Chapter Eighteen

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"Stop Momoi! I can explain!" I yell going after Momoi, who decided to run off after seeing Tetsuya and me.

She stops to my luck (what luck, life sucks too much already and I'm talking about luck, Tch.) she turns around and looks me in the eye. "I trusted you." is all she says before she runs off.

I'm about to run after her, but Tetsuya grabs my wrist. "She needs to be alone right now." He says with a serious tone, which somehow stops me from going after her.

As he let's go of my wrist, I walk back to the court to grab my stuff. "Wait." He says and I send daggers at him, making Tetsuya go silent. I decide to walk home by myself. I leave the court and it begins to rain.

Great timing clouds now it'll take longer to get home. This day is just.......perfect. If perfect meant dying is better than living. Then this day is perfect. (I'm not suicidal, this day just sucks).

On my way home, I began to contemplate where I can stop. There was some shelter near by a bus stand. I walk over to it and stand under, while a sigh of relief escapes my mouth.

"Finally" I say as I watch the rain begin to poor harder and harder. Suddenly, I notice some guy in a navy blue hoodie, from the corner of my eye.

I take a step away from him and he takes a step closer to me. Stalker much "What?" I hear him say.

Ugh, I swear I said that out loud and now I'm gonna die, but the stalker dude is denying and knows I'm onto him. Screw me, I should just run away.

Just then lightning strikes and let out a little yelp. Great, now I can't run away, screw you life and stupid clouds, stupid world, stupid life, stupid thunder and lightn-

"Um, hey." I hear the Stalker guy say as he pulls me out of my thoughts. I look at him and I swear, I could not I've that smirk anywhere. It was Daiki, my day just got better.

I look away and try to ignore him. He begins to poke me as he comes closer. I step away from him and bump into a wall.

Seriously if another wall comes in my way I will kill it. I will kill the wall. Honestly, what did I do to you walls, you just have to be there when I do t need you.

"What do you want?" I say s I give in to his annoying poking. "You know, I know you like me. You don't have to hide it." He says smirking even more now .

"What, I don't like you. Heck, I barely know you and to be honest I would rather die than like you." I say with a serious face.

"Come on girl. You know you do, don't hide it." He says pinning me to wall. Just as he's about to kiss me, he's pulled back by someone. It's Seijuro.

He punches Daiki in the face and sends daggers at him, from the glare he gives Daiki. He looks at me with a worried look, but I just give a small smile back, for reassurance.

"What the hell? Seijuro? What are you doing here?" Daiki says surprised to see Seijuro. "A better question is what were you doing here, Daiki." He says walking over to me.

"Nothing, just talking to (Name)" He says with a lazy face. "Leave now. The bus is here. Go before I do something you won't like." Seijuro says pointing towards the bus.

Daiki obeys and gets on the bus. Seijuro turns to look at me with worry in his beautiful red eyes. Even though one is yellow or well......golden?

"I'm okay, thank you." I say almost a whisper as I hug him. We stay like that for a while I just can't let go. He so comforting.

"Why......why does the world hate me..... Akashi?" I say tears rolling down my face, while I still continue to hug him.

"The world doesn't hate you. It can't because I'm part of the world.....and....... i love you (l/n) (f/n)." He says into my ear and my eyes widen.

Hey guys, sorry for the small chapter. I've been busy with school, so yeah. I really appreciate you guys for voting for my book. Thank you so much, I appreciate your support so much that if you saw my face you would die of being appreciated, that's how much I love you guys. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much. Hope your still liking the book, Kuroko and Seijuro confess, Daiki hits on you and gets punched. What will happen find out keep reading LOVING THE BLUE!!!! Caio *~*

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