Feeling Sorry For the Kraang

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We found Donnie’s tunnel number with the help of a map instead of Naomi’s skill. She’s been loosing that as well. Not sure if it’s because of what’s happening, or what Splinter was trying to teach her.

But we found the tunnel wrapped up in “Do Not Cross” police tape. Leo had it cut down for us. We entered silently, like ninjas do. We began walking and I nearly tripped as the ground seemed to mold into a shape rather than flat ground.

It was a large footprint.

“Dinosaurs still exist?” Mikey asked.

Sophie shrugged. “Seems possible with Kraang around twenty-four-seven.”

“Where!?” Naomi breathed, slamming herself against a wall. We looked at her shocked. Does she really have that much issue with the Kraang?

“Nowhere.” Sophie tried to reassure her, but then farther down the tunnel, purple gun fire went off. “I mean, down there.”

Naomi took one glance and ran out the way we had come. Everyone followed her out until we went to go see what was going on. Shadows lit the wall as Kraang fired their guns. There was the usual Kraang shapes, but then also this large, monstrous thing attacking them.

Coming into view, there was a mutant attacking them, and it resembled an alligator. It rammed into the Kraang, whacked them away with his tail, and smashed them to pieces with his teeth.

“I thought that I’d never feel sorry for the Kraang.” Donnie sighed.

One of the droids got out a stun-gun looking deal and jabbed the alligator with it. “Tell Kraang where the thing known as the Power Cell is where you hid it in a place where Kraang can’t find.”

“Never.” the mutant growled. The droid zapped him again, this time to unconsciousness.

“We’ve got to help him!” Mikey whined.

“No, way!” Raph said. “It’s his fault for getting involved with the Kraang to begin with. There is no way I am going to help him.”

“Fine.” Mikey snapped, going over to help the alligator-like person. I wanted to help him, but I agreed with Raph for once.

As Mikey began to fight the Kraang, Raph began getting a little jealous.

“Can’t we fight?” Sophie asked. “Honestly. Naomi won’t come back to help unless we take these aliens out.”

“She does have a point.” I said.

“Okay, okay,” Leo sighed. “Let’s help Mikey.”

“Alright!” Raph said, getting his Sais out. “Time to go whack some piñatas!”

“Naomi’s randomness is rubbing off on you!” I called after him.

“Yeah, right.”

We all began helping fight. Soon, it was over and the alligator still lay sleeping.

“Now what?” Sophie asked.

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