Amaimon leaves...Again!

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Mephisto's POV

Angel and Miss Mcknight entered the room looking like they'd just watched a hospital of children slaughtered. Angel, I could honestly careless for his reason of emotional distress but Larrisa as a performing student and future ahead of her along with the close bond she shares with Amaimon I had to ask.

"My, my what seems to be troubling you two?"

I held the pink umbrella over me as the two began showering me with tears and sobbing an explanation.

"I had a sister!"

"He's my uncle!"

Honestly what a twist of fate, oceans away and is reunited with her Uncle and true grandparents. But to cry over such a discovery really had me puzzled, nevertheless, I let them get out their built up emotions until the accusations started.

"You knew about this Mephisto!" Angel yelled.

"I most certainly did not!" I shot back yanking a box of tissues from my desk and handed it to Larrisa who passed it to her newly discovered Uncle after taking a square.

"You talked with her before!" He continued, always accusing me of anything he didn't understand. This poor man is hopeless on wrapping his mind around new things.

"That I may have but knowing who she was and her family was beyond my knowing. I was meddling in other important things I assure you if I had known I'd do all that was possible in letting you two find each other in some kind of way. Now, are we finished sharing our feelings? I called you here for a mission, and Lannie you do have class to attend to they're going on a mission as well you need to hurry before they leave."

"Just give me the debriefing file." Angel slouched in demeanor, his entire spark had shifted into a downpour of pity. This wasn't good, a Paladin should think of duties before personal feelings and his private life. Shiro always kept them strictly separate, unless it dealt in inhumane things like killing children and depressed feral cats. I'll be damned if I have to be pulled out of a meeting or my otherwise tightened schedule to go save him or be responsible for telling his family of his unfortunate death. But one can only suggest his guidance so far. I handed over the folder seeing him generously offer to escort his niece to class.

As they left the room my cell phone chimed. A text message only could mean it was Amaimon.

'Lannie and Angel related.'

That's odd, I immediately went to asking his whereabouts only nothing comes that easy. 'I know. Where are you?'

'I'll be skipping a few more days of classes big brother. But I won't be coming back.'

Despite a good time last night, there was a major setback to my morning, my first class exorcist might have taken to bed a little longer than anticipated. Playing a gentleman for centuries leave a lot of pent up energy, but what else could I do when she begged me not to hold back?~ Now my Paladin is out of focus, a student troubled with her family leaves no room for the value of her grades which then reflects poorly on the school's reputation when all equalled out to the total percentage of passing or failing student rate; Rin was making that goal hard enough to reach- Now my little brother decides to pull the 'I'm not going to school.' stunt again. Hitting the call button immediately after reading his text he denied answering. Fine, he wants to be that way... 'Fine, don't go to class but when are you coming back?'

'I'm not.'

Who the hell does this lizard think he is, running on the loose like this, still registered in the school; MY SCHOOL, knowing he's unstable in his emotions right now!

'Then, where will you be? You understand that I can't protect you from whatever might happen to you outside these walls. But I'll still be held accountable for any trouble you make. If you screw up Amaimon, I'll kill you before you drag me back to Gehenna over A GIRL!'

'I know brother, I'm sorry. I won't get into trouble. Take care of Larrisa okay? She needs time. We both do, after seeing her face gaining what she knows now, I'll only be a baryon to her progress. Things will be better without me.'

Actually with him here would at least lighten the constant worry of wondering what he might be getting himself into and if it'd fall back on me.

'That's nice of you Amaimon, and that simply won't do. Now get back to the mansion at least you're going too far. Tell me where you are I'll pick you up myself.'

'No you won't brother. You won't go anywhere near where I'm going, and you won't be held liable for anything I break there either.'

'Gehenna?! You're going back??!' That would be the one place I wouldn't go to pick him up... 'If you're going back I can't guarantee another passage in the academy.' Of course, that wasn't true, I control every barrier, entrance, and exit way to the academy and even the entire city, how serious is he about leaving...?

'I understand brother.'

So then there was a chance he was willing not to come back at all... This is most unexpected but quells some of my worries. I set the phone down, there was nothing else to be said about the matter. Now to get busy with the regular schedule. Budgeting and looking over transcriptions and preparing the curriculum for next semester, approving exorcist missions and filing away the ones taken care of.

"Hey there Samael," a small whisper came from the partly opened office door, "you got the time?"

"Ah, good morning Shura. Did Belile see to it you were taken care of?"

She hummed slipping in through the door and locked it behind her wearing nothing but the bed sheets the key to my office pinched between her fingers before flicking it away, "He gave me a good drink," She smiled letting the drape down her shoulder showing the deep canyons carved from the night before. Both our eyes met each other after taking in the sight of the foreplay wound, "You don't think it could leave a scar?"

"This drink, you didn't ask for alcohol as an alternative for a morning apple juice did you?" Aside from the behavior, she reeked of liquor. She only giggled before lounging in the chair in front of my desk making sure the length of her smooth legs were visible.

"Hey," she began to laugh at my struggle to keep my attention at my desk, "I like your big clock.~"

"My you have been drinking a lot." I smiled back, she's a clever drunk I'll give her that, looks like I'll be set back just a bit more not that I mind this delay at all.

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