97. My Lips Taste Like Sweet Strawberries Topped On Whipped Cream!

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Did you guys actually think that I wasn't going to update today? *horror music* I'm wounded! Nah, I don't blame you if you did but here's the chapter for you!

This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to theonepassion

I would like to dedicate this week's chapter toakhilamuchharla4 danniellevip Abhishree23 Shellykara

Michael's POV:

"This is freaking amazing!" I muttered to myself and knocked the door impatiently for the second time. "How the hell did I do that?"

Well, it involves your lips being on hers minus having the brains to think about where you are or how she would feel. That's totally normal for a person like you anyway. So be calm and do something more stupid to break the record! Only you can do it! Yuhoo!

"Oh shut up!" I groaned loudly.

"Great! So you've completely lost your mind now? I was wondering when that stage would come! Come on! Let's get you to a hospital soon before the neighbours start complaining!" Sam grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the driveway.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny!" I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away from her grip, before marching off into the house and slumping down on the couch.

"I know right!" She grinned exaggeratedly and shut the door behind her. I stuck my tongue out to her before bending my head down and sighing exaggeratedly. A few seconds passed by and there was no sound anywhere. I lifted my eyes up to find that Sam was no where to be found.

"You have got to be kidding me." I muttered to myself and walked to the kitchen. There she was, with the headphones plugged in her ears as she danced and munched onto some can food. "Hello!!!" I screamed and waved my hands in front of her but she still pretended like I wasn't around.

"This is ridiculous!" I muttered to myself and walked around to her stool and pulled the headphones away from her ear. "Hey Give me that you moron!" She tried to grab it back, but I backed away. "Yeah, Yeah, let me see what's keeping you more interested than I do."

I plugged the earphones into my ear only to realise that there was absolutely nothing playing at all. I glared at her, but she still danced in her seat, munching on the fruit salad like she was still listening to music. "You're pretending like I am not there!"

"Still you don't seem to be disappearing any time sooner! Maybe I should try some black magic in here!" She kept dancing which was getting on my nerves.

"Can you just stop moving for a minute? It's annoying!"

"Oh yeah? How about you rip your whole face off? It's just as annoying!" She began moving her arms around more animatedly and jerked her body on her seat. At that moment, my leg seemed to 'accidentally' hit her uplifted legs, which made her lose balance and fall off the stool in a rather ungracious manner.

I tried to hide my smile at the sight of her shocked reaction and covered my mouth with my hands, but it was not working. Who was I kidding? I let out a howl of laughter at the sight of her sprawled figure, and pained face lying on the floor. It made me laugh even more till she glared at me with those evil eyes, and boy was it scary!

I immediately shut up and crouched down to help her up. I kind of did feel bad, but not so much. It was definitely worth seeing her in pain. I grinned all the while trying to help her but she lifted herself up, all the while glaring at me.

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