Chapter Seven

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Kise's POV

      As I follow (Name)-chii to the bench I have a funny and worried feeling in my stomach. "So, what do you wanna tell me (Name)-chii?" I ask with a half smile.

      "You know when I lost against Daiki, I felt weird inside and I thought that I should talk to you about it. Mainly, because I feel close to you for some reason. It's like I've seen you before. What do. You think it was?" She asks worried.

      I think for minute, maybe I've seen her before too. Then I remembered what we were talking about. "Well, maybe you were just sad about losing and-" "No for some reason I was happy and it felt weird. The happiness didn't make any sense." She interrupts me and I don't want to say what I truly think because I like her.

     I don't want to tell her that maybe she likes him. "Look, maybe you should talk to Momoi-chii. She might be able to help you more than me. But just remember, I'll always be here for you." I say as I get up and start walking back to Maji Burger.

     She starts following me there too. I give her smile as she approaches me. Once we get to Maji Burger, I tell her to talk to Momoi-chii later.

      Aomine gives her a smirk and I move closer to her as she starts smiling back to him. She stops smiling when she notices that she's started to smirk too.

     "Hey, why don't I walk you home?" I ask her and she nods at me. We start to walk off with Momoi-chii trailing behind smiling at us.

Your POV

      "Look, maybe you should talk to Momoi-chii. She might be able to help you more than me. But just remember, I'll always be here for you." he says, as I start to get up with him.


      As we're walking with Satsuki and Daiki, I see Daiki smirking at me. I begin to smile back kindly. But as soon as I get the feeling that I am smirking I look away and watch the ground.

       I notice Ryouta a bit closer to me than before. "Hey, why don't I walk you home?" He asks. I give him a nod and we start walking as Daiki leaved us to go home. Satsuki was trailing behind and she started laughing.

      "I just remembered I have something to do before I go home. You two go on ahead." She says as she skips away. I say bye and we part ways.

      "So, (Name)-chii I wanted to tell you something. It's kinda personal and I don't really know how to say this but......" he starts. "Well, what do you want to tell me. Go on don't worry, we're friends you can tell me stuff." I say trying to encourage him to speak up.

      "Well you see I have this crush on a girl and I don't know if she likes me back. So I was hoping you knew some way to find out." He says shyly. I smile at him, watching the blood run up to his cheeks.

      "Yeah, I can help you, but you'll owe me for this. Deal?" I say with a smirk. "You make a lot of deals, but okay, I'll do something in return for this. Thank you." is what he says before he bids me farewell. As we approach my house I thank him and say "Good Night. Ryouta-chii.". He smiles and starts walking away. Keeping the big smile on his face.

Sorry for not updating for so long. I had an amazing family reunion. So it got kinda busy. But hey who doesn't love family. Remember if you like or enjoy this book. Don't be shy to VOTE and COMMENT. Keep reading and hope you stay till the end. Or at least half way. Thank You. EVERYONE!!!!!!!

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