Chapter Five

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The first was Tetsuya. He seemed weak but I knew not to judge a guy by his looks. I mean, I look weak, but even I know how strong I am.

He was on defense and I easily slept past him, without even seeing him. I made a shot and it went in. Tetsuya gave me a smile as he walked off the court.

Next was Shintaro, he was on offense. To start off, he took a three pointer shot and I blocked it. After that, he asked me my zodiac. "Leo. Why?", "I should've been careful, your trouble for me today.". With that he was off the court and on the bench .

Ryouta came on the court with a smile on his face. The one on one started with me as offense. I felt like he had a plan, so I had to be careful. I started to dribble the ball and he came at me.

I easily went by him and went for a layup. Suddenly out of nowhere he shows up and I still keep myself together. I get by him again and score. It was a close one.

"Good game (l/n)- chii." is all he says as he walks over to the bench and sits beside Atushi, giving him a nudge.

It was Mr.Tall's turn. He was defense by choice. I knew why, but I had power and faith. I begin to dribble the ball and go in for a shot. I knew he would block it, so once I let go I ran to the ball grabbed it and did a mirage shot.

Once it went in, he smiled and walked off the court. Next was Seijuro's turn and I felt like he would be hard to get by. I had to come up with something and fast. I knew one trick that would work on him no matter what.

I began to dribble the ball and when he took some steps forward I knew it was time. I used the 'breaking ankles' trick and to my surprise it worked. I got past him and dunked the ball like a boss. My blood was finally pumped and running with adrenaline.

I had beaten the captain of the GOM. I was so proud and happy I could cry. The last one to play with me was Daiki. The ace and the laziest, also the one who thinks no one can beat him. But I knew I would, I could feel it.

Daiki was on offense and I was confident. He dribbled the ball he came at me fast, but even I was ready for that. I got ready to block him with all my might. We were running all over the court until he broke free of my defense.

He ran towards the net and I ran after him. I got under the net before him. He made a formless shot and I tried my best to block it. But I wasn't high enough and the ball went in. Which meant I had to do what he wanted me to for a whole entire three days.

What was he gonna make me do for three days? I didn't know. He started walking towards me and a smirk formed on his face. I got a little worried, but held my ground. What was he gonna say to me? I am in so much trouble. But my legs won't move. It's the first time I've felt like this. I'm scared.

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