Take the Chances (Leo POV)

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The next few nights after the whole Chris and Xever attack were pretty laid back when we went up to the surface. This night was going to be no different, at least by Naomi's standards. 

Lately, I've noticed how Sophie keeps getting closer to me, which I didn't mind because I sorta liked her. Tonight, I was watching Space Heroes like I sometimes did like to watch, and Sophie and Mikito was watching it with me. 

Raph and Naomi were on the couch, feeding Spike and talking every now and again in low voices. Mikey and Donnie were nowhere to be seen, and that was for the best, unless Donnie was making a bomb and Mikey was about to press the self-destruct button that Donnie never seems to put on there. 

April was coming in through her usual way and Donnie must've known because he materialized into the main room to welcome her. She went right on past him and came to look at all of us, "You boys and girls bored?" 

We each looked at her, me pausing the episode to listen and give her my utmost attention. 

Mikey heard the question and rushed into the room, "Of course I am!" 

I saw Raph look at Mikey and roll his eyes, then Naomi taking Spike and hiding him behind her shell when Raph wasn't paying attention. "Well, geez, no surprise there." Raph said toward Mikey, then at April, "What's up?" and at Naomi, "Give me Spike back." 

"I don't have him." Naomi said, showing him her hands. 

"He's behind you." Raph said, peeking behind Naomi and taking Spike back from her. 

"Is Raph turning into another Naomi?" Mikito asked. 

"That would be a little scary." Sophie agreed. 

"Guys." Donnie whined. "I wanna listen to April." 

April smiled and said, "There's a Skating Rink that closed down a few days ago. I hear that there are still stakes and everything in stock so you guys can have some fun and skate there." 

"April," I butted in nicely. "We don't wear shoes." 

"Don't worry." April waved me off then went to Donnie. "You have a smart brother who would be happy to tweak the skates enough so they can fit you." 

"Is that Donnie?" Mikey asked. 

"No," Naomi said sarcastically. "She's talking about you." 

We all looked at Mikey and then to Naomi like she was crazy. "Really?" Mikey asked happily. 

"No," April said, shattering Mikey's moment. "I was talking about Donnie." 

With a short pause, Mikey shrugged. "Makes sense." 

"So what does Donnie and us have to do?" I asked. 

"Donnie can take the wheels off, make a foot base, and whatever other genius things come through his mind to make your skates. And the rest of you just need to find a way in because the front door is boarded up." 

I stood up and turned the TV off, leaving my Space Heroes. Everyone looked up at me and I said, "Well, let's go and try this out." 

Both Mikey and Mikito jumped into the air yelling, "Hooray!" 

We each looked at them and either shook our heads, crossed our arms, or slapped our hands to our foreheads. The others agreed quickly, though, so when we were ready, we followed April up. 

It was the time when the sun was just setting, so we were good with time. And when we got there, the front door was boarded up, like April said, but on the inside. Raph tried to kick it in, but it didn't work and he ended up giving up. So we tried to find a spot in the roof. Lucky for us, there was an air duct. Donnie popped it open. 

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