Fighting Others

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Naomi nodded in approval along with Donnie and Sophie. Sophie doesn’t even know any of us besides Naomi and she’s fitting right in. The reason why Raph probably said this was because me and Mikey hadn’t fought one another since the day we’ve met. Unlike Naomi who’s fought Raph and won repeatedly.

Mikey was looking at me with a worried expression. Last time we tried to fight, Mikey gave in immediately. This time, thought, I can tell it was going to be different.

Already, everyone was in the corner between Naomi and Sophie, watching with intensity. Mikey had his nun chucks out and me with both my swords. His eyes looked focused, something that I don’t really see Mikey doing.

I jumped at him, crisscrossing my swords at him. He rolled out of the way, spinning around quickly and whacking the back of my shell with one of his chucks. It didn’t hurt, but I thought he was close enough so kicked out with a foot. I hit my mark, but it was a nun chuck instead.

It latched around my foot and he yanked the chain to trip me. I tumbled down on my stomach. I rolled over to the side before he could jump on me. He swung a nun chuck at my face, but I blocked it with both swords. Fighting on the ground doesn’t help!

I kicked out at him and, thankfully, I actually hit Mikey. He fell down with an “Oof”, but I got on my feet as he did as well. He smirked and jumped in the air, swinging a nun chuck again. I ducked as it swung above my head, but then he kicked me.

This time, I fell on the back of my shell. Mikey was good, but not as good as Naomi. I half flipped and half jumped to get to my feet. I held on to my swords tightly as I ran up to him.

He sidestepped, and I jumped, slashing my sword just enough above his head to duck in a reaction, but I twisted in the air and sent a roundabout kick right to his chest. Mikey fell back on his shell and groaned as I landed evenly.

“And Mikito wins.” I heard Raph say.

Naomi nodded as Mikey got up, looking at me with a sad expression. I came up to him and patted his head. “It’s alright. Be grateful I’m not Raph.”

“You’re right.” Mikey smiled. I smiled back.

Raph got up and cracked his knuckles. “Alright, Naomi. Rematch.”

Getting up, Naomi looked at him with a challenging look. “And how many rematches have we had ever since that first time?”

“I’ll get you one of these days.” Raph said.

“Only in video games, sorry.”

Raph blinked and got out his Sais. Naomi didn’t get her staff out immediately. She hasn’t been using it… Is it really that off-balance?

She looked at him up and down before getting into her casual battle stance. Raph twirled his Sais and then ran at her. Naomi rolled out of the way like she always did as a counter for someone coming head-on with her. Then she flipped on her hands and started spinning in a place, swinging her legs to try and kick Raph.

Raph blocked the half dozen kicks before he crouched down and kicked out at Naomi’s hands. She jumped up and flipped right over him, punching him. He blocked this with his arms in an ‘X’ shape.

Before Raph could do anything, Naomi jumped back and got out her staff. “Try to bend it this time, and not by accident.”

“Are you mocking me?” Raph sneered.

Naomi shrugged, “Depending on how you look at the situation.”

Raph shook his head and positioned his Sais differently. Naomi smirked and extended the metal staff to its full length. I noticed she held t a little farther to one side rather than the middle. She twirled it and then posed it like a gun.

With careful steps, Raph started moving to the left. Naomi ignored this and ran at him, then slid under his Sais as he jabbed out with both them and his fists. She latched on to his legs before he could jump away and brought him down.

Then using grace, Naomi spun and flipped back onto her feet, ready for another assault. Raph jumped up and glared at her. With an angry growl, he lunged at Naomi again.

Naomi jumped up and landed on Raph’s shoulders. He was about to roll over to get rid of her, but then she balanced on one foot and kicked him hard right on the head. Raph fell down and Naomi jumped off, rolling on the ground to absorb most of the impact before getting lazy and staying on the ground, sitting. She made her staff grow smaller as she looked at us.

“And Naomi is the victor.” Leo said.

Sophie got up. “I wanna fight you.”

“Who?” Donnie asked. “Leo?”

“Yeah.” Sophie nodded. “Can I?”

Leo shrugged. “Why not?”

Naomi went over to Raph and help him up. Raph took her hand and got up, rubbing the place where she kicked him with his free hand. They went to sit by Donnie and me as Sophie and Leo went to take center.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Leo asked, getting one of his twin blades out.

Sophie nodded as she got out her single Katana sword. “Of course. A ninja is always ready for anything.”

Naomi nodded as Sophie lunged at Leo with swiftness and accuracy, but Leo flipped out of the way, kicking out at Sophie who dodged it with a quick reaction. Leo swiped down with his Katana. Sophie blocked it with hers then tried a roundabout kick, but Leo blocked it with his own leg.

I watched Sophie actually fight Leo. I knew Raph and Naomi were hard, but Leo was the third best out of all of us. Not even I could get Leo, but then I defeated Sophie. She may have not been trying…

With a quick and swift movement, Leo crouched down and tripped Sophie off from her feet. She fell on her shell and Leo pointed a sword at her throat. “The battle has been won.”

“Really, Leo?” Raph asked. “Stop watching Space Heroes.”

Leo sheathed his sword and help Sophie up. Sophie thanked him and hen went to sit by Naomi who had her eyes closed and her legs crossed: Meditating I knew.

Raph got up and Naomi opened her eyes, looking troubled. I looked over to her and she looked at me in response, but her gaze didn’t change. She got up and walked off into her own room.

“So, where am I gonna sleep?” Sophie asked.

Everyone looked at one another. I looked at Sophie. “You can have my room tonight.”

“But where are you going to sleep?”

“With Naomi.” I replied.

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