78. Why Does Love Have To Be A Confusing Mess?

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I thought of not updating but then I really wanted to. And oh, I have 10 more minutes before Wednesday ends. So I am definitely on schedule. *wink wink* So here's to you guys..! And this week's bugger of the week is as usual our very own blissfuldreamer17 ! It's because of you that I managed to update today even with my exams tomorrow. 😂

I hope you do you exams well and also like this chapter.

And this week's dedication goes to mhiznora BeatriceMensah123
fighting_love Iftasham LindaWhite8
user74514130 brokenvisible JasmineB544 user79722083

Sam's POV:

I felt happy. Not too much that I was grinning and excited about everything but at the same time not too less that it was becoming depressing. I was somewhere in between where I felt content of existing in this moment. That's how it felt to be laying on top of the car bonnet, with Michael beside me as we gazed up at the glittering golden stars scattered about the sky.

I sighed in contentment, forgetting about everything for a moment. Like Michael had promised me, we never spoke about all the mess in our lives. We simply drove through the night and stopped at a lonely supermarket by the side of the highway road.

We loaded the trunk of the car with necessities that included two tubs of ice cream, a lot of chocolates, a few packets of chips and a huge chocolate ganache cake just in case the above items weren't filling enough. And of course I made Michael pay for it. He had a trunk load of money he spent on things that were more unimportant than a bag full of garbage.

So it wasn't necessarily bad making him pay for charity for a change such as feeding an innocent hungry soul, a.k.a myself. And it wasn't an easy case either. I had to bribe him with my innocent puppy dog look and my own sob story of how sad I was. And like every time it worked like a charm even though he knew that I was totally lying. That's my best friend for you guys!

"Can we just pause this moment and never move on?" Michael muttered with his eyes still up on the sky.

"You sure you want that? I don't think our heartbroken Romeo can live a day without Cath." I nudged his side with my elbow making him chuckle.

"I don't think that either." His voice was thick and raspy from all the emotions he was trying to hold on to. "But I just want to know how it feels to live without the pain and the disappointment I get every time she doesn't trust me."

"You speak like you doubt she is ever going to trust you."

He chuckled. "You could say that in a way."

"Don't be so pessimistic dumbo." I punched his stomach making him groan.

"I am not. But it's not like she is giving me any hope either. It's like she just trusts me enough to rely on me sometimes and then pull it all off so that she won't get hurt. But what she doesn't realise is that she is hurting me in the process too."

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