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I woke up to voices and knocking outside my door, Max was nudging me to shake me from my sleep.
"Huh??" I groaned my eyes blinded from the light in the room sitting up from the floor.

"Hello?" The voices of girls from outside was at the door with their knocking, "Are you awake new girl? Hello!?"
For a few minutes I had forgotten where I was, as if last night was nothing but a dream. I stiffened in my spot when it all came back to me, all of this is real! This isn't my room back at Pappy's house and I was far from home, with a whole bunch of people who I don't even know! Maximus nudged my back and flared his nostrils watching me with concern. I turned and pet him softly calming myself down. I'd have to break his seal for him to disappear again, not everyone at True Cross was an exorcist and knows about demons, as it has a regular high school as a front to the public. After kissing between his horns on his head I tore the paper making him vanish and finally stumbled over to open the door.

"She's awake!" The girls behind the door cheered, "Welcome to True Cross Academy!! You must have come here during the night! How was your flight?!" They began to fire off questions, "What part of America are you from? What was it like? Can you help me with my English studies? Do you need any help getting around? Can I touch your hair!?"

Too fast, I couldn't answer them all at once, and the whole dorm of girls were at my door! I barley know how to react to one person, now I have an excited crowd in front of me.

"You guys!" A girl with short brown hair stopped them all, "You're drowning her with your questions." She smiled still just as excited as everyone else. "We'll all have plenty of time getting to know her, but we have class to get to." After an exchange of nods and disappointed sighs they left me alone.
"Sorry about all of us waking you up like that." She smiled lightly rubbing the back of her head, "If you need help getting around I can help you. My name is Noriko Paku. Please just call me Paku." She smiled seeming shy herself.
"Thank you Paku. My name is Larrisa." I was finally able to speak watching her tuck her hair behind her ears while looking at mine. "Actually I do need help getting somewhere, do you know how to get to the headmaster's office from here?"

"Oh, sure." She nodded happily, "Not that I've ever had to go there myself." Paku said softly with a smile.
"But won't you be late for class?"
"I'm sure the chairman would issue out a pass for me. Don't worry about it, I'm happy to help anyway."

We walked from the dorm outside. The Academy had a whole new life during the day with bunches of students running about like a colony of ants or hive of bees. The sun was bright in the blue sky and I awkwardly got stares from the students as we passed. Even Paku was looking at me with a weird kind of smile, as if she wanted to smile but trying to stop herself from letting it show.
"Do I look weird or something?" I mumbled.
"No! I'm sorry, I just... I like your hair." her face shaded pink as she looked away, "We don't have very many people with that hair type here."
I took a moment to look around and saw she was right, there wasn't anyone else with frizzy curly blondish brown hair.
"You have pretty eyes too." She added still looking away.
All of this had my face red, I was really different here and a lot of people will be watching me because of that reason! I don't like being the center of attention!
"Is that what everyone wears where you're from?" Paku looked at my jean overalls and boots.
"Uh, no not everyone. I used to work on a cattle farm. This is convenient work clothes I guess, but I really didn't have anything better than this either." I explained and suddenly saw her face light up.
"We should go shopping for you!!"
"Oh I-I don't really--"
"No you have to it'll be so fun, and I can show you around the city too."
"But I don't have money."
"It's okay we're friends, think of it as a friendly welcome gift."
Is it really okay to except that? But it would be really rude to decline, maybe she'd think I was pushing her away or something. "Okay..."

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