Love Bipolar

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--Amaimon Pov--

My week of no school barely started and it was odd how easy it was to fall into the humans routine, once I was on my own again I didn't know what to do with myself. There was no one to look at and have endless avenues of ways to toy with their life, no one to argue with or compete against. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Larrisa out of my mind! When I had told her to stay away she seemed shocked. I don't understand, wouldn't she feel happy that we both agree that we didn't want to be around each other? I bit my nail at this thought pondering on and on watching out the window zoned out of the reality of the world. What was she doing, who was she with, did she feel the way I did after our parting?

"Amaimon!" Brother's voice snapped me out of the dimension I was lost in. "Will you stop that!"

"Stop what Aniue?" I asked looking back inside from the window my eyes taking but seconds to adjust to the different light and saw him standing over me.

"Your constant heaving of mournful sighs and biting at your nails look you made yourself bleed and it's dripping all on the cushion!"

"Oh." I looked down seeing the space in front of me saturated in a puddle of blood and my thumb nail completely chewed and the skin peeled and shredded and bleeding down my hand and wrist until dripping into the puddle. I didn't feel the sting of pain as I should have nor did I remember my change of breath patterns. He pulled me out of the window's seat and dragged me into the bathroom where her ran my bloody thumb under some cold water which awakened my senses to the physical pain and I squirmed in his grip as he began scrubbing it in soap.

"Oow! Stop it! Lemme heal lemme heal!" I beat a fist at his back covered in the long cape he always wore.

"Be still! I don't want it to get infected you'll be surprised what can get you sick when your heart has been broken. That hasn't healed yet it leaves you open to more weaknesses than you know."

"I-it does??" I froze letting him clean it even though it still stung like angry bees.

"Oh yes. Now you need to stop wallowing in pity and get straight with yourself!" He wrapped my thumb in a towel and patted it dry and sure enough when I looked at the cleaned thumb my healing was significantly slower, but a human wouldn't be able to tell because it was still faster than their regeneration. But it was scary! I didn't know why it was slow I was a perfectly healthy demon! Ate all my hearts and souls during dinner and had a viscous exercise regimen that involves taking on demons ten times my size! I was strong and quick, all but for now!!

"Hey, don't panic." Brother held my shoulders looking into my eyes. "You just need to get acquainted with your new feelings. Heart this is your Mind." He said poking a finger on my chest and then to my forehead, "Mind, this is your Heart. Now once they've opened up to each other there's no shutting them out. Sometimes they'll disagree and never come to a compromise on somethings. And one can speak louder than the other and get you into some trouble if you let the heart connect with the mindless head then that's where most of your strife will come from."

"Mindless head?"

"Don't play. You know what I mean." He shot me a glare, "now what you need to decide for yourself with in these next few days is if you are going to seclude yourself away from the world or are you going to address your feelings for a human. And if so will it be one or are you going to play the field?"

"I don't want anyone else!" I snapped quickly the thought of being with anyone else just made me feel like an angry alcoholic. An unexplainable rage would build and lashing out to this person other than my Lannie would happen and end up most likely in death, of the human not me...

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