Prologue: Larrisa Alanna McKnight

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Larrisa Alanna McKnight was a simple farm girl for the most of her life. As simple as she felt life could get, with strange creatures stalking her grandparent's small dairy farm where she was raised most of her life. Due to seeing such strange creatures, like green monkey faced hobgoblins and coal tar that usually prowled around the fields she was homeschooled, as children who see these demons are ridiculed and have a hard time in regular public school. Her grandfather taught her about the demon creatures, for he was an exorcist of an elite organization called the True Cross Order. She had become a tamer and befriended Maximus a cow like demon as her familiar who was once her grandfather's and only close friend being secluded on a farm for most of her life.
Larrisa had a dream of becoming an exorcist like her grandfather, and finding out more about her mother. All she knew of her mother was that she had been adopted by an American family from Japan, and had lived her life in America, but her true past stayed in Japan. She often told her grandfather of her plan to work really hard and someday move to Japan in search of answers to her burning questions. So set on the idea she took Japanese as a second language and immersed herself in their customs familiarizing herself with their ways.

Wanting to do everything he can for his grand daughter to for fill her dream he contacted the Japan branch of True Cross for any help he could get to make sure she doesn't over work herself on hard labored jobs for little pay, spending years of saving and working to possibly get too old to set out on her adventure. He felt she deserved to know her family history, who her mother really was and where she came from, and where her father had disappeared off to, not content with working on a small cattle farm for the rest of her life. The head of the Japan branch, also running an exorcist academy luckily spoke well English for him to explain the situation, and delightedly agreed to sponsor Larrisa's tuition to Japan's True Cross Academy overseas.

Upon Larrisa turning sixteen and able to enter high school her grandfather thought the news of the sponsorship was the perfect birthday gift. Her grandmother had hand made her cake instead of having it ordered from the fancy bakery in town, and with bother her and her husband's savings that usually would have went to her homeschool curriculum had just enough to buy her a plane ticket to Japan. They merrily sang her the birthday song as she woke up and came out from her room. She was delighted for the home made cake, it wasn't too fancy like the past ones she had, always making her feel a little uneasy for making them spend so much on a fancy cake just for her. Finally her grandparents holding each other in their arms presented to her their gift of the plane ticket to Japan, and the sponsor from the Chairman himself of True Cross Academy.

Over joyed and astounded Larrisa had cried for a long hour that her simple farm life was going to change in the exact direction she had been dreaming of for years. Of course she'd miss her dear grandparents and the farm, but promising to keep in touch she had started to pack for her new life in Japan attending True Cross Academy and to find her family history, to find out who she really was and what she will be able to become.

Little did she know, she would be the cause of of one of Japan's most fatal earthquakes in history...        

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