Chapter Twenty

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"Thank you Momoi." I say with thankful eyes. All she does is walks into her room and I follow behind at a reasonable pace and distance from her.

When we go into he room, I take a seat on her beanbag chair and she sits on the working one. Silence falls upon us and I can't take it.

"Soooooo." I say ending the silence.... hopefully. "Tell me.....please.....little sister." She says hiding her eyes from mine as she says little sister.

"Well...." I start thinking of how to tell her. "The guys were teaching me, just like they promised and then it was Tetsuya's turn. Daiki came in and helped him, then he left. Later me and Tetsuya went to the park to play basketball. Once we got tired we went to lay down on the grass......and that's when you came." I say letting out a long sigh.

"Where did you go after I ran away?" she asks looking me in the eye. "I know you didn't follow me to give me support and talk tot me." She says flatly.

"When you ran away I was going to chase you but then Tetsuya grabbed my wrist and told me that you need to be alone for now. So. I didn't chase after you and grabbed my bag and left him in the park." I say telling her the complete truth.

"What happened after that? Because I went to your house after a while and you weren't there." she says with an interrogating tone.

"I was walking home when it began to rain so looked for some shelter. There I met Daiki and he did what Tetsuya did.... I....... I don't want to go into detail. Then Seijuro came over and smacked Daiki in the face and he left. After that Seijuro comforted me." I say as a tear rolls down my face as flashbacks appear in my mind.

" had some day. Worse than mine.... I........ I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I should've seen what was actually happening. I'm so sorry (Name)." She says as she hugs me and begins to weep.

"It's okay big sis." I say as we both hold each other and hug for a while.

Once we part, I have to ask her "What happened with you today?".

"Well, me and my best friend got into a big fight and now we can't even look at each other. I miss her and I regret fighting." She says wiping her cheek with her hand.

"Life can really usury sometimes." I say and stand up, as a gesture that I should get going.

"You're leaving? But it's dark outside." She says with worry in her tone. "Don't worry it'll take me like two minutes to run home." I say reassuringly.

She nods and we hug again... this time it's shorter and happier. I run home as fast as I can. When I get there I can't open the door it's locked.

"Shit." I say angrily. I groan and look around to see if I dropped my keys around here. Suddenly a tall dark figure appears behind me.

"What do you want, Daiki?" I say as I turn around angrily. "Need help?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

It may be almost pitch black, Hut I can see that smirk and I will smack his face if I have to.

"I have a flash light." He says as he turns it on in my face. "What the hell....get that out of my face." I say really getting angry now.

"Okay, just start looking." He says and I do as he says because it's getting colder. After looking for a while I'm feeling like giving up.

"Ugh." I say tired of searching. "You know you can stay over at my place for the night..... if you want to that is." He says smirking once again.

"Does your face ever start hurting, you know because you're always smirking at me." I say feeling a little proud.

He let's out a little laugh and looks at me. "Fine, I'll stay, but in a separate room that has a lock." I say demandingly. I know that's not a word.

"Okay... bossy mcbossy pants." he says childishly. We begin to walk to his house, which apparently isn't very far from mine.

How does he know where I live. Creep. Wait so I'm going to a creeps house and staying there for a night..... great. I am just great. This day couldn't get any better. Life.... I just can't.

"How did you know where I live?" I ask a bit too quickly. The question was just punching my face, so I had to ask.

"Well I was on a strole around the neighborhood and turns out I find you looking really dumb. So I walk over to you." he says flatly.

"Okay, first thing's first...... I know your lazy as f so why would you take a strole..... in the middle of the night. Second thing's second tell me the truth what were you doing here." I say sounding a bit rude And sassy.

"Okay, you caught me. I was gonna go over to Momoi's house. I saw what happened in the park. I thought of going over to her house later, I felt like she needed time to be alone." He says with a hint of care in his tone, which disappears when he clicks it's tongue.

"Wow.... I actually want to believe you Daiki. Why is that..... do you know?" I say looking at him, hoping for an answer.

"Maybe it's because Momoi an I have been friends since we were little kids, so yeah." He says in an isn't-that-obvious tone.

"Wow.... just wow." I say s we approach his front door. " You live by yourself right?" I ask as he nods and shakes his keys in my face. I glare at him as he opens the door.

When we get in he takes me upstairs and shows me my room. I walk into it. The room has a bathroom attached to it, nice navy blue curtains and a blood red bed. Ha that rhymes. There's also a small closet in the corner which has some clothes in it. Probably Daiki's weird clothes... that he wears.... on his body.

What the heck am I saying, ugh I'm so weird and well...... weird.

Hey guys I am so sorry for the incredibly late updates. School is killing me and I am ready to cry for you guys,, because I updated so late. I hope I can update faster next time, but I can't really promise anything for now. So, now you're at Daiki's house.... how is this gonna work out. What's gonna happen????? KEEP reading the slow updates, which will hopefully get faster, of loving the blue. Caio *~*

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