Destination: Japan.

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The plain ride was so long, and boring. Pappy and Grammy saw me off to the airport early in the morning before the sun was showing. It was hard to imagine yesterday was my last day of tedding hay, and taking our cows out to pasture in the day and bringing them back in the barn for the night. Leaving them behind leaves such an empty place in my heart, where one had already formed for many years. But this wasn't going to be forever. I would become an exorcist, and find out about my mother and where my father disappeared to, if they were alive or worth knowing of, what kind of person I can become from them. And promptly after I'll fly right back to the farm and spend the rest of my life keeping the demons away from the cattle and tending the farm!

So it's not exactly what the regular teenager dreams of, but it's mine! Not that I know many people my age since I was homeschooled all my life. People aren't that hard to handle, but I do find myself nervous in large groups of strangers.
Just like now, a huge plain filled with strangers in every seat going over seas from America to Japan. My only friend here with me now is Maximus; the demon familiar my Pappy gave to me. Maximus is very protective of people in the family and also dislikes being in crowds of people, or small places. Right not he's in my pocket--well not actually just his summoning paper is in my pocket. I don't usually carry him around like that, on the farm he was able to roam free so poking my finger for some blood was still a little hard to get past.

It was so quiet on the plain, and awkward sitting next to people I didn't know. But thank god I was able to get a window seat! My grandparents couldn't afford anything fancy like first class, but standard boarding was fine and comfortable enough for me, as long as I had the window to look out of. Up in the sky is like a whole new world, the clouds are the new ground and the sky really never does stop. The only thing I'm not looking forward to from this whole trip is the jet lag. Different time zones and everything are really complicated...I bet the King of Time is an intricate being. Speaking of I hear he's actually the principal of the Academy I'll be attending! And sponsored my arrangement of staying at the Academy after I pass the entrance exam. As you can see, I'm on my way there so I obviously passed! My Pappy is the best teacher! I miss him...

I sighed deeply that empty space in my heart wrenching again. I pulled out a information pamphlet about the Academy to get my mind focused on the goals ahead, but I fell asleep instead. Before I knew it I was being shaken from my sleep by the lady who'd given emergency directions in the beginning of the ride.

"Miss? Miss! Wake up, we've arrived at the airport." She stood over me in an emptied out plain vessel.
"Oh!" I jumped awake and hurried past her off the plain.
"Ma'am wait!" She called again, "Your carry on!" She followed me out with my back back. The only bag I had taken with me full of clothes and a few pictures of the family on the farm.
"Oh! Th-thank you!" I turned back around grabbing the bag and realized it was dark outside. Looking around at the giant airport looking like a city all on it's own. The lights of the building and incoming plains like dancing stars on the ground in all kinds of color.
"Miss are you alright?" The lady asked behind me seeing me frozen in place.
"I-I..." was I alright??! I'm really here, in Japan! It's so exciting yet so scary!! Where do I go!? I took Japanese as a second language and up until now I've felt confidant in knowing enough to speak to the people in their language, but everything is seeming to go too fast so suddenly!! "I think I'm really going to pass out now..." I felt the whole world spinning around me.

"Here ma'am let me help you, do you have someone waiting for you?" She put her arm around me. This was so embarrassing already.
"Y-yeah. Someone by the name of Arthur I think." he didn't seem to have that much of a 'stereotypical' Japanese name maybe he speaks a bit of English so I don't have to worry about making a compleat idiot out of myself for my first impression. We walked inside the huge airport, though it was night time it was as busy and lit up as the middle of the day. After looking the place up and down and still not covering half the building we found a tall man dressed in white with long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail holding a sign with my name written in fancy letters.

"Miss McKnight?" He asked looking down at me. His clothes looked expensive and fancy, or maybe it's just my shock of being new to everything here, but I must look like some kind of peasant with my light green shirt and blue jean overalls and dirty sneakers. "Author August Angel of True Cross Academy. Come on our chariot awaits us!" He displayed a cheeky grin pointing his thin finger to the outside but not before taking out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a few yen and handing it off to the lady that showed me around off the plain bowing giving her thanks; and yes he spoke english! I thought it would be a good idea to follow along so I bowed as well having my backpack pack flip over and hit my head from off my back.
"Ouch.." I stood up again and held the back of my head looking back at Author who still smiled softly at me. Thank goodness he wasn't laughing at me, I would have just died on the spot. Then again I was already feeling terrible for making him tip the woman out of his own pocket for me. Even if he looked like money wasn't an issue for him, it was just a habit worrying about money for me.

"Come on." He said again now starting off to the car. It was a while till we got back outside, we went through a various series of transport pods, conveyer belt roads, and escalators. "Are you hungry do you want something to eat? I know it was a long and tiresome flight."
Gosh he's so nice! But too nice maybe, or I'm just way too modest. "Nothing expensive, maybe just a sandwich, or what ever is cheap here." I mumbled softly, "I-I can pay you back when I get a job or something."
"Tch, nonsense come on lets eat." He lead me over to a noodle place in the airport. "You know how to use chopsticks?" He asked while we waited for our bowls.
"Yeah!" I nodded proudly.
"Thats great, but you know we use forks and spoons here too." His smile straightened as he looked at me seriously.
"Oh, y-yes I know that too..." My face flushed, crap I didn't mean to offend him or anything!
He smiled again, "But I prefer chopsticks." He handed a pair of chopsticks as the bowls were sat in front of us.
"You speak Japanese?" He asked after his first bite was finished.
I nodded mumbling behind a mouth full of noodles, I hadn't realized how hungry I was from the plain.
"That's good, everyone speaks it at the academy of course, but a few of us speak English. We get a lot of student from all over so we have several that speak different languages."
"Mhm I read the pamphlet and did a lot of research. The Japan branch of True Cross is the most famously known. It makes sense that it gets a lot of people from all over the world."
"You'll like it there." He smiled slurping more noodles.
"I hope so..."

After we finished out bowl of noodles we left to the car--well a big black SUV but one of the really expensive ones. I'm not too clear on car brands and models, like I am with cow and horse breeds, but I could tell it was expensive!
"I hope this is alright for you, it would have been a limo, if it weren't pink." He grumbled with disgust at the color. I wasn't fond of the color pink myself, it was fine as a color but just not my style nor does it fit my personality. While riding I kept my head out the window looking at the passing city until Author pointed at the window on the other side of the car with a display of lights spiraling up like a giant golden sparkling Christmas tree.
"There it is, True Cross City."

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