait! What does that even mean? I am not it unless it means a super, hot gorgeous man which I am."

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