A Change of View

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Amaimon's POV

Anuie is very busy all the time. I'm usually on my own until he gets off of work, and we watch anime together or play a game before he get's his hour of sleep. I find myself not sleepy until five in the morning, then wake up at ten in the morning. Everyday consisted of getting in trouble with Anuie because I'm not allowed to be seen anywhere on his campus. Staying hidden has gotten so boring.

I had just woken up in Aunie's bed surrounded in anime body pillows and plush dolls from different animes. I made sure to make the bed placing everything in it's neat mess brother kept everything in. Greeted by Behemoth as soon as my feet touched the soft carpet my ankles were attacked by his hot bumpy tongue and playful nibbles. Usually Anuie had breakfast on a tray for me when I finally woke up, and usually Behemoth would eat it before I was able to have a crumb of it. Picking up my hobgoblin I checked the tray with a broken plate empty of any food that might have resided on the surface. I sighed turning back around and set Behemoth down pulling the borrowed kimono off and folding it sloppily and left it on the bed grabbing my regular clothes and got dressed. I'll see if brother has anything else to eat or lend me some money to eat somewhere off campus.

When I got to brother's office, I heard voices inside. I waited for a moment until the door opened, staying hidden above the ceiling as a girl walked out and hurriedly ran away. I slipped in not realizing there was still someone else in here as I spotted the cake instead on brother's desk.
"Anuie are you going to eat that?" I asked hoping he'd be willing to give it to me. Brother has become so weird lately. If it were anyone else in Gehenna I would have been denied and set myself up for a fight. But brother simply gave me a little scolding that we weren't alone in the room while telling me I can have what was once his. We weren't alone in the room. I spotted a girl, not like the other girls I've seen here. It was a little hard to describe a girl while hanging upside down, so I got a better look when I got right side up on the floor and settled with some of brother's cake. This girl was different, she was taller than a lot of girls that go here, unless they're adults. She had weird cloths on, like she'd been outcasted from her people; something I can much relate to.. If I was accepted into father's castle from the time of conception I'd probably wear silly outfits like brother too. But I'm glad and happy with what I've got... Never once complained about it. Her hair was something I haven't seen before, it was like a cloud but a different color, her skin was so clear but slightly touched by the sun, not sunburnt but tanned in a very slight way making her still look fair. Her chest was full and she was broad not slim and dainty like the twigs the females try to be, more like a stout tree trunk to hug around or take a nap near.

I don't think I've ever compared or described a girl like a tree before. The girls who can be described or compared to flowers are the ones I hate the most. Their thin stems easy to break in half, their pretty face of petals ready to brown and shrivel withering away until it's unsightly death. Even that girl I met before Shiemi is a flower herself, maybe a hardy grown flower adapted with tiny thorns, but nothing that could stop a demon's claws from tearing it to shreds.
Never knew this about myself until this very moment, I like tree girls. And tree girls are very hard to find. Her eyes shifted back and forth and all around the room trying to avoid me. She was nervous... and her soul shined like the sun, this cake was suddenly so bland, she would taste much better. But brother took her away... she's joining the school. There would be a chance to see her again if she stays here. But until then, how long will I have to wait? I never been so curious about a human this way. Is this what brother feels about them? About that red haired girl? About that man who died for the sake of our half brothers?

I can't stand brother's game of waiting in time. I haven't the patients to wait around here until I see her again. I'll stay hidden as brother wants me to, but I have to see her, now and forever. I don't want to blink to miss anything she does.

The door to the office opened again and I froze ready to attack someone if needed, but it was thankfully only brother returning to the office. He looked at me seeming confused.
"Amaimon, are you okay?" He asked peeling his glove from his milk white hand and placed the bare hand against my forehead, "You didn't finish eating and you're still here."
"I'm okay Anuie." I nodded letting his hand touch my face. "I'm not hungry anymore."
"Okay." He took the cake away placing it at the edge of the desk. I watched him sit down at the desk again. Doesn't he feel it? No... it's too subtle for anything but a machine to pick up, and me. I feel it, the earth quivering under us as if it had a shiver sent up it's spine. The tiny vibrations were enough to shake the plate of cake from brother's desk over onto the floor shattering into pieces.
He jumped and looked down at the mess grumbling something to himself, I didn't know what at the time I was suddenly so emotional. I'm in control of earthquakes, me the Earth King. But... I didn't make that happen, or at least I didn't mean to! My hand involuntarily went to my chest feeling a fluttering and hard pounding with in the cavity.

"Amaimon, what is it!?" Brother took my arms firmly making me look at him.
"Nothing!" I lied shaking my head, "there's just something in my chest that hurts."
"What? Your heart?" Brother tore away my hands and placed his on my chest his ears twitching in the silence we held between us, "Your heart is racing." He frowned, "Go back to the house, get a glass of water and go back to bed."
"Oh...okay." I nodded as he left me and sat back at his desk snapping a dust pan and broom to clean up the glass mess.
As I left his office I knew if I did as told and stayed in bed it would only be worse. I have to go outside, be one with the earth I control, why is she defying my rule?
I stayed in the trees, only it didn't do any good, trees reminding me of that girl. Why was she everywhere I tried to divert my eyes!? This is so annoying, I need to end her right now. Brother might not understand but if I am to stay here, she can't. I don't know how but I was able to find her easily, she was the only tree girl in the academy. She's with the cram class students, they'd be a quick fight to get through so I could destroy her easily.

...But that's not what I want to do. I watched seeing them all crowd around her as they walked out of the building to go to their next classes, that pink haired boy close and talking to her made me angry. I wanted to kill him instead. But I still have to keep hidden... thinking to myself, 'As long as I'm able to see her I feel better than going with out knowing what she was doing, or where she was.'

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