Sophia A.K.A Sophie

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Coming to a dead end, I didn’t know what to do. I saw some light above me so I looked up. Sure enough, a manhole cover was there. I moved it aside carefully, thinking I would be up at the surface for sure.

Instead, I came into a different part of the sewer. Actually, half house and half sewer. It was brighter and had many more details than it did in my old sewer hideaway.

“Mikito.” I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

I turned around to face it and crouching by the manhole cover was my leader and partner, Naomi with her blue eyes looking right at me, her black bandana a little crunched up in disappointment.

Behind her, movement came I tried to look past her, but instead of her moving, she stood up and extended her staff. Behind Naomi came another creature. A blue-green bandana and brown eyes.

Another turtle, like me and Naomi.

For those new people, or mutants, listening on this ironic tale, we welcome you. Who welcomes you? Well, let’s say six, now seven, mutant turtle-human hybrids. I’m Mikito, the one in the group who likes Michelangelo, or Mikey as we like to call him, and uses double Katana swords like Leonardo, or Leo like we call him. We all have a bandana color and mine’s pink. I also have brown eyes, might as well throw that out there.

Naomi is my very creepy and mysterious partner. Nobody can crack her open to figure out she’s thinking. She likes mind reading, literally. Her bandana is black and her blue eyes see all. Her weapon is a metal staff. She recently got a new one that retracts itself. Somehow, and someway, she likes Raphael, or Raph.

Then this turtle. I don’t know what to say… We’ll get to the other four gradually, that is if you don’t them.

The new turtle waved at me and then stood up fully. She looked at me then Naomi. “Who’s this?”

“This, Sophia, is Mikito.” Naomi said, gesturing to me. “Mikito, this is Sophia, or if you want to use a nickname like every other turtle, Sophie.”

“Sophie?” I repeated, climbing out of the manhole. “And just how have you known about her?”

“Me.” someone said behind me. I turn around. Mii-wa, or how Naomi and I like to call her, Sensei. Her brown hair was in a ponytail and she was staring at me with amber eyes. She walked in smoothly.

“Sensei!” Sophie called out, running up to hug her. Then the new turtle backed away and bowed respectfully.

“Sophia.” Mii-wa smiled, patting her shoulder. She turned to Naomi. “You let yourself be fooled?”

“Sure.” Naomi said sarcastically, crossing her arms and leaning on one leg. “I thought, there was enough pages in the first book and needed a second one. Of course I didn’t let my self be fooled! I thought it was time Mikito found out about Sophie.”

I looked back and forth between the two. They keep secrets like nothing I’ve seen before. Sophie came up behind me and giggled. I jumped up and spun around at her. “Stay.” I instinctively said.

“I’m not a dog.” she said, putting her hand on her hips. “Although I’ve been trying to talk Sensei into getting one.”

I blinked. I didn’t see a weapon on her. “What weapon do you use?”

She blinked then pointed a finger in the air that I flinched back from then paused. That only happens with my by Naomi’s standards. It’s a long story about the pointing… Don’t ask… “I use a single Katana.”

“A single Katana?” I repeated. “Not double?”

Sophie shook her head. “No. I like to use both my hands for one weapon. Two’s just too much. No pun intended.”

“May I see it?”

“Sure.” and on the back of her shell, she got out a smaller than normal Katana sword. She offered it to me and I got out one of my own and compared them.

Sophie’s sword was slightly smaller and lighter, but the hilt was blue with a red tip. Mine was a dark purple. Then when I look closely, her sword width seemed skinnier too. I gave it back.

“Different…” I muttered.

She sheathed it. Neither the hilt or sword case was visible from the front view. “Not everyone’s weapons has the same characteristics. Naomi said that her new and old staff are different.”

“Yeah, the new one extends.” I sighed.

“Not just that.” Sophie crossed her arms. “She said it seemed slightly out of balance because of the bigger end so it could retract. Then the metal’s thinner.”

“Does Naomi actually talk with you?” I asked.

She nodded. “Sometimes when we’re taking a break from training or when she wants to teach me something.”

I was surprised. Naomi never really talks with me, yet she talks with this Sophie.

“Sophie isn’t a ‘this Sophie.’” Naomi said behind me, making me stiffen. “She’s just Sophie.”

“Stop reading my mind!” I snapped, turning on her.

She slapped her hand to her forehead. “Next time I hear a crack about mind reading, I’ll kick the shell off them.”

I gulped, knowing that she was serious.

Mii-wa came up behind Naomi and put her hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down. “Relax.”

Blue eyes met brown and Naomi nodded. She looked at me then walked off into a dark corner. “So what now?”

“I want answers!” I said to Mii-wa.

Mii-wa nodded as if she was expecting that. “Only natural. Alright. I’ll start a few hours after you two mutated…”

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