Pizza Gyoza

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We took Moracami-san back to his shop. He thanked us, "Thank you for saving me, Turtles."

At first, I just paid attention to the thank you part. Then I realized he said Turtles. We each looked at him shocked, except Naomi. Her mind reading skills are what makes her calm, I think and then also makes her expect everything.

"How do you know we're turtles?" Leo asked.

"I do have other senses." Moracami-san explained. "Smell, touch, hearing and taste. You guys smell like sewage."

I saw Mikey at the corner of my eyes lift his arm and smell it. Naomi rolled her eyes and crossed her arms again.

"So, as a thank you, again, I want you to have more Pizza Gyoza." Moracami gave Leo a pan with some aluminum foil on top. Sophie opened a little part of it and the smell must've hit her because she smiled and took the dish from Leo.

Naomi came up and took it from her as she was about to open it all the way and maybe eat them all without us having any. She gave the tray back to Leo as Sophie pouted and begged to have it back. For once, Naomi didn't look.

"Thank you, Moracami-san." Leo bowed respectfully, making sure he didn't spill the Gyoza on the floor.

Then we headed back to the lair. We each took a half dozen pieces of the Gyoza when we entered the lair. Naomi and Sophie had theirs gone before the rest of us could swallow the second piece.

April came down and watched Donnie eat his share. He only had three pieces left. He told

April to try one, "Here, wanna try one?"

"No thanks." April respectfully declined. "Doesn't seem like a great mix..."

"But sometimes things that don't seem they work out can be a great couple... Uh, I mean pair." Donnie stumbled over his words.

Donnie held a dumpling out for her to try. She took it and tried it. "Mmm!" she mumbled, taking the rest of Donnie's share. He looked shocked, but didn't try to get them back. 

Leo and Raph were talking to one another and Splinter came up to them, "You see, Raphael, mercy is the key to victory."

"Yeah." Raph shrugged. "Although we could've won without Leo giving mercy in the first place."

"Oh, really?" Leo asked.


"Then no mercy from me this time!" Leo lunged at Raph. They tumbled to the floor and it reminded me of Naomi and Raph, only Naomi usually won.

I looked at Mikey. He still had two pieces of the Pizza Gyoza left, so with quick precision, I took them and ate them. When Mikey went to get another he looked at his plate with a shocked expression, "Hey!" he looked at me. "Mikito, you didn't happen to see my Gyoza, have you?"

I shook my head and then he got up, looking around for the last few pieces like they spouted legs and walked away. I laughed with a half-full mouth. That's when I noticed Naomi and Sophie.

They were in a shadowy corner, Naomi practically blending in. I heard their voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Coming closer to see what they were talking about, they stopped and looked at me. Brown and blue eyes, one pair a little worried, the other pair casual.

Naomi sighed and walked into her room. Sophie and I watched her leave, me wondering what they were talking about.

"Oh!" Sophie said suddenly, making me jump. "Mii-wa and Splinter found me a spare room. So you can sleep in your room tonight."

"Oh," I said a little dishearten. "Thank you."

"Why thank me?"

"Tonight wasn't a night I wanted to sleep with Naomi anyway."


"She continues to make me question her." I answered.

"Like her bandana end slashed?" Sophie guessed.

I looked at her with a shocked expression. "Are you turning into another Naomi?"

Sophie laughed and shook her head, "No, Naomi told me you were curious about that."

"Does she tell you everything?"

"Not really..." Sophie paused. "Anyway, I'm tired. Night, Mikito." then she walked away, leaving me in the shadows.

What is up with not one, but now two, turtles being a big mystery in my life?

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