A Curse of Fate

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Amaimon's POV

I wasn't the only one who was obviously attracted to this girl. In every class she went to there were clusters of people gathering around her touching that hair and speaking of her eyes. I hadn't gotten a good look at her eyes... Other people knowing what they look like before me made me angry. The students fawning over her just because what they see on the outside, while I crave to own what was hers on the inside. That bright shine of sweet nectar, I was a humming bird to her soul, not wanting just her sweet flavor but to claim her, this tree girl as mine the tree where the bird makes its home. But I don't understand... Why?
Why am I feeling these things!? Could it be Lust testing my locks, to see if I've given up my second nature of keeping this other demon locked away? I am the only one to control that demon, it is under MY power! If even my name is mentioned around that swine it kneels, to me alone! To think I could fall under Lusts own spell, I will kill that demon!
But after this girl is in bed. Until she is alone and safe away from all these students swarming around her. Then I know I can leave her otherwise I risk someone snatching her away from me, like that pink haired boy, or his friend with the blond streak in his head. She found him at lunch today, and she asked if she could sit with him. Why didn't she just eat outside alone!? That way I could watch her better. What were they talking about? His friends came to join him, now they're all really talking. Making her laugh.

"Out for some air Amaimon?" I jumped hearing brother behind me. I looked down seeing him in his small little dog form and I got to my knees to see his eyes better. "I went to check on you but you were gone. I figured as much I couldn't get you to stay still for more than a minute with out your legs broken. I did however find your hobgoblin on the bed chewing on one of my Honey Sister plush dolls..."
"Oh Behemoth? I'm sorry brother, I can find you a new one--"
"Don't bother, that was last years collectable and they've only made 1,300. There are no more."
I couldn't tell if he was truly angry about it or not, he seemed calm but upset but not angry as if his younger brothers pet just destroyed something he enjoyed having and can never get it replaced. I would expect some yelling at least.
"I'm sorry brother, maybe I can fix it?"
"Ha, that's sweet of you Amai. But I think it's done for. I guess I'll just have to find a new collectable to replace it."
"But aren't you mad!?"
"Mad? Well sure I was. But I was more worried about you, you weren't in bed where you were supposed to be and last I had seen of you, you looked under the weather."
"Worried about me, oh I'm okay now. I just needed some air."
"Of course. Well now that I know where you are now I can lay my worries to rest. You're a little close in the academy though don't you think?"
"Oh... You're probably right." I nodded looking back at the girl one last time. She's mine, she doesn't know it yet but she is, and no one will take her. Consider this now a curse that hangs above your head my tree girl...
"Come back to the office for lunch." Brother wagged his tail looking up at me.
"Okay." I nodded back. We got back to the office and had some pudding.
"Anuie who was that girl this morning, the new one?" I asked, if anyone should know about her it would be brother.
"Ah, Larrisa."
"Larrisa... Where is she from?"
"She lived on a farm with her grandparents in America."
"America? The Statue of Liberty and all?" New York was the only place I visited in America.
"Not in the city of course, more in the country. She worked endlessly at the fields and tending the cattle. She's very hard working and content with what life brings her way. Never complained about not having anything, or wanting something and not getting it."
"She's different. I saw her shielding a spider from the herd of students changing class and helped it back outside." I answered.
"A 'herd' of students?" Brother narrowed his eyes at me but held a smile, "I don't think I appreciate you referring to my students as herds like they were cattle on a farm. I put endless hours and hard work into this place, I founded it! Each of my students are individual and different from the rest in their own unique way. Some more intriguing than others that earn my attention, but no doubt that they are not 'herds of cattle' thank you very much."
"Sorry... Well I think she's more intriguing than the others."
Brother's smile widened, "Do you?! And why is that?"
That question again... Why? "I don't know..." I bowed my head.
"Well don't dismiss the feeling if the answer isn't clear. When I first encounter Fujimoto-San I didn't know why but when we met I would lose a few seconds in time, the day's seemed to get shorter when I wanted them longer, the winter was warmer when I heard from him and it was a feeling that was strange indeed. Later come to find out he adopts our half brothers and then meets his end at our Father's hands. I would say that's more than enough of a reason to say we were 'linked' to each other. It's something odd and strange that humans like to call 'fate'. Some don't believe in it, others set their whole life around it. Man's ultimate fate is death, but in what way is the adventure."
So maybe, Larrisa and I are some how fated to be together. Brother knows about fate and things as he's the king of time, a fallen archangel that gave knowledge of the entire universe to the soul who falls by his hands. "Can you tell me, what my fate is Anuie?"
He looked at me tilting his head, "Yours? ....." He stayed quiet and I saw his green eyes illuminate quickly sending a shiver down my back like he just walked through me, made me shake like the trees bending in the wind. "Your fate Amaimon, is all of what you decide it to be. Even if I knew; which I do now, you just as well as the humans have choices to make and thus change the actions and consequences of them. But it does intertwine with someone else's."
"Really!? Who's!?"
"I'm no fortune teller!" He laughed and began shuffling through papers, "I think it would be best for you to find out yourself. If you really want to try your hand at fixing my collectable plush it's in my room, probably covered in Behemoth's drool."

Perhaps I'll give fixing brother's toy a try... I've never fixed anything before. I went into his bedroom finding Behemoth panting and chewing on some plastic dog toy. The plush was on the floor as well it's head torn off and completely unstuffed. It should be easy, just stuff it again and sew the head back on. But when I tried to stuff it again the stuffing turned out to be uneven. It would have one arm or leg fatter than the other, or its head was too big to be held by the body!
"Behemoth, did you eat some stuffing!?" I looked back at my hobgoblin snoring loudly. I didn't realize how long I've been working on this but a few hours had passed! I took the head of the doll over stuffed and placed it on the body, then I remembered... I don't know how to sew! Ah I've got an idea! I found a loose string from my jacket and pulled it until it tore off the seam and wrapped the string around the neck of the doll tying it tightly to hold the body and head together! There, all done! Good as new if I do say so myself. I can't wait to show brother!

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