Meet The Cram Class!

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Magic Keys that open to a specific room no matter what door it is,  a small classroom under the rest of the school where exorcist are trained, the deeper I went into this the more I felt in place, for maybe the first time in my life.

"Here is your classroom. The cram class is a small group but I feel it is what helps our students learn quick and smooth." Small dog Sir Pheles stopped putting his nose against the big door. "Go on open it."
My hand took the door nob turning it, the thought of knocking slipped my mind with excitement, as I pushed in the door to the classroom the voice of the teacher stopped as he and everyone else automatically turned to the door.  My face instantly flushed red seeing all their eyes on me. The little dog's nails tapped into the room with the silence and looked up at the teacher in front of the room. The teacher looked like a student himself!

"Okumura Sensei, this will be your new student this year."
"Wonderful." Okumura set a piece of chalk down dusting of his hand, "I'm Okumura Yukio the teacher of this cram class. We're likely around the same age, I'm also a regular high school student attending here. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"
All eyes on me again! What do I say, I should say something interesting but nothing is interesting about me or not that I can think of.
A girl with shining bright green eyes and blond hair was looking excitedly at me, and Okumura nudged me, "Your name for a start would be good enough, don't feel on the spot." He smiled pushing up his glasses framing his blue eyes.

"O-oh, m-my name is Larrisa Alanna McKnight."
A boy with brown eyes, pink dyed hair, and a large smile slapped on his face raised his hand waving it about franticly.
"Shima-San?" Okumura sighed.
"Where are you from?!" Shima asked.
"I lived on a farm in America with my Grandparents." I answered and triggered a round of whispers among the boys.
"What brought you here?"
"You understand Japanese?"

"Everyone please not so much don't scare her." Okumura put up his hand, "I'm sorry they're all eager to get to know you. Sir Pheles will you be sitting in on class today?"
"Oh I'd love to, but I unfortunately have things to do else where. I believe I've left her in good hands." The small dog nodded as Okumura opened the door bowing his good bye and watched the dog trot away.

"I do understand Japanese and I've studied it for a few years, I'm not professionally fluent in it, if I say something the wrong way I hope you'll help m-me to fix it." I answered the questions trying not to stammer over my words too much, "And I came here to be an exorcist, j-just like my family and to find out about my mother."

"What happened to your mother?" Another boy with shaggy dark hair clipped back and blue eyes asked quickly.
"Nii-San that's enough now. McKnight-San please pick a seat so we can continue, I'm sure Moriyama-San will be happy to help you catch up on things." Okumura Sensei motioned for to a the table where the boy with blue eyes and the girl with blond hair who was looking at me before sat. After a quick nod I went to the table my nerves from being center stage had me shaken, when I went to set my back pack down I hit my head on the table.

"Oh are you okay?" the girl asked holding out her hand to me.
"Ow-No, I mean yes. Yes I'm fine." I rubbed my head, "It's okay." I sat down embarrassed. I end up clumsy when I'm really nervous.
Okumura Sensei got back to the lesson slowly getting everyone's attention back to the board.

"I'm Shiemi Moriyama. You can call me just Shiemi." She whispered happily, "We can be friends, right?"
"Oh sure." I nodded whispering back.
"That's Rin Okumura. That's right the teacher's older brother."
"Older brother?"
"Mhm, they're a long story but they're very nice."

"Hi." Rin looked over Shiemi with a fanged smile and pointed ears, just like Sir Pheles, and that boy hanging from the ceiling... Amaimon? Those blue eyes were different, not like these two brothers. It's weird to say that I could really feel his eyes, as if they were touching me instead of just looking at me. It made me shiver just thinking about it, so let me stop.
"And the three over there, we're all friends too. The smaller boy with his head shaved, that's Konekomaru Miwa, and beside him in pink hair that's Shima Renzo, and the last one is Suguro Ryuji; we call him Bon though as friends, don't let his look fool you he's a sweet heart. And the one boy in the very back with blond messy hair and a pink sock puppet is Takara Nemu, he won't talk much and keeps to himself, his puppet is very rude though."

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