Please Don't Break My-Pencil...

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Lannie's POV

I got to class, obviously late but Angel; my uncle being the Paladin of this huge operation in Japan that I had no idea was mine until a few hours ago had walked me into the room and made it acceptably excused. Shima had made it back before me, I wonder if he told any of this information to anyone. Some spy that goes blabbing out any info he gains. I took my seat while looking over the faces that sat in class. Amaimon's seat was empty.

--1 week--

I walked into class my hair a tattered mess, I was late and I felt my face get hot I knew everyone's eyes were watching me as I found my way to my seat and plopped down the backpack over stuffed with homework half done and books shoved in directions unable to close the zipper all the way. The only good thing was with the mess of hair covering over my eyes I couldn't see the eyes watching me... feeling them was bad enough.

"Miss McKnight" Okumura Sensei stopped his lesson his voice sounding stern for his teacher position but concerned as he was a kid my age as well, "is everything alright?"
I took a deep breath trying to snap out of this ugly depression grabbing ahold of me... I was sure I was a ticking time bomb for demon possession if I didn't get ahold of myself. "Fine." I snapped unintentionally grabbing out books and smoothing out paper.
"....Okay." Okumura Sensei sighed and went back to the lesson. Whatever it was, I was in search of a pencil and couldn't concentrate on anything but searching. When did the bottom of my backpack become a graveyard of broken pencils and graphite pieces...? Maybe a pen would be better... but they've all been chewed to the point of cracking the plastic and drained of ink. Why was everything turning out so horrible!?! Why couldn't I bring myself back to my headstrong goal of graduating and going back home!? Why was it so hard to detach myself from that green haired idiot!? Why wasn't he more like his brother the headmaster, responsible for knowing what he broke and sent a letter as soon as Shura began spiraling downward like this he hadn't let her go a week before fixing anything!!! Was it me? Was this doomed from the very start? Now I'm crying; I better stop, wipe away the tears and just pretend to be taking notes.

"Um..." Bon's voice came from above me freezing my body. Crap I can't let anyone see me crying, my face is probably all twisted up and covered in tears and leaking snot- god that sounds disgusting.
"Lannie, uh we- I mean, do you want to be my partner for the assignment?" He asked sounding nervous. Why was he trying to partner with me, can't everyone see how miserable I was I should just be left alone, why did I even come in today? All to take a glance at that stupid empty chair, to hear Yukio take roll call and always feel that stabbing pain in my chest when he called on Amaimon's name and no one answered back. I wish he would come back, or let me know where he was going... But I nodded to his question and felt him take a seat next to me.

"Hey, everyone's real worried about you." He said next to me quietly. "You aren't okay like you've been saying you are. Izumo and Paku invited you out but you just wouldn't answer your door, and you haven't done any homework, you sit in class breaking pencils everyday."
Oh so I did all of that...? I really am possessed by something, I don't even remember doing that. All I remember is the empty chair every day. Sitting by myself at lunch and never really eating.

I sniffled rubbing my eyes through the Afro of hair covering half my face lifting my head watching him through the wiry frizzy curly mess. My mouth was yanked into a deep frown I couldn't for the life of me turn it up and shook my head. Truth was seeping out from any words I could have lied about. It was obvious I wasn't okay. And I couldn't take care of it on my own.

"Well did you eat?" He asked taking out his hair clip from out of his hair and reached up to my mine pulling it up and out of my face and clipping it back. The blond colored bangs fell over his forehead and slightly in his eyes that were watching me. Everything was so blurry through the tears as I saw him reach into his bag and pulled out a small breakfast cake and slid it over to me.
"We aren't supposed to eat in class but it's okay, Okumura isn't looking right now." He whispered with a smile, "I even have a pencil for you to borrow-" his smile dropped as his hand reached up and cleared my eyes of the water and wiped it at his pants side, "But you have to promise me one thing before I give it to you..." he said sternly.
"W-what?" I asked through whispered whimpers feeling my face burning up again and suddenly there was a feeling of butterflies in my stomach again.
"Don't break it." He answered looking over to my backpack vomiting out the snapped halves of jagged pencil ends.
"Oh" I sniffled again and felt a smile tug at my lips and a laugh merged with my whines and I nodded, "Okay!"
"Good! Alright..." he pulled out a pristine pencil looking to be used only once, and hesitantly handed it over to me. "Don't hold it too tight now!" He joked looking to be overly worried about the pencil.
"I won't!" I laughed again sniffling more, "I'll be gentle with it." I promised making sure to hold it lightly between my fingers and for an extra charm of care lightly pressed it against my lips and gave it a kiss, "See, it'll be strong now, it can't be broken."
He turned his face quickly sliding over the assignment paper, the tips of his ears looked a little red.
"Alright, you've convinced me enough." He mumbled before turning back with a smile, "Hurry up and eat that before Okumura Sensei starts going around to check up on everyone."
"Huh? Oh yeah!" My eyes landed on the cake still wrapped up and snatched it off the desk. My stomach roared as I tried to quietly unwrap it the sudden onset of reminding myself of how hungry I was keeping myself made me dizzy. "Thank you." I said not really remembering if I said so or not, and began eating quickly. "Sho-" I mumbled through a mouthful, "whut'er we doin? I don really get et."  I looked over the assignment realizing I must have blocked out every single lesson I came to or just came in too late all the time.
"Oh yeah. Here I'll explain it to you." He scooted closer starting to explain the assignment, moving his bangs out from his eyes; they fell directly back to the position but this time he just left it. Once I listened to him I began to forget why I was feeling so distressed before. My heart still felt a twinge of hurt, but between finally getting to eat, and having Bon with me sending all these happy butterflies in my stomach again that twinge was easy enough to push aside and forget for now.

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