Chapter Twenty-two

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"Dude! What was that for?" I ask a little angry at his actions. "I was gonna say no anyways." I say telling him the actual truth.

"I'm still here ya know." We both here Seijuro saying from behind the door. "We know." Daiki says slyly.

"Look Seijuro," I say opening the door. "I'd love to come over sometime, it's just it's pretty late now and we already ordered pizza. Maybe another time. " I say to him softly to comfort him.

"Okay. Some other time. Daiki if you lay a hand on her, you won't see the next day." He said closing the door himself. I walk over and plop down on the couch.

Daiki comes and plops down beside me after locking the door. I move over a little get an odd look from Daiki. "I don't bite, ya know?" He says with a smirk.

"I know I was just keeping you out of my bubble." I say feeling smarter.

"What if I were to burst your bubble?" He says letting out a laugh.

"You can't." I say before noticing the joke he made and almost fall of the couch laughing.

After we both calmed down a bit, I turned on the TV and began to flip through the channels. I stopped at a channel showing live footage of a basketball game between the Tigers and the Sharks.

"Oh my gosh. It's the two best teams in Japan, I bet you the Tigers are going to win." I say freaking out.

"No way, the sharks are obviously going to win. They have a strong and new team-" He says before I cut him off.

"Yeah, filled with with tough rookies. But, the Tigers are more older, stronger and experienced. If they don't win then..... then this world is officially messed up." I say sure of the winner being the Tigers.

"Yeah but....." and this is how our conversation.... no, verbal fight went while they game continued to go on.

Eventually we calmed down and started paying attention to the game. After a couple minutes my stomach began to roar and I mean roar. Even Daiki heard it over the noise of the game on TV.

"Are you that hungry?" He asked my letting out a little laugh, before his stomach roared too.

I began to laugh, until I noticed how hungry I actually was. "Where's the pizza? It should be here by now. Wait, it's been more than thirty minutes since we ordered." I say happily, but at the same time worriedly hungry.

"So, what happens if the pizza is half an hour late?" He asks dumbfounded. I let out a loud, over exaggerated sigh and tell him, "that means we get pizza for free, corn for brains."

"Oh, well I guess I'll just call and ask where our pizza is-" Daiki is cut off by the door bell ringing. I run to the door and open it.

"Took you long enough." I say to the man holding two boxes of pizza, some garlic cream sauce and pop. The aroma of the pizza made my mouth water and the thought of digging my teeth into that pizza just made even more hungry.

"Sorry, there was a lot of-" the pizza guy started to explain but Daiki cut him off after walking to the door. "-save it for your boss." He said taking the pizza and extras from him.

"It's okay. But we aren't paying because you are half an hour late so, thanks for the pizza and have a good night." I said shutting the door.

I run into the kitchen and come out with two plates. Daiki opens the pop and boxes of pizza, filling the house with the mouth watering scent of delicious, warm pizza.

In about half an hour the game is over and so is our pizza. The winners were the Tigers like I said.

"Ha! I told you the Tigers would win Diaki." I say smirking at him. He just clicked his tongue and stood up.

"I'm going upstairs to sleep." He says letting out a yawn. I begin to clean when Daiki interrupts my cleaning. "Leave it." He says turning away.

"No and you are going to help me clean up." I say demandingly. He shrugs and continues to walk, he's now half way up the stairs and I begin to chase after him. I grab his shirt and pull him down the stairs and to the coffee table we ate at.

"Wow....... you're strong for a small girl." He says smirking, which makes me even angrier.

"You're helping and there's nothing you can say or do that is going to get you out of this." I say putting my hands on my hips.

The smirk falls off of his face and is replaced by a serious look. He takes a step towards me and it's a bit to close to me.

I can feel the tips of my ears and my cheeks turn red as I look away from him. "Nothing can get you to change your mind, eh?" He says a small smile appearing on his face.

He brings his hands up near his stomach and extends then out to mine. I take a step back but the table is in the way. I dream hate every single thing in this world.

I turn around and flip the messy table over. I feel his hands on my waist and then...... he begins to....... tickle me. I am the most ticklable person in the world.

I fall on the floor and Daiki gets on his knees and continues to tickle me as water beings to come out of my eyes.

"St....op!!" I yell when I get the chance.

"I'll only stop if you promise I don't have to help clean up." He says now smirking proudly at me.

"Never!" I yell back starting to kick now. I continue kicking until I finally hit his gut. He stops and falls back, leaving me to catch my breathe as I get up and run away. He starts chasing me and I run into my room (technically it's his room and his house but for now it's my room) and lock the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! "Sounds like Daiki's mad." I say letting out a laugh just to exaggerate my point I say it in a baby tone and bang on the door too.

"(Name) come out or else...." he says and there's a pause. "Or else what?" I ask I little scared of what he might do.

"Or else....... I'll break down the door." He says sounding serious. it's his house, why would he break down the door? He wouldn't do that.... would he?

"I'm not opening this door. Besides if you break it down just imaging the money you'll have to pay to get it fixed and what if you accidently break a hole through it while trying to break it? That means you'll need to buy a new door and then have it fitted in and that costs a lot of money and has quite a bit of paperwork." I say trying to get him to change his mind.

"You have three seconds to open that door." He says before he starts to count down. "You have three seconds to open that door." I say in a copycat voice, probably making him more irritated.


"I'm not opening this door. "

"Two "

"Still not even gonna try to open it."

"I'm not opening this door aho." I say as I grab onto the handle and open the door right before he hits it making him run farther into the room. He ended up crashing into his bed and then fell on the floor.

I start laughing like crazy, which makes him even more pissed.

"That was hilarious. I should've gotten that in tape. " I say still laughing like a retard.

"Ha ha ha. That was so funny (Name)." He retorts in a sarcastic tone, which makes me laugh even harder. Just imagine Daiki annoyed while being sarcastic. Hilarious.
Priceless. Worth it.

"You're gonna pay for this (name)." He says getting up and starts chasing me again. I jet out of the room and back down stairs. I fall into the couch as a sign of surrender.

Hey guys sorry for the late update it's like 11:00 right now and I just finished studying. Hope you liked the chapter. *~*

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