Chapter Twentyone

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"Great I don't have any clothes to change into." I mutter to myself. "Something wrong?" Daiki asks me smirking.

"Yeah actually there is something wrong. But I don't think you would care. I mean you were being someone you shouldn't have earlier today. You ruined my day after Tetsuya did. Thanks a lot, now I know you don't care." I say starting a rant I was going to continue when Daiki cut in.

"I do care." He says caringly, as his eyes turn soft. "What?" I say confused as I tilt my head a little. I probably look like a confused puppy, not as cute though.

"Why else would I have let you use the light of my flashlight, why would I have helped you, why would have I let you stay over?" He asks with a tone I couldn't identify.

"I..." I start but feel speechless. No, he's just trying to fool you. Don't fall for it (name), don't be stupid. I say to myself.

"No, you're just trying to fool me. Do you actually think I'm that dumb. Do you even remember what you almost did to me at th-" "I was drunk." My eyes widen.

"Why were you even drinking?" I ask a little worried. He sits down on the bed and I move to stand in front of him.

"I don't know was just really angry and sad. I don't remember why. But when you bumped into me, I couldn't control myself. I... I'm...." he says.

"Just apologize already. You turd." I say not believing that he can't apologize.

"I'm sorry." He says softly, and a smirk appears on my face. "Now, how hard was that?" I say as he stands up.

"Harder than it looked." He says smirking and walks towards the door, then turns around.

"If you need any clothes to change into, you can borrow one of my shirts. They're probably too big for you, but it's all I can give you." he says as he leaves.

I walk towards his closet and open the door. Inside I see a lot of big shirts that would probably fit me like a dress. I pick a navy blue one, since that's my favourite color.

Once I change I walk into Daiki's room. I don't know why, but for some reason I can't stop myself. I see him lying in bed read some messed up magazine.

He puts down his magazine to look at me. An annoying smirk appears on his face, he stands up and walks towards me. "Wow, you look hot." He says and I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I try to keep a serious face.

"Can we eat dinner? I'm hungry." I say trying to change the topic. Luckily he takes it and steps back. "Sure." He says and gives me look that says you're cooking.

"I can't cook." I admit as I head over to the stairs. "I can." He says following me closely. A bit too closely. I pick up my pace and be slows down.

"I'm not drunk." He says understanding how I feel. Wow, really I thought you were drunk. God, I can't believe I actually agreed to go to his house after what happened.

"Hey!" I hear Daiki yell as I notice that I zoned out for a minute. He has an annoyed expression on his face. "Yeah?" I say.

"What do you want to eat?" He says and I shrug, not knowing what u want to eat.

"Anything.... but a lot of it." I say hinting him on my appetite. People say I eat too much, but since I stay in shape I never actually gain or lose weight.

In the end, we decided to order pizza, since Daiki was to lazy to get up from the couch. The bell rings and I get off the couch and head to the door.

When I open the door I see Seijuro standing in front of me. I freeze for a millionth of a millisecond. "Umm." I start, words not coming to my brain.

"What's wrong?" Daiki asks getting up from the couch. As he sees who's at the door an angry expression appears on his face.

"What do you want?" He asks rudely. Seijuro opens his mouth to say something when I cut him off. "Chill dude.".

"No, not while he's here." Daiki says starring Seijuro down. "I came here to talk to (l/n)." He says looking at me.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask him a little scared. Stalker much.

"I went to your house and you didn't answer, so I went to ask Satsuki. She told me that you should me at your house. And since the only other person that you know that lives in this neighborhood is Daiki, I used common sense and came here." He explains and I understand, but it doesn't seem like Daiki does.

"What, so just because of what happened earlier today you think that you can-" "Daiki, it's common sense. Just calm down." I say interrupting Daiki.

He looks at me then Seijuro. After a couple seconds he stomps off to the couch. "Why did you need to see me?" I ask confused.

"I wanted to see if you were okay after what happened today." He says caringly "I'm fine." I say quickly, a bit too quickly.

"You know if you want you can stay at my house. I can give you proper clothes " He says looking at the long shirt I'm wearing as a dress.

"Umm..." I start and Daiki is now standing right beside me, a bit too close though. "No thanks." He says slamming the door in Seijuro's face.

Hey guys I won't say much today. Thank you for voting I appreciate the support . Hope you liked the chapter.

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