Officially Over

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Larissa POV-

Amaimon hadn't showed up today neither did Shura. I don't know if their absences are linked or just a coincidence. I feel awful for what I said to Amaimon last night, right after the fact we both agreed to liking each other and going out! Like dating kind of going out, boyfriend and girlfriend relationships going on and then by the end of the say completely back out of it like I was some...some kind of heartless demon. No I must be worse than a demon.

Shima however was excited and didn't stop reminding me about after school, how I'm supposed to see my step grandparents. I was excited, but more nervous than anything. I had caught a very rare glimpse of the Paladin being yelled at, not by any of his bosses but Shura who was supposed to be on duty for watching Amaimon who was absent today was having a very loud conversation with him, actually she seemed to be drunk.

"I know you're watching somewhere! Well why don't you watch this you son of a-"
"Miss Kirigakure!" He interrupted her as she forced his arm to sling over her shoulders, "This behavior is unacceptable in a public place like this, you have duties you must attend to why are you getting drunk at this time of day and acting like a lunatic?!" He growled through a tightly clenched jaw. But something was upsetting her I could tell...
"What do you mean baldy the bastard's bratty worm stayed home today, I have all the time in the world! You should be lucky I'm spending it with you!" She snapped back pressing her body against him, when last I had remembered she was that close with the chairman at the party.
"Not when you're like this I'd rather be fighting with you when you're sober but you're just a big embarrassment to yourself, don't drag me into it." He easily slid from her grip pushing her away with a hand and walked away quickly leaving her to stare at his back as he left her.
"W-what!? I'm not pretty enough for you?! I'm not womanly to your liking is that it?! Hey Baldy!! Come back here!" She screamed though hadn't moved and tears began streaming down her face.
Should I go over to talk to her? ...It really isn't my business to get involved with the adults but, she seems very lonely. With out Amaimon I was feeling lonely too. I left my tray behind walking over to her and sat down on the bench behind her watching her quickly dry her tears so no one would see.
"What is it, kiddo?" She asked completely straight faced as if she wasn't crying a second ago. How is she able to do that? When I cry or even get a little bit upset my nose starts running like a great river and my face gets red and blotchy, I'm a mess when I cry!
"I-I know it's not any of my business but I can see that you're sad." I answered, "And I won't pressure for the answer if you don't want to tell me that's fine."
Shura turned and sat next to me rubbing her nose with a finger and we both stayed silent for a moment before talking again.
"I think I'm the reason Amaimon didn't come to school today." I said.
"Well it's a good thing he didn't come anyway. I don't want anything to do with him, or his older brother, or Rin, or anyone related to that family. If you can even call it one. Demons... What do they know about family, all they know is how to use and play people." She crossed her arms bringing her feet up on the bench.
"You don't think that about all of them do you, even Rin and Yukio? ...Amaimon?" I bowed my head with the thought, it was just in their nature. Even Max, he's a demon... But he would never do something like that! He's proof that it has to be wrong.
"I don't want to think about them at all." She grumbled resting her head on her knees as she hugged her legs.

From behind us came a noise and from the bushes emerged tiny greenmen, in a swarm! I've never seen so many infant earth demons before all in their little squeaking language they began to sprout stalks of vegetation leaves and strong stems with thorns, it was thick and beginning to grow a wall around us!
"Uh, K-Kirigakure??" I put my hand on her arm to get her attention. Her head came up looking around irritably at the freak growth of the greenmen. But as if this weren't strange enough rustling through the bushes came a hobgoblin with a thick metal chain lead attached to a harness. This wasn't any hobgoblin, it was Amaimon's familiar Behemoth. He latched onto my leg with his arms panting heavily and looking around frantic lick until his lead began to stress and be yanked on. Someone trying to pull him away...
"Behemoth get out from there you'll bring thorns back in the house, why are you always running away from me? ...Is it not even you want to be with me anymore?" Amaimon's voice muffled by the thick bushes around us was on the other side! My heart leapt for a moment but I remembered what I had said to him last night.
"Behemoth??" He questioned tugging the lead once more before the goblin let go of my leg and grabbed his own leash heaving it toward him, making Amaimon topple forward into the throned vines and poky twigs of the growth around us. He yelled being dragged inside the bushes until he finally reached the clearing in the middle, with us.

"Aye aye, about poked my eye out..." He grumbled nonchalantly picking himself up sitting on the floor and rubbed his eye. His spike on his head was a mess, with twigs and leaves poking from his head like it was a nest, and the thorns scraped his face and clothes, he wasn't in uniform so the extra tearing of his clothes could hardly be noticed, but it was there.
"You're so bad now I have thorns in my-" He looked up from scolding his familiar finally realizing he wasn't alone and scampered to his feet trying to dust himself off from the leaves and twigs, and squirmed from the thorns still stuck on him. "Oh, ladies." He greeted so formally and bowed slightly.
I couldn't help it, even though he was a mess and scraped up in bloody scratches from being dragged through a bush I was so happy to see him, I thought maybe he would be absent from school a lot more, maybe he'd listen to me and never showed up again. At that moment my mind started racing with hope that maybe we can work something out, I wouldn't have to loose him!

"Apologies for interrupting your talk, and for all of this..." He looked around at the growing bush starting to sprout buds, "It seems to be the effect of an emotional change I'm getting over."
"Amaimon!" I stood up reaching out to him, "Listen, what I said last night-"
-POOF- A letter appeared in front of Amaimon interrupting me from finishing as he took it and read the top envelope. "'s for you." He held it out to Shura. She eyed him and the letter, and back at him and the letter, and back at him before pouting and snatched it out of his hand scooting away from us to open and read it, the small buds blooming into roses.
"Anyway I know what you said last night, I understand. I'm sorry about all of this; my kin acting with out my say so. But it will stop soon I promise, brother will be looking out for me, if I can't stop and it gets worse then I'll leave back to Gehenna."
"Back to Gehenna?!"
"Only if it doesn't stop. So do me a favor, stay away from me." He said coldly and snatched up behemoth as the roses in bloom and green bushes began to shrivel, die, and shrink until the green little bubble that had grown was a pile of thorny twigs on the ground. As he left the swarm of greenmen sadly dissolving to dust.
As he disappeared from sight the bell rang ending lunch, there were only two long classes to my day left, and with the sinking feeling in my chest I suddenly didn't know if I could move from the spot where I stood.

"Hey, the bell rang." Shura announced getting up from behind me sticking the envelop in the corner of her bra, "Get to class kiddo, I'm gonna go home and sleep this off." And she walked away...
No one saw my heart wrapped in the thorny vines and severed in half.

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