Back On Track

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Larissa P.O.V

"Hey Lannie." Bon greeted me when I came in, his eyes softened looking at me with concern. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I lied quickly knowing my eyes weren't putting any effort into backing me up on my false statement as they must have been red from the stinging tears I was fighting to keep back.
"Oh...okay." He answered knowing I wasn't telling the truth but thank god he just left it alone if I thought anymore about it I would have broke down.

After Okumura Sensei explained the assignment and let us work on our own I was crowded by Shima that was practically sitting on my back.
"Hey Lannie! Why the long face? Aren't you excited for after school?"
After being so loud it attracted the attention of my other classmates. Rin leaned over as well peering at my face I tried to keep hidden from everyone.
"Hey Lannie, don't worry about it." He said softly, "Yukio doesn't bother to date anyone because he finds it hard to handle a relationship and school responsibilities, with being a teacher on top of it all."

"Wait something happened between you and the Earth King didn't it? How did you know Rin?!" Shima asked interested.
"Well it was quite obvious." Shiemi answered instead, "Amaimon had been hovering over her and glaring at anyone who got close, like a dog protecting his bone. He's a bit scary to me, but knowing even a full demon like him could have such feelings and act in such a manner to a human... You two were really cute." She smiled with a soft blush.

"Knock it off you guys!" Izumo jumped in, "saying stupid stuff like that doesn't make a break up get easier! You should be saying things like; Screw that asshole! You don't have the time for him anyway! You're better off without him!"
Shima smiled and laughed, "All men should fear the wrath of Miss Kamiki-San!"
"You better believe it cotton candy fro! Boys cause nothing but trouble for us hard working girls in high school. If you guys would be more like Konekomaru, school life would be so much easier. We could all study together, and actually STUDY!"
"Hey! I study!" Shima yelled back, "anatomy is my favorite subject to study. What better way to learn than looking at one?~"

"Still" Rin stayed calmer than the two arguing back and forth now and catching the attention of the teacher, "being a demon... It's complicated to find someone compatible and would put up with your demonic tendencies."
I sniffled a small smile tugging my lips as the comedic argument went on and looked up at Rin and Yukio as he went to settle the arguing. "Demonic tendencies?"
"Yeah, I'm sure it's different for each of us like I have the problem of keeping my flames under control when i'm really pissed off. Or sometimes they just make me angrier than what I should be at things. Or sleeping in too much, no matter how early I go to sleep I just can't get up so early in the morning." He shrugged, "aside from the flames I guess they all seem like pretty normal human struggles. Accept my hearing and sense of smell is better so I can hear those hurtful comments even when they're trying to keep me from knowing about it... And when my nose catches a scent it can be miles away and I smell it, and it doesn't smell too good all the time either. All of this annoys even me! So I could only imagine putting someone else through it." His eyes quickly glanced at Shiemi and then shy looked away.

"I never would have thought of that.." I said softly. Perhaps that's why Amaimon agreed so easily that we should stay away from each other.

"Hey Bon you sure are quiet today." Shima nudged him, "are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine just doing my work like you should be doing." He leaned more into his work. Maybe sulking like this upset him, no one likes to see a good friend so sad.

That settles it then, Amaimon and I both agree that this distance away from each other is better. Out of respect or love, or ... Whatever we might of had this is for the good of 'us'! And I shouldn't be sad, there's a huge bright light to this tiny darkness. I have great friends to help me, and I'm going to get back down to business meeting Sir Angel after school to see my mother's foster parents! Some butterflies of excitement arrived and fluttered in my stomach, my mind was now more concentrated on the minutes ticking by on the clock rather than the empty seat next to me where Amaimon used to sit.

--After School--

The last bell of the day! I started to get knots of anxiety and excitement in my stomach as the classes came to an end. The time was unbearably too slow and as Shima took me to meet Sir Angel went too fast! The three of us sat in the black car as the Paladin went on and on about his missions and days and what it was like to be him. He and Shima got into a little argument about some spying he did that Angel didn't seem to approve of but he had no choice under the orders of Sir Pheles. But Angel disliked Sir Pheles, he would always call him by 'that demon' with disgust in his tone. Apparently the two are like children with Mephisto being the crafty bully and Arthur as the kid who believes he's taking up for himself by throwing a fit about how much he dislikes the harmless bedeviling he receives from the headmaster.

"Would you like Sir Pheles if he wasn't a demon?" I asked.
"No. Even if he was a human or an elf or a clown, as long as he has the same personality I don't like him!"
"Ah the way you were talking about him it almost sounded like you were racist against demons." Shima snickered. "Racist!? Heavens NO! Wait- is that even possible? Exorcists are meant to cast demons out, but only the ones that can do detrimental harm to someone. Demons like uh Kuro for example Rin's familiar and guardian of one of the true cross gates they're fine."
"If they're good wouldn't that make them not a demon since demons are bad?" Shima asked.
"No, they can't deny where they've spawned from but they can deny their nature."
"So then what would you say Sir Pheles' adopted nature is?"
"It's annoying!! There's no way you'll ever change my mind about that purple haired, goat faced, clown looking, snake eyed son of a fireball!!!" Arthur's face steamed a deep red and his breath huffed heavily from his nose as his hands gripped the swearing wheel so hard his knuckles were white.
"" Shima rest back in his seat and decided to be silent before he upset the Paladin any more it's never a good idea to upset the driver.

"How about some music then?" He sighed as his grip loosened on the wheel and he clicked on the stereo with classical music playing softly.
"Uugh!!" Shima cover his ears, "Sir this is gonna put me to sleep!"
"Good! It'll shut you up for a while!" He ignored his complaints and continued on the road.

Shima was right he was snoozing in the back seat and even I fell fast asleep clutching onto the seat belt across my chest to stop it from going in between my breast, always hated how seat belts invaded such a private area...
Before long however I was shaken from my sleep by Angel as we arrived in front of the large hotel that my foster grandparents were staying at.
"We're here!" He said holding open my door.
"It'll be fine, you're one step closer to finding out about your mother." Shima stuck his thumb up to me, "c'mon Lannie isn't it so exciting!?"
He's no idea how nerve wrecking this is for me, I felt my stomach do flops and I suddenly felt glued to the seat. I'm not afraid or anything, just really nervous with social anxiety right now. Arthur was holding his hand out to me with a soft smile, "If you want I can do the first introductions. I have a way with talking to people it'll be just fine." He assured me as I unbuckled myself and took his hand as he helped me out of the car and closed my door. I couldn't bring myself to let go of him though, it was so embarrassing, but all my life on a farm sheltered me from the big city, and since moving to Japan I haven't left the walls of the academy. If I got separated from the group I would be utterly lost. Being lost in the small town's grocery store was scary enough as a child now in a big city never having been anywhere but school, I held on to Sir Angel's arm for dear life and hid behind him as we walked into the hotels foyer and to the front desk to get information. Thankfully though he didn't seem to be made uncomfortable by my clinginess brought on from anxiety. While in the elevator he let me hold his hand as we endured endless teasing from Shima, but it was harmless fun to him, and Arthur kept reassuring me that things will go just fine.

"Here it is." Sir Angel smiled down at me and raised his hand knocking on the door, "Everything will go nice and smooth just you watch." He said again. My heart followed the rhythm of a herd of cattles footsteps, at a full on stampede! I felt my face get hot and all my senses heightened, I watched the small space of the door and floor for any movement on the other side of the room, and heard the tapping of footsteps draw closer.

"This was it, there's no running back now." I told myself quietly with the remembrance of finding out the shocking news my mother had been put in an orphanage in the first place what if I received more news that was just as shocking, or disturbing! But this is the point of no return, the door knob shifted and turned, every second in that moment felt like an hour and then the door opened...

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