The First Lead

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"Bon, Larrisa good morning." Okumura Sensei welcomed us into the classroom.
"Morning." Bon answered back.

"Whoa! Hold it right there!!" Shima stood from his chair so fast the chair toppled over.
"What Shima-san?" Konekomaru looked up from his book and pushed up his red framed glasses.
"Don't you see it?! Bon and Larrisa walking in together, the cake in her hand!!"
"That's Bon's favorite, he never gave up on that cake not even to Rin, he was about to fight over it! And now she has it!"

"Shaddup it's not a big deal! I already had one, it was extra for after lunch." Bon's face shaded a light pink walking over to his table.

I never new this cake was that important to him, and he just handed it over to me like it was nothing. I don't know why but I now have a smile on my face as I took the seat next to Shiemi and opened the cake taking quick bites. No wonder he'd fight for this little cake, IT'S DELICIOUS!
Rin was late coming into class as the bell rang and he still wasn't in his seat.

"Again, Nii-San really?" Okumura Sensei sighed after checking his clip board. I don't understand how they live together and they aren't here at the same time. It makes no sense. But after two minutes Rin came running into the classroom panting heavily.
"Okay, I can explain." Rin started but his brother just shook his head, "I already know what happened, just take your seat we have an assignment to do."
"Alright fine." Rin huffed and slid down in his chair letting loose a loud yawn.
"Now that we're all present I can explain the lesson today. It'll be fairly simple and all the information can be found in the library. Bring in a full report about a demon. Their habitat, how to be identified, the way to exorcize them from the area."

Izimo threw her hand up, "Sensei, what exactly does this teach us?"
"Well, after each mission the teams need to make reports back to the head quarters so that we can keep steady progress on how effective everyone works together, or if we make any progress on making a dent in demon population. Consider this just practice so that you're able to follow and put in as much detail to the reports as possible. Once this becomes second nature to you all, reporting in after a mission should take all but five or ten minutes give or take." Okumura Sensei explained, "I'll pass out these templates to take your notes on and to give you hints or ideas to include. Don't loose it, and we'll be having class in the library until the end of the week."

Great, I have no idea where the library is. I don't know if I can find it there alone. Thats when my eyes looked across the room to Bon. Even if I was paired with Shiemi for the work and maybe should have thought about her when not knowing something first, it was set on Bon.

"This is homework?" Rin grumbled at his brother as he passed out the papers.
"That's correct. The reports will have to be made on your own time, so having it for homework would be best. But if you all wish to group a the library after school to work together that's perfectly fine."

For the rest of the class we were taught pharmaceuticals, then class changed and we had gym which were running away from reapers; big frog like demons... I think they're actually kind of cute. After gym, we had summoning classes, those who didn't have a familiar which was surprisingly only Konekomaru still observed while keeping up his work on incantations. Bon had a Phoenix familiar that was passed down from his father. The story on how he got it came up when he summoned it in class. Shima had one, looking like a big black shadow, but he rather not use it, as it takes a lot of energy out of him and he'd be asleep for the rest of the day. Izimo and her two foxes Uke and Mike. And Rin with a black two tailed cat named Kuro, again a familiar passed down from the family. And then Shiemi with her little greenman Nee-Chan, even Takara with his puppet summoning. When I was able to bring Maximus into class I knew this was the very best school to ever be in, ,and everyone was amazed at the size of him.
"You have to be really strong to have a familiar that size!" Shiemi's eyes had stars in them.
"Really? It doesn't seem like much." I pet Max's nose after he looked around and sniffed at everyone. I didn't know how common familiars passed down in the family really was until now.

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