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Larrisa POV.

The silence in the car was crippling. I hadn't got much sleep and the rhythm of the car was like warm arms rocking me back to sleep. Shima was dozing off while pretending to look out the window and Angel just sat with his leg over his knee and arms crossed on his chest. Shima was right, he did look like he was keeping something from us. I was awoken from my sleep by a hand on my shoulder shaking me until I stirred. We had stopped to eat breakfast, Angel paid for me again, but made Shima pay for himself since he had a paying job and I didn't; plus he was a gentleman... or something like that.

We didn't stay still for long and after some food and apple juice in my system I found it easier to stay awake, Shima must have felt the same since the silence had finally been broken and hadn't the chance to settle back in for the rest of the ride.

"So, what did you find out on your research Angel? Why you keepin so quiet? Find something unsettling? Like Larrisa is actually an alien!" Shima gasped deeply, "It would explain her hair!"

"Leave my hair alone jerk!" I punched his arm and made sure my bandana was still covering my head.

"I did find a few things that were..." He paused looking at me and then down again, "life changing."

"For you or Lannie?"

"Was it a good kind of change or bad kind?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I don't know. I'm still wrapping my thoughts around it and trying to understand it all. It's crazy that's for sure."

"Where are we going? I had planned to investigate the hospital we got the address to but it seems you already did that for me." Shima asked taking out his phone and tapped at the screen.

"I did. We're meeting my parents."

"EH!?" The both of us sat up in our seats.

"I assure you it's completely relevant to your search."

I looked at Shima and Angel back and forth, Angel seemed to be keeping his expression calm and straightforward while Shima was somehow seeming to fitting pieces of a mental puzzle together, with things I obviously didn't understand. I guess I'd just find out when we meet Angel's parents.

We arrived at a mansion, white pillars of sparkling pearl towered the walk way. The architecture symbolized great royal castles of England with an ancient Greek touch to make the mansion sparkle in grace and beauty complete with so much acres of land that they had a landing strip big enough for a jet plane!! I froze in place, my knees locked up and I couldn't move.

"Th-this is your parent's p-place??" I asked taking in the breathtaking gardening work.

"No, this is MY house. It really is something special I won't lie." Angel smiled going from seemingly disturbed with all his thoughts to having a slight bounce in his strut as he walked us up to the front doors. Shima didn't seem as dazzled as I was, perhaps he'd been here before, or just used to seeing places like this... Maybe he had a house like this too!! True Cross is a place where all the rich kids go... Now I'm starting to feel out of place.

"Ah!" Angel smiled looking up in the sky as a shining urge white jet started to defend onto the landing strip, "The Angelic Wing has landed right on time. Mother and Father will join us, please come inside and leave your shoes at the door. He turned the golden key and threw open his doors being greeted by a door man asking to take his coat and offered us house slippers as Shima and I took our shoes off and left them on the side where Angel kept his as well. My eyes almost hurt from the sparkling shine of the interior. It was glamorous and classy. At work carefully decorated the walls, and frequent statues of Winged Angels posing daintily on pedestals in rooms around the place.

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