Chapter Seventeen

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"So, how do you do your little disappear and appear thingy?" I ask out front. Tetsuya smiles at me and walks onto the court. He holds the ball in his hand firmly.

"I don't know, but there's one thing I can show passes. Is that okay with you?" He asks with a straight face. I let out a little laugh.

"What, wait you don't know how you become invisible? It's okay, yeah it's fine with me." I can't hold in my laugh anymore.

Smooth, real smooth, if he's mad at you I will personally kill you. Wait wouldn't that be suicide? Wow, aren't I something? I laugh a little and then we start.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?" I say, not knowing what he's gonna do.

"We need on more person." He says and right then Daiki walks in. Wow, I swear he was standing out there waiting for this moment.

"Aomine kun can you help us?" Tetsuya asks he politely. Daiki just clicks his tongue and walks into the court.

As he walks by he smirks at me and I just laugh at him. "What?" He asks seriously. I keep laughing, when I calm down I look at him again.

After laughing for about two whole minutes I stop and look him in the eye. "There is ketchup and mustard on your face. " I say with a small laugh.

He gives me a death glare and wipes it off his face. "So, what are we supposed to do?" I ask now that we have another person.

"Aomine-kun pass me the ball and then you have to get ready for a fast pass. Do you understand?" He says and I nod.

We setup, and then we start. Daiki passes the ball to Tetsuya, but he doesn't catch it. Instead he just pushes it into my direction. It's like he can't catch it and is afraid of the ball. Funny.

"Wow, I really need to learn this. Please teach me. Please." I say making puppy dog eyes. Tetsuya nods in agreement and Daiki just clicks his tongue, sorta annoyed.

"I'm gonna go, see you later babe." He smirks and then winks at me. "Don't call me that!" I retort, really pissed off.

Honestly, who does he think he is? I mean I'm not his girlfriend, heck I barely know or like him. That stupid.....buttface. I hate you Aomine Daiki. I hate you so much, that I'm gonna beat you in basketball so hard that you'll cry because of how hard I'm gonna crush you.

"Whatever." He smirks lazily, as he walks away. I find a shoe laying around and I chuck it at him. It hits his leg just as he leaves. We hear a grunting sound and then it's completely silent.

"So, can we start?" I ask breaking the unreasonably long silence. "No." He says plainly.

"What but why? You said you would teach me. Please Tetsuya please." I beg in my knees. I think that was a bit too much. Stand up baka, he might say no again. Stupid stupid stupid.

"I will, but....-" He starts. "But what?" I ask.

"I can't teach you here. Can we go to some street court? If you don't mind, that is." He says with his cute blue eyes looking at me with blankness. (is that a word of its not then too bad. Deal with it. Lol, I just made a word. Woo-hoo)

Wait did I just call him cute. No, I called his eyes cute. Ugh I hate myself. I'm too messed up, calling his eyes cute is like calling him........cute.

"Okay, let's go then." I say as we begin to walk out of the school with our things.

Once we get there he begins to teach me his skill. It's a bit hard in the beginning, but a sorta got the hang of it, I think.

After practising we go to lay down in the grass because we are tired. Well he is anyway. I have a higher stamina, when we lie down everything seems fine. Well, until he starts to......... take off his shirt.

What the hell is he doing? "Don't worry." He says, as I notice I said that out loud. Good job....time to die.

I stand up and he comes closer to me, so I step back, but there's a freaking tree there.

Great first the wall and now a tree. Why world, why do you hate me, why do you always have to put something behind me so guys can be weird?

Tetsuya walks over closer to me and I'm technically pinned to a tree. "What are you doing?" I ask looking away from him.

"You like what you see?" He says smirking at me. I just had to look at him, only because I was sending daggers at him. But that didn't work.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything, I was just kidding.......or was I?" He says, his smirk getting bigger by the second.

I can feel all the blood in my body moving towards my cheeks. My face is probably really red, like a tomato. I am officially a tomato pinned to a tree. Wow just wow.

"What, Tetsuya what's gotten into you? You're never like this." I say hoping he'll back off. He does and puts his shirt back on.

Once it's on, he comes closer again and I'm pinned......again. "I don't know why, I just feel different around you, I think...I think....I love you." he says looking me in the eye as he comes closer to my lips.

Just as he's about to kiss me, I hear someone yell my name and Tetsuya's. It's Momoi and when I turn my head to see all I can see is tears running down her face.

OOOOO, drama. How do u guys like my book so far. Please remember to comment and VOTE. Thank you for all the support. Love ya all. Ciao *~*

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