After The Tremor

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--Larrisa POV--

I woke up in the morning thankfully on time but heard a lot of commotion in the hall way. Fumbling out of bed and carefully finding the door I opened it to the hall finding Paku and the other girls.
"What's going on?" I asked through a yawn.
"Oh good morning Larisa-chan." She greeted, "You slept right threw it? There was an earthquake, nothing devastating but enough to cause a tremor and shake things off the walls or break windows."
"An earthquake?! I've never been through one before!"
"Don't worry it want a big one, we're going to be okay. But it did stir up the students pretty good and a little early for class. Want to catch breakfast with Izimo-chan and I?" She smiled pressing her hands on my shoulder softly.
"Oh sure." I left to get ready and turned on the light to my room finding a lot of things I had on my desk were on the floor now. And all I could think of Amaimon... Did he do this? Is he okay?

We met Izimo in the lunchroom eating breakfast, Paku and I joined her at the table.
"Did you feel the tremor Izimo?" Paku asked over her tray.
"Duh, who didn't feel it? I don't see why people are getting so worked up about it. It wasn't even disastrous other parts of Japan have seen worse." She huffed.
"But this was Larrisa's first earthquake."

"They can get worse?" I swallowed hard.
"Yeah a lot worse. Like tear down a sky scraper in one second flat." Izimo crushed her empty milk carton and then tipped it over on its side.

"Uwaahh! Why couldn't we just take the five more minutes on sleep! I just got to bed!!" I heard a familiar voice a few tables away. I turned to see exactly who I thought it was, a very tired and early woken Shima Renzo complaining over Bon's shoulder while Koneko silently fought his sleep sitting at the table. It's cute how those three are always with each other.

"Oh no don't make eye contact with him, it'll just bring him over here! Larrisa look away!" Izimo whispered desperately but even though I drew my attention back Paku began to wave to him.
"Ohayo Shima-San!"
"Paku!" Izimo shrieked reaching over the table to grab her hand and put it down but it was too late.

"Paku-chan!" Shima seemed to perk up and be fully awake now smiling brightly and waved back and trotted over to our table and teasingly nudged Izimo asking, "Izimo-chan is this seat taken?~"
"Yes. Uke and Mike are sitting there." She growled and quickly summoned her two foxes and they took both sides of the seat leaving her in the middle.
"Right. Lannie then, is this seat available?" He moved over to my side.
"Uh, I guess not?" I just didn't have the heart to flat out say 'no' besides he's supposed to be helping me find a lead to my parents.
"Great! I'm now the luckiest guy this morning!" He chuckled and instead of sitting on the empty right side he sat himself between Paku and I.
"Shima-San you are just too much!" Paku laughed tapping his arm.
"Hey how'd you girls like that tremor we had this morning? That's a nice little wake up call isn't it?"
"What ever it wasn't a big deal." Izimo repeated.
"Woke me up too early." Shima yawned.

"Okay potatoes!" A voice called making everyone turn. The voice belonged to that fiery red head Shura, that took Amaimon away. Everyone else slowly turned back around except for those of us in the cram class. "Enough slackin off, you either stuffed yer faces enough or missed out, get yer butts to class!" She just called us potatoes... I wonder if it was an inside joke amongst her and the students that I've missed out on...
"Did she just call us potatoes?" Shima asked Izimo and I. Well, there goes my theory.
"She did. And I think she's right all you boys are as helpful as a sack of potatoes." She huffed and got up from her seat, "come on Larrisa-Chan. Bye Paku see you later okay?"
"Okay! Have a good day you guys!" Paku smiled sweetly and waved.
"Wait, potatoes are very helpful! Do you know how many things you can make with potatoes!" Shima got up after us, "right Lannie?"
"W-well he has a point.."
"Don't fall into his persuasion Lannie." She said still harsh towards him and continued to meet the rest of the students that gathered around Shura.
"Alright here's the dealio kiddos; that tremor this morning stirred up a lot of hobgoblin burrows and coaltar nests. We're on extermination duty!" She explained after we were there.

"Where's Okumura Sensei?" Bon asked raising his hand.
"He's on medical duty, y'know how snappy those little goblin bastards can get. If they hurt anyone that's where he's at." She answered.
"And Rin-Kun?" He added.

"I'm here." A yawn was heard behind her as he just walked into the lunchroom, "what's going on? I just woke up and the room was a mess. At first I thought Kuro did it but he said there was a tremor?"
"Yer late even when yer early..." Shura rolled her eyes re-explaining everything again.
I raised my hand after she was finished talking with Rin.
"What's up newbie?" She asked sticking her pinky in her ear and scratching.
"Where is Amaimon??"
"Huh? Oh right that demon brat. Well while all of you are playing pest control I gotta go get em. Thanks for reminding me newbie."

So Amaimon will be here today, thank goodness. My face suddenly grew hot and my chest matched the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. 'Hey stop that! Not looking for boyfriends or falling in love with anyone! I came here to do a mission, and I won't even be staying here that long. Once all if found and I graduate I'm going back home. Save yourself the heart ache!' I scolded myself for getting so happy about him. 'Besides, what would make a girl like me so special that the 'mighty Earth King' would consider liking me back?' I'm sure he has a big fan base consisting of girls from all around, I'd just be a number to add into the group.
I mean i-if I did like him that is...

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