Chapter Twenty-six

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"Can you get off now?" He asked looking like he was going to die.

"Am I getting too heavy-"

" are." He said interrupting me..... rude. Well that has happened so many times that it's practically considered....    manners

"-or are you just too weak because I think that you are too weak. I bet Seijuro could carry me..... easily or even....... Kuroko." I knew that would hit something because he suddenly stopped walking and put me down.

"So you are too weak. I knew it." I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Is that a challenge?" He asked smirking. It's been a while Mr.Smirk. Long time no see, a little too long. What is that Daiki up to?

"Depends." I say shrugging, trying to not show my fear of that smirk.

"Well then..... I accept." He said making me raise an eyebrow. Suddenly he picked me up and threw me, literally threw me, over his shoulder like I was some sack of potatoes.

"Hey!" I yelled in his ear, but this time he only flinched, he kept running. I began to kick and punch his back, it still only made him flinch.

Eventually I gave up and started to enjoy the view. We decided to take the long way to my house because the long way is beautifuller (I know that's not a word either, it just suits her) and Daiki didn't agree at first, but then I persuaded him into taking the long way around.

"Wow." Daiki said in awe.

"Like the view? I told you it would be nice."

"Yeah its booty-ful" He said smirking, I could feel the smirk. I turned to see what he was looking at.

If you guessed potatoes then you're wrong, if you guessed bicycles then you're wrong.... again. If you guessed my butt (ha I said butt....MINIONS FOR THE WIN!) then you're right. He was looking at my butt.

I tried to kick his face and somehow it worked.

"Hey!" I yelled my eyebrows showing my anger.

"Sorry, but still this place is beautiful." He said slowly in awe at the actual sight. The longer prettier way was through the park and some other majestic places. Some of which were blossom tree areas and small shops along the street.

Right now we were in the park. It has the usual, slide, swing set, monkey bars, play structure. It was old, not that old but still about twenty years old. There were two blossom trees, with leaves falling which added an even more beautiful look to the old place, making look even more magnificent.

"I know. I love coming here just to sit and relax. I even do my homework here sometimes. It just makes me feel like...... a child again. I feel at peace, so calm, I feel like time slows down here, like I can just throw all my worries away and live life like a child....forever." I said as Daiki put me down.

"I remember coming here when I was younger. Me and Satsuki used to play here... with other kids too. She spent more time here than me, I would usually be playing against older people in basketball." He sighed.

"I suddenly regret that.... sort of, well.... maybe." He said now confused.

"Daiki.... can I ask you something?" I asked a little worried I might say the wrong thing or maybe even ruin our trust, our.... relationship.

"Yeah sure." He said calmly walking towards the bench. I followed him and watched him sit down. I couldn't sit down until I asked and got a reply, an answer.

"Sometimes you act all chill, and then you act all angry and weird, then you can also act sweet and caring, you even act loving. You act so differently. One minute you're angry and then caring the next. It confuses me and I didn't want to ask you this because I was worried it would ruin our relationship and the trust we share. But, I know I can ask you this and it won't harm us. Why do you do this? Why do you change so quickly?" I asked finally letting out everything in my head.... almost everything.

"What? I do that?" He asked acting confused, as if he didn't know that. His acting didn't work on me, I knew he was lying, faking it, he knew.

"I know you know that I know that you know." I said hopefully not confusing him.

"Okay fine." He let out a sigh. "I'll tell you why."

Yes! My confusing words confused him so much that he's going to tell me. I'm a genius.

"Look, you probably already know that I like you."

"Yeah its pretty obvious." I reply shrugging.

"Well, a lot of people think that I like Satsuki."

"That's because you're always with her and she's always looking for you."

"I know, but we're just childhood friends. That's all. But, when I saw you walk through those doors I felt something in my..... important organ that beats to keep me alive."

"Wow, I didn't now you had those words in your small vocabulary. Maybe it's called your heart?" I offered after that insult.

"Okay, yeah it's my heart. It's hot that weird feeling I get when I see other hot girls. This feeling was different. It made me feel weird and different. I never felt this feeling that I felt before."

"Dude, get your feels right. Then we'll talk." I said sitting beside him. You guys probably think I'm heartless, but trust me I just don't do feels.

I probably will put feels in this book though. So, don't worry children... your dreams will come true. Back to the story.

"I don't know how to explain this to you. It's just-"

"Confusing." I interrupted. That's what you get for interrupting me. Also, interrupting is considered manners, starting...... NOW!

"Stop doing that." He said getting pissed.

"Doing what?" I asked innocently, even thought I knew why he was mad.

"Interrupting me. That's what. Look, I can't explain why I do this and how I feel about this, but I promised myself that I'll do my best to treat you like a friend.... nothing more..... and.....-"

"Nothing less. I understand." I say patting him. He gave me an angry look because... that's right I interrupted him.... again.

"Oops, I did it again. Sorry." I say looking down, ashamed at my actions.

"It's okay. Now let's head towards your house to look for those lost keys, that you lost." He said getting up and starting to walk towards my house.

"Hey! I didn't lose them. They're just.... hiding." I retort lightly jogging towards him. Once I matched his pace, we walked into the sun. No, I'm kidding we walked towards my house.... again. If we did that we would die and I'm too young to die. To be honest if anyone is gonna die I rather it be Daiki instead of me. I value myself, I value Daiki too..... it's just that, I value myself....... more.

Isn't that a great way to end this chapter.....death. I won't say much except for thank you and remember to VOTE. Hit that star and show your love for Daiki, Kuroko, Seijuro, or even yourself. Caio *~*

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