Pizza is Awesome

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Now, my first reaction was to duck away from the point, but Naomi grabbed the back of my shell and dragged past the Purple Dragons and behind the counter where April was heading. I got the message quickly and helped the blind guy up and out of the restaurant. 

When the guy was out, Naomi still kept me out as the boys and Sophie took care of the Purple Dragons. Count Mikey out for the moment because he was trying to try some soup. As a Purple Dragon came up behind him, I grabbed the closest object to me, a pan, and threw it at the Dragon. He fell down with a thud. 

Mikey looked at me and gave me a thumbs up, "Thanks, Mikito!" 

I smiled and I saw Leo corner one Dragon and then tell him to get lost. He grabbed the other Purple Dragons and retreated. "We won't forget about this, Greeny!" then ran off. 

"'Greeny'?" Donnie repeated as we walked in. "How many cells in his brain did it take to come up with that?" 

"If you're asking me, forget about it." Naomi snapped. 

April brought the old guy back into view. He wore black-lens glasses, which meant he was blind, like April said. He stared straight ahead and said, "Thank you for saving me. My name is Moracami-san. You are welcome to eat, free of charge. Now what is your favorite food?" 

We all glanced at each other, then, except Sophie, announced happily, "Pizza!" 

Without much hesitation, Moracami-san walked behind the counter to his work station. Sophie was helping to organize things back the way they were, but the blind cook shooed her away nicely. She retreated between Leo and Naomi. With quick precision and speed, Moracami began switching back and forth between pans and cooking sheets. 

"Whoa." Mikey breathed. "Moracami-san, you're like a ninja, only for food!" 

Sophie nodded and said, "I'm going to have to agree with you there, Mikey." 

Mikey beamed, making me smile, but Naomi ruined it by saying, "It'll be one of the very few time you do." 

"Hey!" me and Mikey said at the same time. 

Then Moracami put the dumplings in front of us announcing, "Pizza Gyoza!" 

We each took a pair of chopsticks and carefully picked one up, then, simultaneously, we stuck one in our mouths and tried it. My eyes widened so much I thought they had popped out. I even had to put my hand up to make sure they were still there. 

"Mmmm!" everyone mumbled happily, eating more. 

Leo looked at Moracami-san and asked, "Do the Purple Dragons come here often?" 

"Aye," Moracami answered. "They come here asking for protection money, but I don't give them it." 

"Wise choice." Naomi mumbled with her mouth full of the Gyoza. 

Sophie giggled and I looked over as I saw her take one of Naomi's dumplings, but Naomi stopped her with a quick jab with her chopsticks to her fingers, causing Sophie to drop the Gyoza. Naomi kicked it up with her foot and it landed back on her tray a little unnatural looking. 

"Well, they'll stop tormenting you now." Leo promised, putting another dumping in his mouth. As he did, Mikey took the last and shoved them in his own mouth. Leo glared at Mikey and Mikey looked at the ceiling innocently before looking at me, smiling. His teeth were full of Pizza Gyoza and I had to laugh. 

We finished quickly. Mikey wanted seconds, but Leo wouldn't allow it. Naomi burped and sighed happily, thanking Moracami and leaving with the rest of us behind her. Raph blinked at the burp and sighed, following with a worried expression. 

"Don't worry, Raph." Sophie said, skipping up next to him. "Naomi is a soul that you never know what's going to happen with." 

"Agreed." I muttered. 

"Well, you've lived with her for fifteen years." Raph pointed out. "Me? For a few weeks." 

"Almost a few months." I pointed out. 

"You guys have know each other for that long?" Sophie asked. 

"May not seem like it," Donnie said, coming up to us. "But it's true." 

"And we've learned a lot about each other." Leo said, slowing down a little. 

"But most of the mysteries are coming from Naomi." Raph explained. 

"Like that laser pointer." I giggled. 

"And the baseball bat." Donnie added. 

"And now the burp." Sophie smiled. 

"Wonder what's next?" Leo asked. 

Naomi stopped and I ran into her. She looked at us and smiled a little creepily, "Cookie dough." 

That caught us off guard and she continued walking, finding the manhole cover and popping it open. 

"'Cookie dough?'" I repeated. 

"Where!?" Mikey exclaimed, stopping from his climb down. 

With a stomp at his fingers, Naomi rolled her eyes as Mikey fell down. "In the near future." then followed after him.

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