Fated to be Mated?

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Larrisa pov.

Everyone stared at me when I walked in the classroom, all but Yukio, Rin, and Shiemi. Yukio was more annoyed as he watched Shura who sat in the back of the room with drowsy eyes humming the song from last night lightly. Come to think of it the song of 'Kiss the girl' from 'The little Mermaid was never so memorable to me before than it was at that very moment. I wonder if it was planned, it was too perfect things went too smoothly, it have had to been planed! And the more I thought about it my face grew more shades of pink.
Amaimon walked in the room with his hobgoblin at his side and slid down in his seat and looked back at me and Shura immediately after sitting down.
I smiled softly and waved at him dropping my eyes back down to the desk.

"I know everyone is a bit tired from last night's festival," Yukio started breaking away from Shura still deep in a day dream, "but class will continue as a regular schedule."

After being passed work sheets everyone collaborated in a group and talked more about the festival than the actual work.
"Last night I think I've found 'the one' you guys!" Shima clasped his hands together.
"If it's Paku I will kill you." Izumo growled defensively.
"Oh but we held hands! And looked into each other's eyes and, and--" he puckered his lips making kissing noises.
"You better not have!!"
"W-well it was just on the forehead. But we had a connection right!? I think she's going to ask me to be her boyfriend!" He squealed excitedly.
"I doubt it. But Lannie how'd it go with Bon?"

At the mention of our names we both looked at each other with awkward blushes.
"Uh..." He started.
"Well we didn't.." I watched as everyone's expressions turned to shock and confusion.

"She was with me." Amaimon smirked proudly finished with his work and stroked the hobgoblin's head as it snored loudly in his lap.
"Him!?" Izumo shot looking back and forth between us.

"Well Shiemi and I had fun!" Rin chimed scooting closer to Shiemi.
"Mhm the dance was nice." She said quietly looking down with a shy smile. Her look gave it away that they shared a kiss as well, probably a small and quick one but it was more than they ever shared before.

"What happened little chicken, you wasn't at the party." Shura slinked over to Yukio grading papers and keeping himself awake with an energy drink.
"I was busy cleaning up the dorm." He answered.

"How was your night at the party Kirkigakure?" Shima asked curious as to her light happy mood.

"Loud." Amaimon shot her a smirk over his shoulder, "even though I walked Lannie home and stayed with her until she fell asleep when I came back she and-"
"OKAY ya little brat that's enough!" Her hand quickly covered his mouth bringing him into a headlock as he tried to fight Behemoth from attacking her for her rough playfulness against his master.
"My night was... euphoric, exuberant, and steaming hot with ecstasy!~" she ended with a smile hugging Amaimon's head between her breast and pet his hair still covering his mouth. His eyes detached of emotion watched her and then seemed to fill with curiosity as they drifted back to me.
What was he thinking... If only I knew... And suddenly the bell rang dismissing for the next class.
"Hey!" Shima caught up to me as I left the class Amaimon at my side as well.
"Meet me in the library after school? I have a little more info for you." He smiled and looked over my shoulder at Amaimon and waved sheepishly. Amaimon only gave an uninterested nod of acknowledgment.
"Okay." I nodded watching him run off quickly to his next class.
Amaimon's hand clasped mine tightly as we walked to our class together.

"Hey." He said watching me, "it doesn't bother you that.. Well what I did last night..?"
My smile stretched my face, I swear I smiled so much it hurt, "No, it's not weird I-I liked it. And thank you for walking me back to the dorm and staying with me. It was really nice."
"Can I do it again?"
"D-do it again? What you mean-"
"Can I kiss you again, right here outside the classroom before we go in together?" He finished
"No, not here i-isn't there some kind of rule against stuff like that here?" My hands went cold with nervousness, I finally managed to say 'no'.
"Oh... Okay." He answered back opening the door for me.
"Ok? ...you aren't mad at me?"
He smiled shaking his head with a slight laugh, "No."
"Oh... O-okay. Are we, going out?" I asked. I know it might have already been obvious with the kids and hand holding already, or questionably obvious? I'm not really good at taking a strong lead on assumptions and reading big gestures. I just don't want these lines to be blurred, I don't want to keep guessing, I want a compleat and solid answer for once in my life.

"Going out? You mean like skipping class? We could if you want but I don't think brother would be too happy about it." He scratched his chin in thought.
"No!" Is he really trying to beat around the bush?! "I mean like going out, as in boyfriend and girlfriend."

He blinked those blue eyes always distant suddenly grew and a deep blush struck his face, "Oh! You mean take you as my mate?"
"Whoa mating?! Hold on now Earth King, keep that Naga in your pants I'm not ready to go that far!" I backed up into the classroom quickly holding my backpack as a shield in front of me.

"But brother and Shura are mated together it really isn't all so bad, isn't that the ultimate goal of any human relationship anyway?"

Perhaps falling head over heals for a demon isn't exactly what I need right now. My face beat red as the teacher cleared her throat. The bell had rang and Amaimon and I were the only ones still standing at the back of the classroom. We took our seats, both wanting to continue our conversation to make things clear, his constant long glances at me gave away his urge to continue our talk.

I do like Amaimon. Sure he's a demon but demons have always been a part of my life, so somehow he feels like a warm reassurance of something consistent. But mating?! I haven't even thought of bringing children into the world let alone ever having a boyfriend. Did he really want to mate with me? As flattering as it is, it's really too early for me!

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