He's Ignoring Me!?

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--Larrisa Pov--

Kirigakure Sensei left us to our work while she went to get Amaimon. Giving the situation with the lower class demons running around exwires like us should be able to handle out own, but my mind was else where. I came to the conclusion that I'm liking Amaimon more than I should allow myself to. Isn't there some sort of rules to liking a demon? Or a demon liking a human? Is it like vampires who answer to a elder council group or something? I can't like him, not more than a friend. I'll be moving sooner than I realize it and just the thought of leaving friends behind makes my chest clench up tight.

"Lannie look out!!" Shima's yell broke me out of my autopilot of thinking. Looking up to see what was so alarming and saw a huge hobgoblin sloppily running with it's jagged teeth bared and drooling from it's lumpy tongue, it took a leap and was inches from my face! I had no time to do anything but close my eyes and brace myself for in pact! But it never came, just the hard thump and the sound of jingling golden rings from a K'rik. I peeked open my eyes to see Renzo in front of me with the hobgoblin gnawing on the k'rik he braced against himself blocking it from pouncing on me!

"Looks like a king to a burrow!" Koneko ran to his side clapping his hands together on the roasary beads and began chanting only the hobgoblin let Shima's k'rik go and dove for Konekomaru to stop his chanting.
"I'm sorry! I should have been paying attention!" I gasped getting to my feet, but something looked familiar about this hobgoblin, I think I've seen it before.
"Don't worry about it!" Shima grunted smacking it from getting Miwa so he continued his chanting.

"Behemoth!" Amaimon's voice called followed by a command seeming to be in Latin and the hobgoblin whipped around knocking Shima backwards off his feet and on his ass while it ran to his master and leapt up in his arms. "I was wondering where you went off to." Amaimon pinched the fat on Behemoth's sides and squished him in his arms seeming to be some kind of tough love punishment to the creature.
"Keep that godforsaken pest on a leash or leave it with yer brother." Shura warned scrunching up her face. Amaimon did as so and hooked a metal linked chain onto the harness around his familiar and walked up to me. As he came closer I hated myself for feeling my heart beat faster and smile yank up the corners of my mouth. Damn it...
"Apologies for startling you, he must have recognized your face as someone safe to be with during this whole extermination project." Amaimon bowed to me while apologizing.
"O-oh, no i-it's okay! I-I'm fine really!" I couldn't even speak right anymore. The butterflies in my stomach actually made me feel sick now.
"I'm relieved to hear. And you Konekomaru-San?" He turned making the smaller boy jump and take a step back shaking in his spot, "U-Uh I'm okay thanks to Sh-Shima-San."
"Good, because it's your own fault if you would have gotten hurt." He grunted, "And it's pathetic how it would have taken two of you to defend a woman against one simple hobgoblin." though he insulted them both he held out a hand tipped with black claw like nails to Shima still holding back his pain from falling on his bottom on the cement floor.
"Tch, the only thing pathetic is a guy loosing control of himself over a simple girl." Shima growled pulling himself up with the K'rik rejecting Amaimon's helping hand. The two glared intensely at each other, I could swear I saw a bit of electricity beaming from their eyes.

"Hey!" Bon waved with Rin standing next to him, "You two gonna kiss or help make this mission go a little faster!?"
Rin laughed leaning over his shoulder.
"Wha!?" Shima gasped looking back at him, "I was helping until Broccoli head decided to get in my way! -Ouch!"
Amaimon held Behemoth out and he chomped down on Shima's arm.
"Oops." Amaimon yanked away the goblin carelessly and went off in a separate direction leaving Shima's arm with a bloody bite wound.

That was harsh, even if it was pay back for the insulting name calling...Gosh and I really like this kid? He didn't even speak to me after his apology... I don't know what I exactly wanted to hear from him, but I felt let down that he just walked away with out saying anything else to me. And what did Shima mean about 'loosing control of himself over a girl'? Did that have something to do with me??
"Shima-San, are you okay?" Miwa looked over his arm.
"I'm fine. Sting a little though." He held his hand over the wide open gash marks trying to stop the blood seeping out. From over in the distance I heard Shura yelling a lecture at Amaimon for what he just did and when she finally finished she turned over to us, "Well you idiot what are you just standing there for!? Go find a doctor and get that wound treated!!"
"It could get infected rather quickly, and then the doctors might have to use maggots and flies to eat out the infection." Amaimon called as a warning.
Poor Shima's face went pale and his forehead dotted in sweat as his body seemed to lock up and couldn't move.
"Oh don't worry!" I stepped in front of him and grabbed his face mushing his cheeks together getting his eyes off the wound and to look at me, "Let's go find Shiemi I bet she can fix you up in now time."
"Okay, r-right yeah Shiemi." He muttered after I let go of his face.

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