Chapter Twenty-five

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Just letting you know this is now (Name)'s POV.... in case you guys didn't know.
"Can I have like two more....hours? Please." I groaned as I swatted Daiki's hand away from me. He was trying to wake me up.... on a weekend!

I hate waking up.... everyday, weekend or not, I'm not a morning person. One time I went to Momoi's house for a sleepover and she tried waking me up on a weekend. It ended with her on the floor crying and me sleeping snug like a bug in a rug... or well bed. I'm not a bad person trust me it's just that in the morning don't try to wake me up or else I will twist your arm and flip you onto the floor. Waking me up is not a good idea..... trust me and Momoi's arm.....and her whole body.

"Wake up. You have to change and then start looking for your keys." he reminded me. I got up in the early morning to pee and I noticed that my head was on his shoulder. So, I used my ninja skills and went upstairs without making a sound.

"But why?" I whinned like a little kid whose mom didn't but him candy.

"Because I'm not letting you stay here today or tonight or ever." He said looking away from me.

"There's another reason isn't there?" I asked remembering how whenever he lies he looks away and sometimes even scratches the back of his neck.

"Look I know there is, so you should just tell me." I said sitting up from the bed, trying to get used the light.

"Really, how?" He said raising an eyebrow....he does that a lot too. Wow, he's weird.... like me.

"Well..." I start rubbing my eyes. "Whenever you lie, you look away from the person and usually scratch your neck." I tell him folding my arms, feeling like a smartbutt (lets keep this book as clean as I can).

"Oh," his face drops. "Tetsuya pointed that out too, but I didn't listen to him." He says feeling guilty.

"Now, tell me why." I command.

"Because I didn't believe him an-"

"Not why you didn't listen to him, you aho!" I yell at the stupidity he's showing.

"Then what?" He asked like he didn't know.
"I think you know..." he toots his head, showing he doesn't. Liar, fart face, butt head, dumb poo.

"Why can't I stay here?" I asked getting really annoyed. He looks away thinking if he should tell me or not.

"Come on man. You can trust me, I trust you. So you should trust me." I explain in a soft and caring tone.

"Okay fine." He replies letting out a long sigh.

"Last night when you fell asleep, with your head on my shoulder." He muttered the last part. "Seijuro called and said some stuff and I don't think it's safe for either of us if you stay with me."

"What did he say? Why are you so afraid of him?" I ask my anger and curiosity growing.
"He said not to do anything to you.... ever. Besides I wouldn't, even if I wanted to. We're friends and your trust me, I do t want to lose that. I'm not afraid of him, I'm just worried he'll do something to you." he explained.

"Wow, I did not see that coming. You know what, I'll leave your house, but I might come back and when we go to school, I'm gonna talk to him." I say clenching my fists.

"No, don't. That's not how it works. Just get ready, so we can start looking for your keys." he says shutting the door as he leaves.

Wow, he really cares about me and he trusts me. Besides he didn't do anything to me last, maybe it because Seijuro told him not to. I have so many more questions, so many things I want to do to fix everything. Today, I need to talk to Seijuro, Daiki and Tetsuya. This needs to be fixed.

I quickly got changed and went downstairs. I saw Daiki waiting for me outside so, I put my shoes on in a hurry and ran towards the door. I opened and closed the door. When I began to walk towards him I tripped and fell over my shoelaces, but he caught me. I knew he would.

"I got you." he said as I clinged to his shirt, not wanting to fall down.

"I know you do." I said smiling at him and then our eyes met and it felt like time slow down. I could feel his hands around me tighten and my grip on his short did the same. We stood like that for mere seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

"Um..." I started breaking our gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said letting me go.

"No its okay. You saved me from falling to the cold hard ground." I say making sure that he doesn't feel guilty for not keeping our distance.

"So, let's head to your place and look for those keys." he said starting down the street.

"Okay, it's just...."

"Just what?" He said looking worried and curious.

"You forgot to lock the door." I whispered, practically to myself.

"What was that?" He asked walking towards me.

"You forgot to lock the door." I repeated but louder so he could actually hear me.

"" He tossed me the keys to his house and I walked towards the door to lock it. I threw them back to him, but I threw them to fast.... so fast that he couldn't catch them.

He bent down to pick them up and I ran to jump on his back.

"Can I have a piggyback ride? Please." I said exaggerating the plea, to make it more dramatic.

"Oh and even if you say no, I'm not getting off so technically..... you don't have a choice." I reminded and explained.

"Fine, whatever." He let out a sigh. "You can be such a little kid sometimes." He said annoyed at my actions and at that we set out on the long journey to..... my house. Dun dun duuuuun! That was for effect to make the journey sound scary and I'm gonna stop now.....again. -_-

Hey guys this was practically a filler chapter, mainly because I'm having writers block, but if you have any ideas or something special you want to happen in the book, then please text me and I'll see what I can do. I'll also give some shout outs if you help me through the next chapter or something. Hope you guys still like the book. Please remember to VOTE. Caio *~*

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