Foiling Plans SEEM Fun

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“What’s their plan?” Leo asked.

April got out her phone and began to play a recording. We listened to some Purple Dragons talk with one another on the phone about Shredder and us being down in the sewers. Splinter heard and came in, listening to the message.

When the recording was done, we each looked at each other. “That’s not a good thing, is it?” I asked.

“Is it ever a good thing when it involves the Purple Dragons, Kraang, or anybody from Shredder’s team?” Naomi asked me.

“No…” I muttered.

“Okay then. It’s not by the way.” she snapped. “So what do we do?”

“Naomi,” Sophie crossed her arms. “You’re technically a leader.”

With a slow reaction, Naomi turned to Sophie, “Splinter is leader to everyone, Leo to us Turtles, me to us girls. So I’m not top shell here.”

Sophie nodded with an understanding expression.

Splinter looked thoughtful, stroking his beard. “It would be wise to go and foil this plan, but you must be careful.”

“We’re always careful.” Naomi said, then added for good measure. “At least when we pay attention.”

“Says the one that lost to Splinter.” Sophie muttered as we headed up.

Everyone followed Leo up. Naomi actually stayed with us for once and we looked around for anything that seemed out of place. It was daytime, for the most part. I mean, the clouds were fogging up the sky and buildings were everywhere so we stayed on the ground for once, in the shadows.

We stopped in one alley and hesitated, seeing the Purple Dragons and the Foot gather inside a cathedral-looking building. We were crowding one another and Raph even had the guts to say so.

“Donnie,” he shrugged a shoulder. “You’re crowding me.”

“Sorry.” Donnie muttered, backing up into a trash can making everyone but Raph, Naomi, and Leo flinch.

Leo glared at Mikey then at Raph, “Quiet down!”

“It was Raph’s fault!” Donnie countered.

Naomi shook her head, “We could all just calm down and see where they’re all heading.”

“But we’re on our last nerves!” I snapped.

“Honestly, Naomi,” Sophie looked at her. “How can you not be jumping out of your shell?”

She shrugged. “If it makes you feel any better, what so ever, I’m the only one not scared.”

“Huh?” Mikey asked. “Only one scared? So even Raph’s frightened?”

Naomi nodded and Raph scoffed, coming up beside Leo. I watched as Leo poked the opposite shoulder and Raph jumping back, crying out lightly. He glared at Naomi then at Leo before clearing his throat.

Behind his back, me and Mikey were laughing.

Sophie backed up, “Holy jumping Katanas…”

We looked up and a large mutated dog-looking mutant came into view. He heard Sophie and turned to look at us.

He growled and we each placed who the voice belonged to, but it seemed a little mutated as well. But Naomi said, “Bradford!”

“Mutated?” I asked as I avoided a blow from the big paw of his. Somehow, one paw was bigger than the other, but the small one was made of some sort of hard substance that not even Leo’s sword could penetrate.

“Of course!” Naomi growled, bending backward from a blow to her with his small paw. She took it and flipped onto it, jumping up as he tried to smack her off with his other paw.

“Yet you still use your ability even after you learned from Splinter not to!” I heard Sophie snap from behind mutated Bradford.

“It’s kinda hard not to!” Naomi growled, jumping up again as Bradford tried to take a large chuck from her. She got out her staff finally, extending it and making the blade appear. She swung it, but it deflected off of Bradford’s shoulder spikes that were made of the same substance as his small paw.

Leo’s swords bounced off his small paw, mine got knocked away from his big paw. Mikey somehow got stuck in the trash so when I had the chance, I helped him out, Sophie was weaponless and wasn’t sure what to do, Raph and Donnie had backed up with the others, knowing it was pretty much defeat.

However, Naomi was still going, jumping and dodging Bradford’s throws and bites. She was doing good until one of the Foot noticed their fight and threw a ninja star at her, throwing her off balance. With quick reflexes, she back flipped off Bradford and landed among us.

“We need to disappear!” Leo said, looking at Mikey.

Mikey nodded, getting out a working smoke bomb, hopefully, but then he took his time and Raph snapped at him, “Hurry up!” and then dropped it. Only a handful of smoke appeared from the egg.

“What was that?” Raph growled.

“I’m stressed!” Mikey whined. “You try it!”

“Fine!” Raph growled, getting his own smoke bomb out and throwing it on the ground. It landed on a sewer grate then slipped through.

“See?” Mikey said. “It’s not so easy is it?”

“Oh.” Leo said. “Just throw a smoke bomb!” the got his own out then threw it without hesitation. Everyone poofed.

We retreated to the roofs and went to the lair. When we returned to the lair, Mikey plopped down on the couch, “We were no match for Dogpound.”

“Dogpound?” Sophie repeated.

“Well yeah,” Mikey tried. “He’s a dog and he pounded us--”

“We get it.” Leo interrupted.

Sophie sighed and sat down on the ground in front of the couch. She looked around and I couldn’t help but do the same. It was daytime in the city and we usually didn’t go out.

So where was Naomi? Again?

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