Late in the Morning

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Amaimon's POV

I closed the door softly to the mansion taking Behemoth off the chain leash. I didn't want to leave under Larrisa's window. But the doll was fixed and I really wanted to surprise brother too. I found him staring into the tv playing a game, his fingers rapidly mashing the buttons on the controls as he sat on his fluffy cushion on the floor.
"Amaimon, that was a long walk you had." He said as soon as I step foot in the room.
"Yeah." I got to my knees next to him and he hit the pause button looking over to me, his purple hair illuminated from the screen and already dressed down for bed wearing his pink kimono. I wonder if he was angry at me for staying out too long, and not following our routine together...

"What?" He broke me away from my thoughts looking like I was just watching him.
"Oh, I got something for you." I jolted.
He perked up in his cushion excited even though he tried to keep a straight face. I pulled out his doll and presented it with two hands holding it out to him.
"Amaimon!" He snatched the doll up checking it over and suddenly had my face buried in his shoulder in a one armed hug, "How, where did you get it from!?"
"It's yours Anuie, I fixed it."
"Fixed it? It looks new! Where did you fix it at? And you smell like a barn.."
I sniffed at my jacket pulling away from brother, who must have taken a shower smelling clean and sweet. I did have an oder, but when did I ever not? One of my secret 'weapons' is a foul breath that only with a enchanted ring can anyone survive it. Always been the grungy type.
"Thank you Amaimon." He dismissed an explanation to his first question.
"You're welcome Anuie." I smiled. I made him happy, and this time it was easy to tell.

Larrisa's POV

"Lannie." Max woke me up huffing from his nostrils, "Lannie wake up, you'll be late!"
I shook my head, my hair was a ratty mess that looked like a lion's mane.
"Ugh, Max where's my hair brush?" I grumbled looking around.
"You don't have time now, look at the clock!"
My blurry vision set eyes on the clock, 8:45! Class starts at nine!
"Crap! I slept in so late! I need my tooth brush!" I rolled out of the bed searching my bag but didn't find it! "Max!"
"Here." He grumbled holding out my tooth brush in one of his big hands.
"Ah, thank you!" I ran out of the room and down the hall for the dorm bathroom, no one was there everyone must already be heading for class! After quickly brushing my teeth I ran back grabbing the uniform shoes slipping them on with out looking, thank goodness I was too tired to change into regular sleep cloths and was already in my uniform. Grabbing my brush and my back pack I rushed out the door. Running outside the air was cool and fresh. A cool wind in the air and warm sun it was almost weather too good to be true, but my feet hurt a little and felt weird, it was enough to keep me focused on running. There was a few other students making a dash for class as well from the school store, including Ryuji. We had sat next to each other at lunch yesterday, just because he was a familiar face, but he doesn't talk much.

"Hey, new girl!" He waved suddenly. My feet slowed and stomped to a stop looking back. "You okay?" He looked down at me holding some kind of cake wrapped in plastic wrapping.
Why would he ask that? "Yeah.." I answered confused.
"You look like you were just electrocuted." he pointed at my hair.
"Ah." my face brightened up and I took the brush I held in my hand starting to brush it down, "I uh, just woke up."
"Slept in the uniform eh?" His mouth raised in a smile. I must look horrible if he could tell I slept in my clothes! I looked down my shirt and skirt wrinkled and one sock higher than the other, my shoes weren't even buckled and on the wrong feet!! Well that explains the pain and weird feeling...
"Oh my god." I grumbled slipping them off to change them.
"Hey, hey don't get your socks dirty." He stopped me before I could get the first one off. "Here fix them up and sit on the bench." he motioned over to a cement bench a few feet away from us. Fixing my socks up just a few inches above my knees I waddled over to the bench almost falling from tripping over my feet. A warm hand grabbed my arm pulling me back up and steadied me back on my mixed up feet holding me against a warm body.
"Whoa careful, you okay?" He asked.
I looked up seeing his face looking down at me brown eyes, his ear piercings caught the light and seemed to twinkle like own little stars. I nodded pushing off of him unable to breath and trying to fan away the super red flush that invaded my face. Sitting on the bench I slipped off my shoes and put them on the right feet.
"Did you eat breakfast?"
"Here." He handed out the little cake he just bought.
"Oh no I-"
"What are you allergic to it or something?" He asked squinting his eyes down at the ingredient label on the packaging, "Huh it's organic, never knew that before..."
"N-no I'm not allergic to anything, but-"
"Then here take it!" He held it out to me again, "Hurry up we have to get to class!"
"Ah, bu- okay okay!" I took the food from his hand and got to my feet again, this time able to keep my balance.  
"Larrisa, right?" He began walking by my side.
"Yeah. Well, actually I prefer Lannie."
"Ah okay. And I prefer Bon."
Even though I knew that, Shiemi said only between friends. I didn't just want to automatically assume he'd be okay with calling him 'Bon' and assuming we'd become friends on the first day, as he really didn't say much, but saved me from number one on the weird list Shima.
"Are we late??" I asked as we approached the building and he took out his key.
"Hm?" He paused taking out his phone and checked the time, "Na we're one minute from being exactly on time." He opened the door leading the way into the class.

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