Settle In

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Everything looked amazing, seeing the Academy in all the pictures already convinced me the place was beautiful, but seeing it in person was like starring at a dazzling treasure. Arthur watched with a prideful smile as I continued to watch in awe as we drove through the city's check points and closer to the Academy.

"We'll be going to see the chairman of the school." He broke my gawking from the window.
"This late at night?"
"It's no trouble to him, he's up very late all through out the night doing his work, besides you'll need a place to stay won't you? You'll have to stay in one of the dorms."
"Oh, okay." I nodded and turned to look back out the window. After passing another checkpoint now inside the Academy, we drove all the way up to the gates at the front of the school.
"I assume you're here to learn to be an exorcist? That's why we have most students from other places flock here." He said as he opened the door.
"Yeah." I nodded following after him lugging my back pack over my back again. The academy was still and quiet during the night, all but the sounds of the surrounding city of course filtered through the air.
"The students have a curfew to be in their dorms unless they are sent out on a mission. The ones working late at this time of night are the reason it's stayed peaceful like this. Of course I work hard all around the clock, I'm an exorcist too."
"Really?!" I looked back up at him smiling again with pride.
"Yep, I'm what they call the Paladin. That's the highest position in the exorcist chart anyone can go for. But you'll learn all of that in class, come one this way." He explained leading the way to the chairmans office. I tried my best to keep in step with him but I was so curious and wanted to explore, this is after all my first time in a public school! It was a long walk to the office, hopefully I'll never be sent here for getting in trouble, I'm not a trouble maker anyhow but just the the thought of the scenario like the cartoons on tv being sent to the principal's office. I couldn't ever give the impression of being ungrateful for everything both my grandparents and the Chairman; ah what was his name again...Sir Pheles? Yes that was it. Have already done for me, all of this must have costed a fortune! How disappointed both of them would be if at any time Sir Pheles has to call my grandparents to tell them I'm not doing my work seriously or anything like that!?
We were just outside his door when I froze, this was the man who paid for my tuition here, I'm so indefinitely grateful I think if I get to see him I'll pass out. I don't know how to react to all of this kindness and hospitality, all I've gotten that has been somewhat equivalent to this was Maximus from my grandfather. And I was stuck thanking him for about a week after crying with happiness for the whole day.
"Miss McKnight are you alright? I promise he isn't scary." Arthur waited looking back at me with a smirk.
"I'm okay!" I jumped and nodded quickly. Here goes nothing, I'll do my best to give a good impression!!
His hand knocked on the door three times quickly before a voice answered in Japanese from inside, "Come in!"
We entered through the door into the office and my heart was pounding in my chest.
"Ah welcome! You made it here alright." Sir Pheles stood from his chair and came from behind the desk to greet me, at this point I don't even know how I was understanding him because all I could hear was my heart beat in my head. 'Calm down Lannie, you're okay!' I told myself and tried to get my mind to think of other things, like Max he would always comfort me when I was feeling anything other than happy. Only I am happy, really very extremely happy, but nervous too really, very, extremely nervous... I must pay attention, let me not loose control now!
"Apologies for the terrible time of arrival, I hope you are able to regulate your sleep quickly. Anyway the most I'd like to give you now is your dorm so you can get settled in and take some time to rest. Traveling is tiresome. However I'd like to see you tomorrow, when ever you can make it here is fine with me, I'll need o give you your schedule and explain the classes; I'd rather wait till you've gotten a proper rest in a bed than on a plain seat." He chuckled.

Whoa... were those fangs? I just noticed them, they're very prominent in his smile, it must be his genetics because he pulls off the look devilishly well. It's weird to admit it, but dang he wasn't bad looking. I'm blushing now, but it's okay as long as my thoughts aren't out loud. Even his pointed ears are cute on him, and his odd purple hair that matches his eye brows and small pointed goatee all looked perfect on him. The only time I've seen people with hair like that is just on TV, but this really does seem to be normal. Well maybe normal isn't the right word, but it doesn't give the impression of 'freak' or 'weirdo' to me at all. Maybe it was the outfit that pulled everything together for his look, it seemed to be expensive too.

As he went back to his desk to grab something, I took the time to look around the room. It was a spacious office, with a couch to the back wall, a window over looking the academy, and two chairs closer to the desk with a table in between them. Everything was finely contrasted in color to match or compliment the different items. His desk, littered with papers, and small desk toys to bring a little fun into the room perhaps went well with the pink lamp sitting next to the monitor of the computer.
Ah, pink... the limo Arthur mentioned must have been customized to Sir Pheles, after noticing the pink lamp and the pink cravat dotted with small circles on it I concluded he was fond of pink and not afraid to flaunt it. He pulls it off nicely, just like his hair, fangs and pointed ears. Oh and solid green eyes. I say solid because mine are hazel sometimes looking more green, or other times more blue, and rarely look kind of grey. But he has some bags under his eyes, Arthur mentioned he stays up late, but I wonder how late and when does he sleep, by the looks of the bags and dark circles lining under his eyes it look like never! And here he is hoping I get a proper rest...

"This will be your dorm and room number. Sir Angel can take you there, settle in for the rest of the night and I'll be seeing you tomorrow." He handed a paper to me his hand covered in a light purple glove.
I took it and bowed politely, "Thank you!"
"You're very welcome." He gave a chuckle nodding his head and sat back at his desk.
Arthur escorted me out and back down to the dorms. The was Sir Pheles addressed him by his last name, I'd have to remember to do the same when calling to student's that are above me or not yet well known.
"Well this is as far as I can take you." He stopped out side a building, "This is the girls dorm. No male staff is allowed in with out a female member of staff accompanying them, unless of course it's dire circumstances. Even as Paladin I have to obaide by that respectable rule. But I'm sure you'll find your room just fine."

After thanking him I walked down the hall of the dorm. It was quiet and unfamiliar, so it was awkward like walking into someone else's house for the first time. Everyone else must be asleep, but I found my room with no problem. The door was decorated with colorful greeting cards, some written in English and others in Japanese with cute characters waving their hands excitedly. The girls must have heard about a new student coming and wanted to make her feel welcome. My face was getting red from all this welcoming. I was feeling like I'd be so odd and alone here on the plain, but they're really doing all that they can to make me feel like I'm welcome and belong here. After peeling the greeting cards from the door and getting inside the dark room I felt around for a light and switched it on hoping I wasn't going to disturb anyone. But the room was empty of people. A room to myself. It had the potential of housing two people, but for now it was just me. I unpacked my back pack of clothes setting them in the drawer and pulled out some pictures. Even feeling welcome and so excited to be here, any time I looked at m family back in America, on the farm, I got homesick. I decided to set it faced down on the study desk, that way I can get homesick on my own and look at it for comfort instead. But for now I thought, to ease this alone emptiness I was feeling in the quiet room I could finally bring Maximus back again! The room seemed big enough at the time...
But housing a giant animal like Max cut it down in size real quick. And Max didn't like small spaces so he started to freak out when he was confined in a small room instead of the familiar open pasture. I was able to calm him down after a while and we both fell asleep on the floor.  

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