Humans are Amusing

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--Amaimon POV--

There was a knock on the door of the office and Shura walked in before brother had gave her permission to walk in, but he didn't seem angered by it, instead displayed a ready smile and glanced up from his work on the computer and greeted her, "Ohayo Kirigakure."

"Thanks to that tremor I was up earlier! It's not a good morning. Hey you little brat are you ready to get outta here?" She glanced around the room seeming a little confused.
"You're wondering if the office was affected by the tremor?" Brother asked seeming to hear her silent confusion.
"Did it? Everything looks... Untouched. I mean in the exact same place as it was. Not even a dust line if it was moved at least a little bit." She picked up the pink lamp on the desk only having it turn into brother's familiar candy bat that batted at her with it's wings startled by the sudden grab.

"Ack!" She let it go as brother reached out for it his face in surprise just as well as the bat took safe haven on his shoulder with it's wings spread out in defense.
"Oh. My... Heh, please don't touch my lamp miss Kirigakure. It's very sensitive to strangers."
She just watched him for a while as he tried to get the bat to calm down. I sighed heavily getting impatient. What a bother to be escorted around like a child if it were me I'd be in class already!
"Go on then, off with both of you." Brother waved her away as the bat now complied and formed back into the small lamp he set on the desk.
"But! How did nothing move from here!?"
"Well as much as I'd like to share with you all my secrets as to how my room went seemingly undisturbed, you have a student to take to class and lots of work to take care of. I will however admit to having the room thoroughly dusted every single day, dust is just horrible for my sinuses!" He smiled resting his chin in his hand looking up at her.
Their whole language was odd to me, yet I understood it; no not their verbal language the way they held their bodies and how they said their words, their reactions to each other. I wonder if they knew.... I could tell they're both fond of each other. But if he is so smitten with her why don't he just take her?? ....Why don't I just take Larrisa? Why???

"Hey brat. Let's get movin before I sprinkle your brother over here with some holy water, or better yet, dust." Her hand pinched my ear and gave it a tug as if pulling me back from a different world.
"Indeed Amaimon, get to class now before I find extra things to add onto Miss Shura's schedule."
Her threat would have made any other demon angry, and feel the need to put her in her place. Yet he teased her with another threat of his own. There's this spark in their gaze, the way her eyes glare at him gives away the smile she's hidding. And the way brother's eyes gaze at her with his smile, I think he sees it too, was she even trying to hide this obvious feeling, because brother finds her tiny attempt very amusing. They even gave off a distinctive smell that maybe only animals or demons could smell, their whole chemistry was a boiling black caldron of emotions like ready stew to be served for dinner.

She walked me out of the office and down the halls her hands swaying at her side until she glanced back at me, "I can feel ya watchin me ya little creep. Get up in front I don't trust you behind me."
"I have no interest in you."
"Good t'know! Get yer ass up front like I said." She stopped and pointed ahead of her. I passed her up and continued walking hearing her follow me.
"Hey what's that supposed to mean anyway...?" She mumbled.
"Well don't get me wrong even father would keep you as one of his chamber maids but I think you make a perfect personal interest for Anuie. Besides what kind of brother would I be to have an interest in the same woman he likes?"
"Chamber maids!? Personal interest, he likes me? If he likes me so much he wouldn't have put me to watch after his younger brother!"
"Why do you deny the fact that you like him as well??"
"I-I do not! He's a sneaky bastard only doin what benefits him! Why would I like someone like that!?"
"I don't know, why would you? Is it his money? Do you want to move into the mansion if he takes you at his side?"
"Tch, no. I could careless of money and material things."
"But then you're just admitting to liking him but not for that reason."
"....Crap shut up! You demons always twist and turn things around! Keep walkin' yer late to class already!" A deep blush shaded across her face as she pushed me forward, I couldn't help the smile stretched across my face. These humans are amusing! 

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