Here, take my tie.

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Larrisa POV

Amaimon walked into class wearing the boys uniform and just him being there started an argument between the boys and Shiemi even seemed to be nervous around him. Izimo and I was the only ones seeming not to be too upset over it. I was completely surprised by it though, my eyes could have fallen out of my head when I first saw him here.

"Please take a seat anywhere you'd like." Okumura Sensei stated pushing up his glasses ready to get back to the lesson. Bon looked defensive even if with the three of them at the table there was no more room to fit another person. I had a feeling he wanted to sit with me, but I was at a table of three as well, with Rin and Shiemi. He would have Izimo, or Nemu to sit next to, or the last empty table at the very back of the room. He past me slowly with a smile and took the very last table sitting by himself, or rather took another chair to sit Behemoth on.

I couldn't concentrate the entire class, knowing he was behind me, watching. My face was red the entire time, Shiemi asked if I was okay and running a temperature. When Okumura Sensei passed out the work sheets Amaimon was the first to finish in less than three minutes. It was quicker than Bon and Shiemi the two fasts finishing students in the class! It would make sense though, Yukio teaches Pharmaceutical plants and Amaimon is the Earth King. But why...why is he here? I was just saying I couldn't let myself get distracted by boys, and by that I meant Amaimon specifically! I could just feel his eyes burning wholes into me from behind. What do I do?! Thankfully the bell had rang, seeming not fast enough but it let me dart for the door!

"Hey!" Amaimon chimed at my side, "In a hurry to your next class huh?"
"Ah! Y-yes I am." I answered.
"Are you nervous around me?" He smiled happily, "You're blushing as bad as a clumsy anime girl."
"Yeah thanks." I grumbled looking away, "Don't you have another class to get to?"
"I do! Maybe you could show me around and help me get to them?" He handed over his schedule to me.
"Alright I guess.." pinching the paper between my fingers and took a look. "HEY!! This is exactly the same as MY schedule!!"
"Really!?~ That's great! You can take me to every class!"  He cheered and popped a candy into his mouth.
"How long have you been stalking me!? And why wont you stop!?"
"I'm not stalking you. You can't call it stalking if you know about it."
"Okay well why do you keep following me, what do you want from me that you'd go through the whole trouble of going through all of this!?"
"Does it bother you? Do you not like me? Because that will not get me to leave." He shrugged looking bored and glanced at Behemoth to see him waddling beside him.
It does bother me! ... A little bit... but not too much.
"What do you mean if I don't like you it wouldn't get you to leave? You're planning some kind of torture or something?"
He smiled again, "Oh that sounds fun, but it's too early for that."
"What ever. I guess it doesn't bother me that much. I just want to understand you." Wait, did that come out a little wrong? "I-I mean, why you're doing this..following me and coming to my window."
"I'd like to understand why I'm doing it as well. That's why I'm following you around like this I guess."
"Okay..." I shrugged. This conversation was a never ending loop of the same question with out any answers, ugh just like my whole life! "Just, don't get in my way from what I'm here to do." That last part slipped from my thoughts out loud and sounded a little too harsh to have been something that came from me! But it didn't seem to phase him at all, doesn't look like he even heard it.

We had gym next and running away from reapers only no one could get the frogs to chase Amaimon.

"I'm over here!!" He called to the frogs that just sat there and watched him. "Come and get me, or I'll rip off your legs and eat them for dinner!!" he stomped his foot.

"The reapers only attack when someone has unsteady emotions." Konekomaru explained, "I never pictured Amaimon as someone mentally stable to have such a good hold of his emotions like this."
Strange I would agree, especially for a guy who doesn't know why he's obviously stalking a girl.
"Hey need a drink Lannie?" Bon nudged me holding out a water bottle.
"Oh thanks! I was dying." I huffed taking the water bottle and popped it open.

"Hey, it's chasing him now!" Koneko pointed as the Reaper leaped for Amaimon.
I wonder what made him falter in having such a hold of himself. He ran really fast, for a moment it looked like he was actually the one chasing the Reaper. Until he grabbed ahold of the chain the Reaper was tied to and landed a giant rock on it's head slamming the beast face first into the ground.

"Amaimon that's enough!" The teacher screamed, "They are used for athletic training NOT combat!" 
That poor Reaper! Why did he go and do something like that!?
"Back up on the plat form!" The teacher scolded him. With out using the stairs he took a leap up to the plat form we all had been standing on.

"Guess he can't handle being told he hasn't got a steady grip on his emotions like he tries to act like he does."Shima shrugged.
Amaimon didn't bother getting any water, or coming back to talk with me, instead he seemed to be pouting in the corner hugging onto his hobgoblin. Maybe I should go talk to him instead... at least to make sure he's alright, even though he wasn't the one hurt unlike that poor Reaper.

"Amaimon?" I stood over him, "Are you alright?"
"Well, at least you got it to chase you, I thought it would never move. You're pretty good at keeping it tame." I smiled nervously, was I saying anything that really made sense right now? I felt like I was just excessively talking. He still stayed silent still not looking up.
"Well, want some water?" I offered out my water bottle. Some people had this weird thing about not liking to drink off of other people even if their friends, but he didn't cross me as one of those kinds.
Now he finally looked up watching the water bottle    and glancing up at me.
"No.." He mumbled and looked back down.
"Oh, okay...I-it isn't because you don't want to drink off of me is it? I can get you a new one if thats it."
"I don't want any." He shook his head not looking up from using his hobgoblin as a pillow.
"What's wrong?" I sighed sitting down, "Why are you sulking?"
"Why do you care? Go away." He turned away.
"Wha, you're the one who's following me to all my classes." I reminded getting back up to my feet and left him alone as he wanted. What was wrong with him? One minute he can't leave me alone, the next he's all pouting and pushing me away. Was it really that big of a deal that he could get the Reaper to chase him? ...But wasn't that what he wanted it to do anyway!?

"What's his problem?" Bon asked when I rejoined the group.
"I don't know, he just wants to be alone I guess." I shrugged leaning against the wall using the towel around my neck to wipe my forehead and glanced back at Amaimon that hadn't moved from his spot, just cradling the hobgoblin in his lap and hiding his face. Maybe he wasn't used to being yelled at like the teacher just did to him, he was the chairman's younger brother after all somehow he doesn't seem like a short tempered guy who goes around yelling at everyone, maybe talking stern but not shouting like that.

"Okumura Rin, you're next!" The teacher called causing Rin to break away from his conversation with Shiemi. Those two were always talking together, and even though I could tell Rin has a thing for her, she makes these big hopeful eyes at his brother Yukio. I wonder if he notices it too, and how it makes him feel... maybe that is what the Reaper can sense and that's why it chases Rin. Now thinking about it, I wonder what the Reaper can sense when I'm down on the track...

Finally at the end of gym we all gathered our things and change out of the gym uniform, then I met with Amaimon again who still hadn't gotten up from his pouting party.

"Are you going to sit here all day or are we going to our next class?"
"I wanna go home..." he mumbled.
"What? We just finished second period and this is only your first day!"
"...You don't want me to leave?" His eyes shown over the hobgoblin's horns.
"Well... n-no I guess not..." My face burned, had he thought I wanted him to leave in the first place??
Finally he got up and walked off to the boys changing room to change his uniform. What made him think I wanted him to leave!? Once he came out again he met me at the exit way of the class.
"What happened to your uniform, you're missing the bow." he pointed.
I didn't think anyone would notice, I hated bows, couldn't really tie them all that well and it was embarrassing to keep asking Shiemi or Izimo to tie it for me, or to admit I couldn't tie one, "Oh uh... I forgot to put it on I'll get it later, we'll be late."
"The bell has one minute to ring." His head slightly tilted to the side and his hands undid his tie around his collar and slid it around my neck tying it under my collar instead, "Here, take my tie..."
"Th-thanks!" My voice squeaked as I looked down at the perfectly tied tie. Oddly I knew how to tie ties a lot better than bows and liked wearing my Pappy's ties during dress up, or just for a random outburst of sillyness, but I thought they looked better on me than any bows my Grammy or I had put in my hair or on my clothes.
"You're welcome. It looks better that way." He slipped his hands in the pockets of his pants looking down when suddenly the bell rang overhead releasing us from class.

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