Long Lost Grandparents

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--Larissa Pov.--
The door opened to an older man really tall and his wife behind him just a few inches shorter. They mumbled a few things before addressing our presents and seemed to be taken back by the Palain. Maybe he does have a way with people.. They quickly ushered us inside and offered tea or food in a thick German accent in Japanese. But they weren't all that bad.

"So this is our said to be Granddaughter?" They asked.
"We do hope so. This is Larrisa Mcknight perhaps the last name of your daughter's husband rings a bell? She's travels here to Japan in search of her mother's past. So far we have information that you adopted her from an orphanage here in Japan is this correct?" Arthur explained.

"We never met her husband though we did receive an invitation for the wedding there was no way in the financial state we were in at the time that we could make such a trip on such sudden notice. We adopted a little baby girl from an orphanage here in Japan though." The man nodded and held his wife's hand that hadn't looked away from Sir Angel since he came through the door.
Her eyes seemed to have grown red and wet as she pressed her lips together biting back her words.
"Honey why don't you get the folder..." The old man whispered softly to her, she nodded and got up returning with a folder and sat down gently pushing the folder to us on the table. Shima quickly snatched it up leaning into me so I could get a view. There was an orphanage certificate of adoption and the hospital from where she came.
"That's our next stop." Shima whispered.
"The hospital? Why?"
"We don't have to go if you don't want to, I'm not to fond of hospitals myself. But call for birth records on your mom, to find out her real parents. You do want to know 'as much as possible' right? If it's possible to know then why not?" He shrugged, "this couple is obviously more attracted to goldylocks over there."

"I'm sorry." The woman finally spoke her Japanese skills weren't as well as her husband's but I could make out just enough. "You look just like her."
"Uh.. Me?" Arthur smiled shyly and raised his brow.
"I have pictures!" She said and took out a book opening it up to pictures of the family of three. Shima, Arthur, and I all leaned in to see and compare the little girl in the picture to Arthur.
"Huh that's.. Uncanny. We do look similar in features if I remember my younger pictures correctly..." Arthur agreed. It was true Arthur looked more like the little girl in the pictures than I did... Maybe we found his long lost relative instead of mine...

"Miss Larrisa?" The lady smiled holding out a folded piece of paper and a knitted light green hat the size that could fit a baby, "your mother sent me this when she first found out she was pregnant. I knitted that hat for you... I just never got to see you, after the letter she and her husband disappeared and no word of the child had been passed around either, until we got the note written from Sir Pheles that she had passed after the childbirth but that was all the information ever disclosed. Your name or even if you were a boy or a girl, just as well you disappeared."
"You really think I'm your granddaughter? I mean we don't have any hard proof ye-"
"I know you're my granddaughter. Perhaps you've taken on more of your fathers looks but there's no doubt when I look at your eyes they're my little girls looking back at me."
"Oh?" I unfolded the small infants hat the crease made a permanent line in the center where a tiny tree that bloomed flowers was designed on the front. "Thank you for the hat." I smiled only wishing I could wear it for her now it was just the right size to be worn over my knee.. "It's really cute, I would have worn it all the time."

She laughed reaching out and gave me a hug as well as her husband and they insisted on hugging Arthur but he seemed a bit uneasy with it but didn't deny them either. Shima escaped with only a handshake and lots of gratitude that he was helping. We filled into the car and started on our way back to the Academy, only there was a heavy silence from Sir Angle next to me as he drove.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked softly running my thumb over the yarn hat the woman let me keep.
"No, nothing.." He answered quickly but gave no assurance to back up his answer.
"Yeah sir you've been quiet since the lift ride back down to the lobby." Shima leaned over to the front in between us, "what is it?"
"Sit back, do you have a seat belt on?! Nothing is wrong I just-it's those pictures. What did you say her name was again..?"
"Well before she was married it was Mehetabel Engel, but married well she'd have my last name of course." I answered.
"Shima look into that hospital and get the birth record... Who was her original parents?"
"I was planning to do that already sir but see I've got home work and other studies to attend to when I get back to school-"
"Ugh alright fine spy kid then asap tomorrow!"
"You don't wanna do it yourself?"
"Mm, no I can't.." He shook his head quickly.
"I just can't okay! Now just find the information out and don't ask questions about it!"
"Alright alright." Shima sat back in his seat and it got quiet again.
"And put on your seat belt I know you don't have one on!" Arthur snapped back as if this was a 'who gets the last word' argument. Moments later there was a sigh and click from the back seat as Shima finally complied and put his seatbelt on..

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