Kiss the Girl

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Amaimon's POV

"Brother how do you keep your powers in control? Don't you get... Well you know, isn't it hard with that woman around?" I asked as he straightened my neck tie.

"Who Shura? I suppose it isn't exactly something I can hide anymore is it?" He smiled running his gloved fingers through my hair, my spike refusing to go down in the slightest, "It wouldn't be the first time a human has cracked through that cold hard shell and found my heart."
"The first has died, many ages ago. But recently and quite frightfully there's been two that had the will to break it's shield once more no matter how hard it's gotten."
"Two of them?"
"One of them have also died, but Shura remains and I've had many practice keeping my powers in check but the truth of the matter is, it's not really possible."
"It isn't? But brother if these humans keep dying why do you keep letting your heart be exposed to them, doesn't it hurt?"

"It is very sad Amaimon, but to feel whether it's a good or bad feeling don't you think it's more than what you've ever had in Gehenna... Feelings unable to explain, unable to see... Besides humans cannot handle eternity, mentally they become something else I've witnessed it first hand. And if I had the same person at my side for all eternity, although it's a sweet notion to think the actuality and harsh reality of such a thing is terrible because things like us Amaimon; demons we get bored of our toys quickly. That's what makes having them in the very short moments of their life, unchanged, just the way they are, so precious."

I don't understand quite what he means by all of this the one thing that stuck and worried me was controlling my powers once my heart is exposed wasn't possible!
"Have you ever heard the expression: 'time flies when you're having fun'?" He smiled buttoning his sleeve cuffs on his top jacket.
"I think so.."
"That's my bad..." He stuck out his tongue scratching the back of his head, "anyway you'll understand one day hm." He opened the door leading the way down the stairs.

"Lord Pheles the party is in twenty minutes and all we have prepared is the refreshments!" His butler met us half way down his face in a nervous sweat.
"Oh good then we're right on schedule, how is the music preparations?"
"Oh yes they've set up on stage but what about the decor? I haven't contacted anyone to-"
"Shush shush!!" Brother pressed a finger to his lips his hand pat the butler on the shoulder, "you've lived with me for how long? I wouldn't leave my dear wonderful butler to stress himself into a coma. Clean yourself up I have the rest under control."

"I-oh yes sir." He bowed and went back down the stairs disappearing around the corner as brother turned to me.
"You do have Behemoth secure don't you? I'll have all my students here, some that haven't been effected or know about demons at all..."
"Yes, he's in a cage this time." I nodded missing him at my side but brother would never let me keep him in Assiah if he hurt one of the students.
"Great! Then let the party begin!~" he hurried down the steps into the main room where the band had set up and silently flipped through their music sheets as he looked up and around the room a smile spreading his face widely even his fangs weren't afraid to show.
In Gehenna, before he would help father host his gatherings he would do the exact same thing, he seems to visualizes the finished product before he counts his magic numbers snapping his fingers and--
Yep, the clouds dissolve and the decor is taken care of. Balloons, streamers, fake spider webs and spiders, even the light fixtures changed to different chandeliers. Just as the smoke cleared there was a loud ring at the front door. Brother swiveled on his heals opening the door to the staff of the academy first and excitedly, like a dog desperately hoping to please his master cheerfully welcomed them inside.

"Well, I'll just be over here.." I said depressed by he sight of anyone who wasn't Larrisa. Wishing I had asked her to come to the dance. I started for the stairs only to feel my arm get tugged as brother stopped me and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"The key to not loosing total control is to remember you are the wolf, and she is but a fawn. Just as Shura is a talented and skilled woman of great power I am an entity of stronger power. Same goes for you, remember that."  He pat my shoulder and scooted me off as he engaged in a conversation with some blond haired man dressed in white.

Brother is right, they're only human... She's only a human. A protection circle, incantations, and holy water bombs are but annoying little stings to a demon of my level. She is as defenseless as a fawn, in terms of danger to me anyway. But this defenseless tree fawn is captivating to this demon hound like me. I made my way up the stairs deep in thought watching the mansion flood in with students and more staff from the academy, and brother greeting them all. I hadn't seen her until I began to recognize the heads of the students from the cram class. Is that Larrisa in a dress!? I watched like a cat tracking a pond full of koi as she slowly weaved in and out of people talking to that 'Bon' kid and his friend. Her nervous aura steamed around her, and it drew me closer before I realized I was quickly rushing down the steps moving past the others to finally meet her. This new thudding feeling in my chest was going to be annoying but it made me, feel. An inexplainable smile wanted to form as I walked up behind her and Bon showing his submission to my approach allowing me to snatch her away. Yes! Powerful, unstoppable, the whole world is in the palm of my hands!!! ...or rather just her hand in mine, and it was the exact equivalent. 

We went out more to the floor her nervousness returned as I insisted we dance, but I heard brother through the crowd hearing the same protest from Shura as he held her hand and lead her out on the floor.

"Sir Pheles, really I don't dance!" She pleaded.
"You don't or you can't? Do you need another drink?" He teased.
"No. I can't I never learned how..."
"Okay that's fine." His voice gave away his smile, "hold on tight, and step on my toes."
"Don't worry I can take it!~ come on." He held her against him as he guided her to step on his shoes, as he stepped alone she looked as if following his rhythm though he was just holding her.

I turned back to look at my nervous fawn and smiled softly, "step on my toes." I helped her in the right position as I followed along the right dance steps feeling her tight grasp around me. Was it me, or brother loosing his powers as well, for a moment it felt like it was just the two of us that existed in the entire world, her eyes locked on mine as her body relaxed as she trusted my movements to be hers as well, if it were possible I wanted to live in the moment forever. She smiled back at me with a deep blush she couldn't hide, she was never good at hiding how easily her face can become so flustered. 
We were so close, in tune with the song that played I couldn't hold myself back, the soft skin over her lips brushed against mine as I pressed us closer together, kissing her right there in that bubble of a perfect moment. My heart thudded harder and the only thought that crossed my mind was never wanting to hurt her no mater the capability of doing so, and that meant keeping my powers steady in this very moment.

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