Another Sneaking Turtle

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I felt movement on my left side, but I just sorta ignored it. After what seemed like a few seconds, which was actually a near half hour, I got up and stretched, leaving Naomi's room and entering the main room. Naomi was sitting, half asleep on the couch, her head lolled back and looking at me, Donnie, I heard, was working on something in his area, then Leo and Sophie were in the kitchen. Where was Mikey?

"In the dojo." Naomi said.

Looking over, she got up and walked over to Sophie. I shook my head and headed in the dojo. There was Mikey and Raph training together. Not a good mix...

"Hi, Mikey." I waved at him. He waved back, but then Raph bent down and tripped him, making Mikey fall on his shell. "Hey!" i cried, rushing over.

"His fault for not paying attention." Raph mumbled, exiting the dojo. "Where's Naomi?"

"Talking with Sophie, I think." I replied, helping Mikey up.

"Sophie's not here though."

"She was in the kitchen with Leo."

"She left with Naomi!" Leo called out to us.

I shook my head. "Great. Where to? They say?"

Leo shook his head then mumbled an appology. Mikey, Raph, and I just looked at one another.

"Don't tell me Mii-wa has someone else hidden?" Raph sighed.

Mikey jumped up for joy, "That would be cool, huh?"

"Maybe." I said. "But I know that Naomi and Sophie aren't seeing Mii-wa's turtle."

"Then who?" Raph asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know... Just one time when I overheard Mii-wa and Naomi talking with one another and Naomi said something about another her."

"She say who it was?" Leo came up to us.

Again, I shook my head. "No. She knew I was listening, so she kept names out. But she said something about us being up to our necks in either blood or water."

"Comforting." Raph crossed his arms.

Looking at Mikey, he was smiling like he didn't know, nor cared, about what we were talking about. "Wanna get some pizza?" I asked.

"Sure!" Mikey jumped up.

We were about to head out when April came in. Automatically, Donnie came out of his work station and greeted her. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"Pizza!" Mikey announced.

She nodded then her face lit up, "Then I have this great place for you guys. Follow me."

"What about Naomi and Sophie?" Leo asked.

"They always find us eventually." I pointed out.


Then we followed April up to the surface.

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