Technology, Man

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Our first place to check for the Purple Dragons was at their usual hideaway. They were there and so we busted in. The gang began to spread out, but we quickly gathered them up again.

Leo looked at one, “You stole from a friend of ours. Where is it?”

“We steal a lot of phones.” the Dragon admitted.

“Then where’s your stolen ones?”

They showed us where they kept all they’ve stole. I’m surprised Donnie wasn’t in love because of all the technology they stole.

But I did see the phone that looked like April’s and pointed to it, “Is that it?”

Naomi grabbed my hand and twisted it behind my back. “Stop. Pointing.”

I whimpered and nodded my head, then she let me go. Sophie was about to pick it up when the floor began to tremble.

“Does anyone else feel that?” Mikey cried out.

“Of course not!” Naomi snapped sarcastically. “Because it’s only you who feels the ground!”

“Really?” I asked.

“Nobody asked you.” Naomi growled at me.

The ground cracked open and some miniature robots that looked like dinosaurs, but sounded like angry cats, came in and took some of the technology in their mouths then retreated back into the hole they came from. It scared me so I slashed one in half. Everyone began fighting them and only a half dozen escaped.

“Where’s the phone?” Donnie asked.

A Purple Dragon was running up some stairs with the phone.

Leo pointed his sword at him, “B Team, get him!”

“Stop calling us that!” Sophie snapped, running after the Purple Dragon anyway.

We all followed her and when I looked back, Raph, Naomi, Leo were going into the hole to probably figure out where the robots were coming from. This world has all sorts of things man has made. It’s just too crazy.

A Turtle That Was Hidden (TMNT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now